Hi, I'm playing a Reforged Eden game, but this specific weapon has not been changed. I experienced a level 3 Base attack last night. In came a single Troop Dropship deploying eight Zirax Troops. All but one died very quickly to a combination of Base turrets and those of my CV Parked nearby. One however made it up against the wall of the base and began rapidly destroying blocks using the special Zirax breaching weapon. However, two things struck me as odd. Firstly, my Base had full shields that were never brought down, yet this breach weapon totally ignored them. Secondly, this single Zirax managed to destroy approximately eight blocks in the ten seconds it took me to find and kill this guy - I'd been standing there watching the various turrets take care of the troops until that point. So, is it intended that the Zirax breach weapon totally bypasses shields? If so, can I get one please? Lol. Note: I've experienced base attacks in the past where a combination of Drones and Troops have been used. The Drones can deplete shields and target turrets while the troops can attempt a breach. It's rare to see such a nicely coordinated attack wave, but it happens. Allowing units to bypass shields is pure cheese...unless the player also gains access to shield-bypassing tech.
Sure sounds like a bug to me. Directly from the weapon the base attackers use on the blocks (in vanilla), Code: { +Item Id: 593, Name: DestroyBlocksWeapon Meshfile: Entities/Items/Weapons/Enemies/DestroyBlocksWeaponPrefab Material: metalweapon HoldType: 15 StackSize: 1 Category: Weapons/Items ShowUser: No Mass: 12, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram { Child 0 Class: DestroyBlocks Automatic: true ROF: 1, type: float # can be changed? Damage: 45, display: true # SfxBegin: Weapons/Enemies/Zirax/EMP_StartWave_02 # SfxLoop: Weapons/Enemies/Zirax/EMP_StartWave_02 SfxBegin: Weapons/Player/Tools/WeaponLightning_start SfxLoop: Weapons/Player/Tools/WeaponLightning_loop # ParticleTransform: Muzzle/Particle2 Tracer: DamageMultiplier_1: 10, param1: metal|metalhard DamageMultiplier_2: 20, param1: hull|hullarmored|hullcombat|concrete|woodblock DamageMultiplier_3: 0, param1: stone|dirt DamageMultiplier_4: 0.7, param1: shield } As you can see, they are only supposed to do 45 damage with a 0.7 shield damage multiplier. So from my math, they should be doing 31.5 damage to shields per damage tick. Definitely shouldn't be bypassing them entirely. Can this be replicated in vanilla? I know reforged doesn't adjust this weapon directly, but it does adjust many other things and may be having an effect somehow. So we would have to show it can happen in a vanilla save still.
Sorry @TwitchyJ I initially missed your reply. Thanks for digging into the data, it certainly does look like a bug doesn't it? I mean, the single Zirax trooper who made it to my base's shielded walls was through several blocks in just moments. I'm not playing vanilla currently and have no plans to, but it would be great if this could be replicated in vanilla.