What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Thought I'd make a thread for folks to post their daily happenings. If mods would rather not have this thread, feel free to delete it/whatever :)

    Today (or last night rather) I finally ventured beyond Akua's atmosphere and decided to check out a nearby planet, which turned out to be the Omicron Moon.

    Saw a little base and decided to investigate. What I didn't expect was for 4 turrets and at least as many drones to destroy my poor little SV, leaving me stranded on the Moon.

    I decided to start a new save after that...

    So, what did you do today? :)
  2. Peter

    Peter Commander

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Invasion of the lava planet, got some goods, knocked over a tower and drones, killed many, many creatures, mined and now...crafting, atm.
  3. hoxer

    hoxer Commander

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I was too busy to play today :( but had Empyrion run on Linux I probably couldn't resist.

    I have an urge to make a web based voxel paint program I can use for Empyrion, so that's what I've been spending my saturday on
  4. Peter

    Peter Commander

    Aug 25, 2015
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    A voxel...Linux, damit son, your speaking beyond my capabilities:(:confused:
  5. hoxer

    hoxer Commander

    Sep 22, 2015
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    sowwy :oops:
  6. hoxer

    hoxer Commander

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Actually I don't think Linux is that difficult anymore :D
  7. mike me

    mike me Commander

    Aug 21, 2015
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    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  8. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Finally made my first successful off-planet trips (and even returned alive!) Got some ore from the asteroids, and landed on Omicron (where I found out I need more boosters for the next trip...) to mine some Neobymium.

    Got a CV core, and another SV core. Not sure which to build first. :)
    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Chew Backers Falcon build here.
    hutchynet.sv73 likes this.
  10. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Starting mining an iron size 9 deposit last night drunk. Woke up this morning and finished mining it, only to realize it was cobalt. Looking for a 7-10 iron deposit on the sunny side of Akua ATM.
    TK85 and Arcillama like this.
  11. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I'm at work at the moment. I loaded my first 3.4 save yesterday after an experimental save that worked out how quickly I could get a quick and dirty underground base going with a working SV (the answer was - 2.5 hours and the SV had three railguns). Before I went to bed last night I had moved to Ningues, took out two Defence posts, two mining colonies, the power station, and the fuel depot (got cocky and died twice here), set up the Power Station as a base (removed all the small genes and replaced them with one large one and removed half the fuel tanks (still 19 hours of power at idle), planted a bunch of gardens (mostly tomatoes for canned meat, since I'm not up to full scale emergency ration creation yet). Then I saw the thread about the size 15 node and thought "that looks like an awesome way to mine" and set up two mining bases on a size 8 and a size 9 and cleared them out. I also discovered that it's possible to trap yourself in a Truss Block with no way out (I ended up shooting a scorpion so it came over and killed me). I also discover that crashing into a rocket turret with a SV sometimes turns that turret into a plain hull block.

    Then I went to bed and designed a schematic in my head for a square/diamond CV that has a 55x55 block centre, multiple docking bays and an engine system that should allow it to fly in any direction at roughly the same speed. I'm looking forward to going home to night and starting that build.
  12. Peter

    Peter Commander

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Ahh, I'm on my way there to set up a base (permanent home), since you can breath on it without an apparatus.
  13. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    So I started building that CV based on the design I thought up when I went to bed

    Attached Files:

    Don2k7, CrazyEd and HineyWaxer like this.
  14. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Looks nice!

    Started to build a CV as well! Sadly, I didn't think about gravity, and watched helplessly as it fell into Akua's atmosphere.

    Guess next time I should build where gravity is 0.00g, apparently. The more you know!
  15. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    2500+ from the planet is generally safe.
  16. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Started the first floor of my Akua HQ, rather sleepy i might add... *cough*
    Had build the outside floorsection, and made a row of blocks, go into the mountain, from the middle of said floor-level.
    Went inside my elevator, and began to dig my way towards this new section... After a good 30 minutes of constant digging, (a tunnel, where i could JUST fit inside), i wnet back to the elevator, and realised i should be having me a trip outside and wake up.... Turns out, i was digging, in the wrong direction :-/

    At the end of the day, i completed the plant area on first floor, the window sections, the kitchen, the cafeteria and 2 SV´s ... well... 3 actually... tore the first one apart, as it ended up like a brick.... second one, looks more like a pencil *sighs*

    Went back down to the power-room, and added some nifty lighteffects, that now got implpemented on the entire base, and will be in any new build i make...
    Can´t wait, to get done with the infermery and the toilet/shower.... that means... NO MORE DIGGING!! o.o ... unless fer ore LOL

    Allready planning my next build... Going to be MASSIVE and rather awesome, using all the tricks and stuff i learned so far :)
    Navonil Mukherjee and Baneus like this.
  17. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Tested new design concepts like a turret pill bunker. Created a "mother ship" that would be fuel efficient and not too hard to build in survival. Played around with the new blocks. Restarted survival game.
    Nookriot likes this.
  18. Ex3mpt

    Ex3mpt Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Today in Empyrion, I recovered my SV which the previous night had had it's cockpit destroyed by a drone whilst I was mining some promethium ore.

    10 minute run back to base and 10 mins back and I was air borne again. I flew over to the crashed MS Titan on my way back, killed the drone there and landed inside stripping it of useful resources before emptying my cargo back at my base. I built 4 rocket turrets for the base as I finally had some Neo ore, DRONE WARNINGS! Easily dispatched by my new turrets, though the power usage of the turrets makes me feel like leaving them on isn't a great plan.

    Feeling sure of myself I flew over to the Epsilion Defense III POI, my rocket launchers were shoddy for targeting unless I stood perfectly still, so I flew in close pummeling the defense turrets with my Gatling guns, destroyed one turret then BOOM.. I died. I respawn at the location only to be killed again by a cannon drone, repeat 2-3 times before I'm able to find my backpack and take out the drone and remaining turret. My poor SV is in tatters. Core, generator, fuel tank, cockpit, rocket launchers all destroyed. I salvaged the remains and lay waste to the tower, stealing it's resources before starting the long run back to my base.

    I finally make it back as dark sets to begin work on a new SV, placing the starter blocks on top of a hull block on the top of my base to allow me to build out from it, the SV falls through the roof of my base into my plant plots!! Try again, this time it holds. Sadly my time expires as I have work in the morning but tonight, I build a stronger SV and wipe the remaining drones from the planet, loading up on resources and heading into SPAAAACE
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
    Pyston and Nookriot like this.
  19. Baneus

    Baneus Commander

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Started a new save on Akua. Built my mountain hideaway and fought off the first drone attack. Ran about a bit until I found a Defence Base and the Power Station, ran in and just about died as the turrets now have their pre 3.4 aiming and response times back. Plus the internal guns no longer get confused if you are standing in a corner. Managed to strip both POIs and get back home before dark and fight off the second drone attack. Built a mini version of my attack SV (only three railguns instead of four) and queued up a ton of ammo for my new pulse rifle. Set off to find the drone base, found it and went through more than 200 rounds subduing it. New SV had one of it's railguns shot off and most of the armour around the generators by a wandering drone when I was in the base. Fortunately the railguns don't go off like bombs when they explode and I managed to shoot the drone down and repair the damaged core components. Flew home, safe in the knowledge that there are only wandering drones left on the planet :)
    Nookriot likes this.
  20. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Put a nice layer of paint on my Ningues base:



    And got started on a base on the Lava planet (Aestus I think it's called?)


    In both of these cases, there's more to the base than visible there. I usually do one big main room, with a small "elevator room" attached to it (so you can get to second floor), and usually some sort of hangar on the second floor. In the Ningues base, the opening is in the top, so you fly in and park to the side. In the Aestus one, it's in the side, so you fly in forwards.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015

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