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  1. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    Share your blueprints of your planetary or orbital Base in this thread.

    By uploading your blueprint, you formally transfer the blueprint to Eleon Game Studios and grant us full permission to use the blueprint in Empyrion - Galactic Survival. We reserve the right to adapt the blueprint if necessary.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  2. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    • :D first!
    GI: Vehicle Factory L Alpha DOWNLOAD
    i think ill update them in future because some bases are not rdy at moment :D
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
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  3. 大Dong

    大Dong Lieutenant

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Introducing....(drum roll)......... the Omnicube!!!! XD


    Yup, it's just a cube(5*5*5)

    but with everything you will need to survive!

    The Omnicube is designed for the fierce PVP scenario. I recommend to put it underground and seal the entrance with your flatten tool.

    Cuz, bandits are everywhere!

    It may not have a fancy farming field or hanger, but it is so conceal that you wont able to find it after u seal the entrance! XD

    I recommend to use it as a vault or emergency shelter.

    It has

    1 fuel tank
    1 generator
    1 cooking table
    1 fridge
    1 oxygen tank
    1 oxygen station
    1 health station
    1 constructor
    4 cargo boxes
    1 sentry gun

    and it works really well as a weapon testing object. just place a few in the creative mod to try out the firepower of ur SV/GV/CV.

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    Negatif, Suzumi, Kaloriaa and 2 others like this.
  4. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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  6. zergling_brood

    zergling_brood Lieutenant

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Hello Folks from Empyrion,

    I've made a agricultural complex, where in perhaps it could be used in big colonies, it's function would be to centralize the crop production and harvesting, for feeding the inhabitants.

    It consists mainly on 4 farming fields, plenty of space for crop and keeping goods and a central hall for processing units.

    Hope it makes into the game in future releases
    Sky Pilot and [OTG] NetBlaise like this.
  7. zergling_brood

    zergling_brood Lieutenant

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Hello Folks from Empyrion,

    Uploading a simple alien hostile building, have to add itens and alien chests, in order to be used in random prob generation, as in creative mode you cannot add items inside chests and save it as a blueprint.
  8. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    "Minotaurus" - Space Dock.

    Huge Space Station. Ready for future docking possibilities.

    partialy inspired by "Space 1999" - space dock.

    I added a screenshot with my 150m Corvette CR-90 (pseudo)-docked at the station,
    so you can get a feeling how big this thing is.

    Build time: 3 days ( and partially nights :D )

    View attachment 1511 View attachment 1512 View attachment 1513 View attachment 1514 View attachment 1515 View attachment 1516 View attachment 1517 View attachment 1518 View attachment 1519
    View attachment 1518

    View attachment 1519
  9. zergling_brood

    zergling_brood Lieutenant

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Hi Team,

    Adding an alien base, going away from towers structures for a bit.

    A small Nexus, with a piramidal shape.

    View attachment 1569
  10. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    That looks cool finally a alien non tower building design nice.
    zergling_brood likes this.
  11. zergling_brood

    zergling_brood Lieutenant

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Thanks, I only get upset that I don't know if the towers and defense from the base do work, with the AI.

    As we don't have the option to load the blueprints into the game, I can't test them. Guess the guys Eleon Studios will test it and see if it's fit to be added in the game
  12. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    There is a workaround, see here:
    zergling_brood likes this.
  13. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Hello All, I'm a bit new but I think I managed to come up with something usable (I like it anyways) and thought I'd share.

    It may not be fancy or artistic like some of the other bases (cool work people), but I had another goal in mind.

    This is my idea for a starter base, the main goal was to be efficient, compact, and easy to use with everything you might need in one place and within easy reach.

    So for efficiency I actually split my base into two structures, one for working in and one for growing food in.

    The first one I created was the Grow House, it has 5 sets of 9 planters each covered with only 5 grow lights.
    I know that seems like a lot but by having then divided into 5 sets you can just turn off the lights your not using to save energy while having more room than you will likely need (if you need more make a second one).

    To reach my efficiency goal I used a small generator and 1 large fuel cell so it could run for long durations with little power usage.
    It only has 3 things that use power so it runs a very long time.
    1 The core (can't do without it)
    2 The 5 grow light, only use what is needed with the optimal placement
    3 Had to add a fridge just in case I had stuff I didn't have time to process but needed to preserve.

    All the equipment along with 3 storage boxes are on the 3x3 base of the core. The 5 growing sections are also on a 3x3 setup making the whole interior of the building 9x6. And with the floor to celling windows (one way, just looks like flat glass outside) in all 4 walls it's nice to just stand in and look around (great visibility)

    After finishing the Grow House (my first base) I liked the look of the large windows and rounded shape so much I just copied it and gutted the floor to make my work space building.
    I managed to place almost everything so that the windows are not blocked (I like looking out) including the 12 storage boxes in the floor. I'll admit the generator hanging from the celling over your head when you come in is a bit odd but it works.

    Hope someone likes my efforts, enjoy
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  14. fallenearth75

    fallenearth75 Ensign

    Aug 27, 2015
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    These were me messing around trying to get a feel for building. The Emerald Spire was the idea how long it took, I just kinda got lost in it. The Ag Tower was an experiment in efficiency for multiplayer, still needs some tweeks and tunes, but I thought it was nifty. Enjoy Eleon, I know I have. Kinda makes me feel like a kid with an infinite box of legos.

    Thanks $20 I've spent in a long time.
  15. mPayne

    mPayne Ensign

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Furian, Krenios, G_o and 1 other person like this.
  16. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Well it's not a Base in the normal sense but it does use a base module so I guess this is the right place.


    This is my attempt to overcome a couple of difficulties with crafting a new SV/GV.
    1. How to create a new vehicle with access to the underside without having to get it running first so it hovers.
    2. A well lit area that can be use day or night to work.

    This is what I came up with for my first attempt, ignore the V3B, I make copies as I get something right (for a change). :)

    The base is just a build platform, no amenities except for lighting and a couple elevator shafts.

    All fuel cells are set low and well away from the work area to prevent accidents.

    There is a 'Grease Pit' channel in the center so it's easier to get a viewing angle of the bottom of the vehicle.
    The side scaffold provide a place to attach the lights as well as anchor points for additional temporary scaffolding added as/if needed. It also make a nice place to stand and get an overall view of you progress.

    There are also 2 elevator shafts for easy access to the top of the scaffolding without the need of a jet pack.

    In the center is a set of scaffolds and stares that allow placing the starter block properly (see How To Use lower down)

    This set of center scaffolds as well as the grease pit can be extended/removed/filled in as needed for the job at hand (just like real life scaffolds).

    View attachment 1703

    How To Use (for other newbies like me)
    As you can see in the screen capture there is a set of center scaffolding for placing the starter block on (either a GV or SV)
    Step 1: Stand on the topmost back middle square and center your avatar facing the center scaffolding block.
    This is the most important step as it allows the placement of the starter module centered and oriented properly for the actual build process.

    Step 2: After the starter module is properly placed (see the one in the screen shot above) start building your vehicle from any side as you desire.

    Step 3: As your build progresses remove any scaffolding blocks/stares in the way or no longer needed, but do NOT remove any that are actually supporting your vehicle or you will have to start over after it falls into the grease pit (clean up of a dropped project is a PAIN to remove). With the center block supported until you have actual landing gear the vehicle can sit on you should not need to add any other supports. If your building plans need the core/starting module to be located higher inside the vehicle just extend the scaffolding up to the proper height to begin (may require using elevator blocks as there is not enough room for that many stairs).

    Step 4: Remember that the lights can be toggled off/on with the 'F' key leaving the elevators functioning but reducing the power drain (there are a lot of lights).

    Step 5: Have loads of fun with my pet project or make one of your own to play with, but definitely have FUN.

    Remember this is intended to make it easy to construct the bottom portion of a vehicle without the need to add thrusters or other system components needed to make it actually fly/hover. With that in mind it is much easier (and cheaper resource wise) to play with blocks and shapes in early stages without feeling pressured into making it actually operational just so you can add/test components in hard to reach areas.

    It could also be used as a repair stand if your vehicle gets banged up, just need a long ramp for GV or a careful landing of a SV.

    Notes: I seem to be having a major lag problem when the lights are on at night, FSP drops from 5 to 2 or 3.
    Not sure if this is a problem with the game code or my system but it is a significant problem for me.
    Tested with all 3 video setting with the same results.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  17. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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  18. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Sweet, kind of like an upgraded version of my cheep and dirty version of a vehicle crafting area, and with Style!

    Nicely done.
    blooddragon606 likes this.
  19. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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  20. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Screens of Omicron Hangar B:

    Exterior, empty hangar, hangar stairs and mezzanine , mezzanine interior, parking Boabo, tight fit, exterior rear,
    Sky Pilot likes this.
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