Original design by HeckenDiver OPV conversion by Teakeycee The Yggdrasil is a corvette class attack ship, suitable for use in the Warlord faction. It has sustained some minor damage, due to recently being taken over by the Warlords. Filename: OPV_Yggdrasil Group name: OPVWarlord Spawn name: Yggdrasil Size class 5 Shield on (T2) Alien turrets: 1 ion, 4 laser, 4 rocket, 4 sentry Player turrets: 1 artillery, 8 cannon, 4 pulse laser, 8 sentry Alien loot containers: 2 common, 1 rare Oxygenated Doors, hangar doors, shutters, ramps, medical, and useable equipment set to 0000 Constructors and food processors set to 0000 with assigned containers No teleporters, traders, or internal/covered thrusters NPC spawn zones do not extend outside the hull Spawners set to “Faction=Same as Base” and static box checked Pitch 31 deg/s, yaw 31 deg/s, roll 54 deg/s Hull is a mixture of hardened & steel blocks, with some combat steel around critical areas “Save Damage States” checked Conversion video: Source: “HAS - Yggdrasil” https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2143873112