UI Suggestions (Turret/drone HUD, building)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Fezder, Dec 6, 2024.

  1. Fezder

    Fezder Ensign

    Nov 17, 2022
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    I didn't feel like creating every suggestion as own thread, so I'll just combine them here.

    Turret HUD improvements;
    *Minimap to top right corner.
    *Fuel/O2/pentaxid/power display to bottom left.
    *Possibility to MOVE while using turret. Just WSAD control would limit control panel back'n forth switching.
    *Speaking of control panel...accessing turrets via control panel instead of toolbar gets cumbersome quite fast. In addition, toolbar could be customizable. (I believe this is long time suggestion from many other players)


    Drone HUD Improvements
    *Minimap as well
    *If using player inventory as salvage container, cargo capacity could be shows like in vessels.
    *Instead of just bluntly cutting connection to drone, signal strength could be shown, or even better, range as overlay in screen.
    *Own spotlight to drone, instead of player. Would help mining quite bit. Not HUD improvement, but anyway.

    Block suggestions
    *LCD info block to show status of SV/HV/CV/BASE, just like small HMI display so to say. Would give additional feel when building. Sure, P menu does work, but small info display would be nice.
    *Possibility to add devices in rows/columns as well, like container extensions. For example, instead of placing extensions one by one, they would act like normal blocks.
    *Additional filter into N-menu to differentiate block types (carbon/steel...). Would make upgrading bit easier.
    *Speaking of upgrading....one-by-one upgrade gets tedious. Sure, there's risk of CPU overflow, but I believe that's builders responsibility.
    *Some light that would fit into angled surface. I think this is impossible to do, due how blocks have areas what they take. This also involves adding light onto "thin" blocks, because now they just float in thin air.

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