Window Connection problem

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by CMDR ☬ Narayana ☬, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. CMDR ☬ Narayana ☬

    CMDR ☬ Narayana ☬ Ensign

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Dear developers! Please make it possible for server administrators in EAH to disable showing the player a window with the message "Connection problem with server: CANNOT SEND TO DEDICATED SERVER ANY MORE. QUIT". On servers using mods and/or scripts, there is no point in showing it, it only hinders players. Very often getting under the cursor and involuntary mouse click. Also at this point, the player hangs, but the surrounding world does not. And the player can be killed.
    Mr Stoner likes this.

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