Added to game Warlord: Constellation-MK2-S

Discussion in 'Showroom & Submissions' started by teakeycee, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. teakeycee

    teakeycee Lieutenant

    Apr 8, 2021
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    Original design by MrChips-SWYS
    OPV conversion by Teakeycee

    The Constellation-MK2-S was commandeered by the Warlord faction. It now serves as an orbital patrol vessel.

    Filename: OPV_Constellation-MK2-S
    Group name: OPVWarlord
    Spawn name: Constellation-MK2-S

    Size class 10
    Shield on (T2)
    Gravity Generator on
    Alien turrets: 16 laser, 10 rocket, 21 sentry
    Alien loot containers: 3 common, 1 rare, 1 very rare
    No CPU extenders
    Doors, hangar doors, shutters, ramps, medical, and useable equipment set to 0000
    Constructors set to 0000 with assigned container
    No teleporters, traders, or internal thrusters
    NPC spawn zones do not extend outside the hull, except near entrances
    Spawners set to “Faction=Same as Base” and static box checked
    Torque (deg/s): Pitch 44, yaw 31, roll 31
    Hull is composed of mostly hardened steel, with some combat steel around critical areas
    “Save Damage States” checked

    Conversion video:

    “Constellation - MK2 - S”

    Attached Files:

    MatCz and Hummel-o-War like this.

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