Feedback Required Update 1.8 - Invader vs Defender

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Taelyn, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    • Administrator
    Oct 4, 2021
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    With v1.8 many things got changed for the IvD scenario.
    We would like to hear what your thoughts are one it :)

    Invader vs Defender:

    - Added Tutorial for new players
    - Added the new NPCs to Atlon, Itaka, Merdar and Korro
    - Added "TalonCrossbowPlayer" to "TalonBasicsAndCommodities"
    - Added new Decoration on the Starting Planets
    - Updated all random generated playfields to the latest version
    - Added TemperatePlateau, Snow2 and DesertBurnt to the Galaxy Generation
    - Removed Ocean Planet from the Galaxy Generation
    - Player Start always in Crash Site on Atlon, Mato, Itaka, Taldor and Korro
    - Player request: Added deposits back to the Void
    - Player request: Changed resources in Cygnus System
    - Player request: Reduced deposits on all PvE planets

    - Fixed PlayerStart sometimes under the POI
    - Fixed bbcode color tags visible in dialogue window on Traders
    - Fixed Wildlife Cam & Weaponized Negotiations Mission
    - Fixed Taldor not showing on the System Map
    - Fixed Cygnus System couldnt be selected on the Galaxy Map for Warp
    - Fixed reward not been given when player completed "The Gold Freighter Mission" successful
    - Fixed strange GroundFog on Merdar due to water update
    - Fixed spawners on TSO_Polaris01 (wrong faction)
    - Fixed typo in Void description
    - Fixed typo in Polaris Distillery POIs
    - Fixed asteroid names in Golden Phoenix Asteroid Field
    - Fixed white sector icons in Cygnus System
    - Fixed Pulse Laser Turret missing (retractable) from the localization

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