UG Galactic Stuff

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Lv1 Magikarp, May 13, 2016.

  1. Lv1 Magikarp

    Lv1 Magikarp Lieutenant

    May 6, 2016
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    Hey folks,

    The server was never meant to be "for" players so to speak as I just got it for me and some friends but with this free weekend we picked up some new players, so thought hell why not I will upgrade to a 20 slot!

    So firsty, hi to those, hope you made it to the forums ok!

    Not going to big the server up any, just thought I would put a little post up.

    We're for the most part a bunch of casual "older" gamers and will always help out the new players of Empryion and have some laughs as well, so if you want somewhere to play casually with no expectations, please feel free to join.

    We primarlly run a Dark RP Gmod Server which has been up for a few weeks now and is slowly taking off.

    If you ever stop by Galactic Stuff don't be shy, say hi, we have a Discord server too so PM if you want the link, add me on steam or shoot a message to us ingame.

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