Fixed Upgrading a cockpit to hardened cockpit requires another cockpit

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by Pear78, May 5, 2019.

  1. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I could upgrade my SV cockpit without having the armoured cockpits unlocked in my tech tree.
    also when I upgraded it, I could do it again, without losing mats / did not get the "error sound" you get when trying to upgrade something that is already at its max level.
  2. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    EDIT: server information correction

    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Dedicated Server

    SERVER NAME: Ope It's Project Eden
    SEED-ID: (do not have - not admin)

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes (modified planets)

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: Block upgrading / new armored cockpits
    Summary: Upgrading a cockpit to hardened cockpit requires another cockpit

    Description: When using a multi-tool to upgrade an existing cockpit to the hardened version, you must have another cockpit in your inventory, which kind of defeats the upgrade function's purpose. See attached screenshot. This was found with SV cockpit; unknown if impacts any other type.

    Steps to Reproduce: (steps to reproduce the issue. This is ESSENTIAL for a bugfix!)

    1. Build an SV with an enclosed cockpit (normal).
    2. Get a multitool and hardened plates to upgrade the cockpit via the multitool, after you have the engram for hardened cockpits.
    3. Put multitool in "upgrade" mode.
    4. Point it at the cockpit to upgrade. You are unable to do it, because another cockpit is required (shows in red text that it is missing).
    5. Make another cockpit and put in inventory.
    6. Now you can upgrade your existing cockpit (but it's a waste because you had to make another).

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: ( Note: for more complex reproduction usecases that require quite some "setup", please create a savegame and upload it to a service. Add the download link right here. Thanks in advance for saving us time to adress your issue! :)

    Screenshot showing what happens when you try to upgrade--shows that a "cockpit" is required for the upgrade (doesn't recognize you have one in sight of the multitool and/or it was accidentally left in the upgrade list when copied from the create list):
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
  3. I can confirm this.
    The upgrade path requirements need changed to remove that extra cockpit.
    It shouldn't require more materials to upgrade than it takes to build, but it does.
    Pach likes this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Not a bug - the construction of a armored cockpit already requires another cockpit. Question is if this is necessary (might see a rebalance, though)
    RhodeKill and Germanicus like this.
  5. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Yes, it does, but I'd expect it to act like the Large --> Advanced constructor upgrade.

    If I am remembering correctly, you need to first craft a large constructor to make an advanced one.
    But when you go to upgrade, the multitool "recognizes" there is already a large constructor it's being pointed at, and you don't need another in your inventory to do the upgrade (just the other materials).

    I would expect when I point my multitool at the cockpit already on my ship, I would just need the difference in materials to make a hardened cockpit vs. regular one, just like how the constructors upgrade.

    With needing the extra cockpit for the upgrade, you in effect need TWO cockpits to upgrade, instead of one: the one on the ship, plus the one in your inventory.

    There is then no point in "upgrading"... you might as well craft a new one, and remove/replace.
    Sephrajin likes this.
  6. I'm a little confused here on how this isn't a bug?
    If I construct an armored cockpit it takes one cockpit plus some other materials, but If I upgrade an existing cockpit it takes 2 cockpits total plus some other materials. This is not right at all. Why would anyone ever upgrade a cockpit instead of picking it up and throwing it in the constructor?
    It should behave the same as the other upgrades with multitool. Not suddenly require double the materials.

    An advanced constructor takes a large constructor to build, but if you upgrade an existing large constructor it doesn't require a second large constructor.
    So why is the armored cockpit behaving differently?

    When the large constructor behaved this way it WAS classified as a bug and promptly fixed. So why is it different here?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2019
    Pach likes this.
  7. @Pantera @Taelyn @Hummel-o-War

    Any chance one of you can take another look at this thread, it REALLY should be classified as a bug.
    Please read my post right above this one (post #6). I think @Hummel-o-War wasn't understanding correctly what is really happening here.

    It shouldn't require double the materials when upgraded with a multitool vs using a constructor.
    When the large constructor behaved this way it was correctly labeled as a bug and fixed.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Has been fixed for Alpha 10;)
    Pach likes this.

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