Hi everyone! I am a seasoned Minecraft and Space Engineers LPer who is finally fed up with Space Engineers' poor performance and have finally dived in head first into Empyrion - a game I have watched from the sidelines for far too long. This game is awesome! I'm starting a LP series to catalogue my adventures and builds, with plans to build a different type of base on each world / moon. I want to incorporate awesome community builds as well as build my own things along the way, and will be hosting naming and other contests as time goes on. Check out the inaugural episode, which can also serve as a good 'First Day Guide' to what should be done on a new Game Day 1, with version Alpha 3.2.1. Hope you all enjoy! (I have gone dozens of episodes with my Minecraft Challenge series' [City and Castle builds], and plan to do just the same with this game!) ~VaalDeth
Episode 2 is now live, this time we build the beginnings of our future skyscraper base. Big plans need big foundations! Hope you all enjoy. ~Vaal
Episode 03 is here! This time I show off the 'Mobile Defense Platform', and we start farming, see if you catch my mistake 8P
Here is episode 04, this time we take on our first Alien Base, the Epsilon Com Center. Since its one of the easiest, and the first, I decided to take it on foot...
Hi all, Episode 05 is here, where we add the first big expansion to the base, the Hangar Bay! Hope you all enjoy
Hello fellow survivors! This time we attack our next Alien base, the Epsilon Spaceport! As well as take a look at a few updates around the base. Hope you all enjoy!
Episode 7 is here, this time we get back to working on the base and begin building the skyscraper upwards! Hope you all enjoy! <3
Haha I know right... I literally was too excited for my first base raid =) On the hope that I'm becoming less of a n00b at this game, here is episode 08 - The Moon and Hyperion!
This time on Episode 10, we take on the Akua Epsilon Fortress base, and do some extra exploring. Hope you all enjoy the series so far!