This has turned into a public debate about "trusted" servers. Care to weigh in?

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Keith Hovey, Jun 20, 2017.

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  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Some bugs they dont have to respond. Every bug gets beeing investigated by a few ppl :)
    Nothing to worry.
    Frigidman and rainyday like this.
  2. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    This whole trusted server concept may have been a good idea down the line, but at this stage of emp development...

    And these so called TRUSTED servers to the new player would represent the best Empyrion has to offer ????

    Eleon is willing to allow some random servers represent its overall game quality ?

    One of your trusted servers only has eac active because I told them to do it ! after all the players whined about it for days but didnt have the balls to stick it to the host when he came online... the prior weeks it was being hacked to **** ?
    Information on the use of the server was few and far between, confusing even.

    And this server is now one of the servers representing the best EMP has to offer ?

    It may be different in their now but I know I wont be going back, I wont be going in any other online server bar my own until a few more tweaks to the multiplayer are in effect.

    Like I have said already, the multiplayer is still a little too unstable and puts a lot of pressure on the admins of big servers.
    This is evident to most of you everyday I am sure.

    I feel sorry for those admins, I know most of them are decent good people who really strive to help as much as they can and leave themselves very little time to play themselves.

    There is even talk of some admins making secondary steam accounts just to play survival on without taking a queue of requests when entering a server.

    I am sure you will agree if people are having to make a second account to enjoy their servers...
    something must be terribly wrong.
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Trusted does not mean flawless,. It is ALSO a lable that there is not something odd going on, that the admins are not Aholes and the game works in the given technical parameters (= server is not running on a potatoe)...more like "recommended". Not sure what everyone is trying to derive what "trusted" means in favor of what your interests are.

    Tbh I / we can not reply to each and every bug report or suggestion - these would be several thousand comments per day (as we not only manage these forums, but also steam, helpdesk, facebook..).

    If they are reportet at the places we have (Bug forum) they are added to the database. If we have no questions or things are obvious, we usually do not write back as this would not only clutter the threads, but also distract from infos we really need. Don't you trust us in this?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
    stimdealer0001, Frigidman and Taelyn like this.
  4. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I can respect that hummel, however, during the exp phase of 6 there really were not that many different types of bug being reported in each patch.

    I still believe if someone posts what they fully believe to be a 100% reproducable bug that is not currently being explored by anyone else in the thread, that it should merit a response, I dont see any response you or eleon post as being clutter but rather very necessary closure points for the individuals posting.

    Clutter is when people like me have to speak to others in the bug report threads because we can see they have no responses, and I dont like to see people hanging on not knowing whats going on.
    I love this game and I want to see everyone enjoy it, I dont like to see others being left out/accidentally ignored/missed.

    Hummel, you have seen some frustration from me in this thread and for that I am sorry.
    The fact is the frustration stems from my feeling totally ignored when posting viable feedback and information as an exp tester for empyrion.

    I still have faith in you, the eleon team, this game and its community.
  5. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Whilst it is true that you will never be able to please everyone.

    You should never ignore anyone.
  6. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    There is a big difference between "recommended" and "trusted" in english. Big difference. They have VERY different meanings. If you recommend a bank that doesnt necessarily mean you trust it. It could mean youve just heard good things about it, know it follows the rules, and know no one else has had problems. When you trust a bank It comes from a moment of reflection and personal experience. You had a bad experience at one and specifically trust this bank over all others because youve personally dealt with them. Trust is earned and you can vouch for it because you have experience with them, recommendations arent always earned and may not come from personal experiences. I can recommend anybody, but i only trust those I have personal experience with.

    Just saying because Im not sure how much english Eleon and its representatives actually know.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
    BakerAble likes this.
  7. Sny

    Sny Lieutenant

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I think that pretty much says it in a nutshell.

    "Trusted" means something different from "Recommended"...

    An even better term would be "Certified". This would indicate that the server has passed a set of qualifications for the label and because of that gets special notice on the server list. Nothing more, nothing less.

    On the topic of qualifications, being hosted by a gaming hosting provider doesn't say much for the stability of the server when they don't respond to problems for 24 hours or more. Most cheap game hosting providers are unreliable, slow and have poor response times because they know that it's just a game, not something truly mission critical.

    A clear list of qualifications to be a Certified EGS Server would probably put an end to this discussion :)

    - Sny. Just... Sny.
  8. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    This discussion has turned into a bit more than that. What have I started lol...

    Really you guys do a bang up job as developers... Amazing stuff hits in just about every release!! But whoever handles your roadmap decisions and your PR sucks when its really important lol.
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  9. Dreadknott45

    Dreadknott45 Ensign

    Jan 31, 2017
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    Now hold on. Lets not start calling each other names :p
    The developers are not doing a bang up job, they do try to do stuff that is fun for the game and have put countless hours of work into this game.
    Now to counter that, the Empyrion development team needs to interact more with the community when it comes to decision times. I have seen it with countless games that the devs start to stray from the community. I understand that eleon is busy, developing a game is time consuming. But the 6.0 needs to take a little bit of a slowdown to look at the community and to work with servers besides a few trusted few. So if I were a new player subconsciously I would never play on Keiths server. It is not trusted by the developers so why should I trust it. Humans make assumptions based on the immediate information that is given. Now, I have been playing on Keiths server for over two years and I wouldn't play anywhere else. On the flip side if I was trying to make a server and recruit, there would be some hesitancy.

    Soooo Hummel, that doesn't say too good of stuff about eleon right there, I have worked in advertising and really, first conclusions are humans' downfall. That in the subconscious mind of the many is saying that those that aren't trusted are asshole admins, that the server is unreliable(crashing all the time). If it is more like recommended, it should be called such. You cannot argue what you are trying to do. Human nature again is all about first impressions, we make judgements in the first few minutes of reading something or meeting someone.

    My suggestion is to change it from trusted to recommended. For all the other servers are for the most part good and are competing all the same. Also you should think about posting official requirments. Hiring one or two people to browse these forums since you have steam, skype, and facebook would allow you way better PR and the community would feel better about being heard, this would give a good effect to eleon in general. Even asking for people as unpaid interns/helpers, people that want to help eleon summarize bug reports for nothing more that the big of the game.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You are putting words that Hummel has not written here. I am among the "many" whose subconscious mind doesn't infer from a statement the opposite statement; saying that someone I know is not a ***** doesn't mean the ones I don't know are morons. The first statement is a valid one as it is what the author expressed; the statement you wrote is an invalid inference. But I agree that many interpretations can derive from this kind of statements, but I don't think future players / buyers will search deeply into the forums before taking a decision. ;)
    rainyday likes this.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thanks everyone for your feedback so far.

    Two changes:
    - We'll rename the initiative to "Verified Servers" (already done)
    - We'll add a requirement to have a thread in this forum that gives all the infos needed so any player can see what your server is up to BEFORE he joins

    The currently signed up and reviewed servers will get their message in the next 48h to do so.
  12. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    Verified sounds much more fitting than trusted.

    The forum thread requirement idea is cool too.

    Now i wont have to waste 3 days on a server only to find out later that it does not accommodate my style of play.
    Because I hope this forum page will list such things as
    Our servers precious ore:
    Our servers max gravity rated planet:
    Does server allow 2 way travel to starter planets.

    So keep that in mind guys when you verify your servers and make a page for it,
    critical need to know information...
  13. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    You sound like you are under the assumption this is a community driven business, where the devs are your employees.

    No, they are not.

    I've seen far worse games as a result of devs doing everything the community demands. A community cannot agree on everything. A community has no clue how the game really should be. Its the devs game, their vision, their plans and goals to do. Not ours. We are just in for the ride and either enjoy it, or move on to something else we can enjoy.

    Sick of this millennial mentality **** these days.
  14. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    You sound like you need a break dude, go take a time out like you did yesterday...

    All he said was the devs need to interact a little more, he did not state that they are to do everything we command.
    Nobody gives a rats ass about what games you have seen rise and fall.

    Go take a time out before you make yourself look like a total sausage.

    Honestly some people got more than a fuckin stick up they ass.
  15. Sny

    Sny Lieutenant

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I like it so far... now we have a feature request!

    Add a link to the server's forum post that people can click on straight from inside the server browser. Standardize the naming of forum post links so it's created automatically for every server. If the server owner doesn't put anything there it'll just be blank.

    More information to decide what server to play on is a fantastic idea.
    Keith Hovey likes this.
  16. Sny

    Sny Lieutenant

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Couldn't agree more. Don't know why everyone thinks they need to be "directed".

    To everyone,
    We are here to give them FEEDBACK not to list our demands or give them directions. They will use this feedback to adjust their interpretation of the vision and produce the game they're trying to sell. There are tens of thousands of things that Eleon won't and can't share with us because it would only dim the vision and cloud it with noise.

    Play. Report bugs. Play some more. Eat a bagel :)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  17. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    I think thats just how communities in this genre are. There arent a whole lot of good Space games that really do what empyrion does with space in general so everyone wants the missing half (the stuff these games always miss) hahahahaha and they are eager to play it.

    What should be there is ultimately up to the developer, but thats the case in every game of course. Though look at Space Engineers. Need i say more. There is a REAL opportunity here if they can deliver on both single player and multiplayer experiences but it IS going to take understanding the community (their early adopting customers) as well as future customers to develop something that not only meets their vision but is exciting and in demand. They do a pretty good job but once in a while its like they aim to rile people up on purpose lol. Though in the end we all love the game or we wouldnt even be here talking about it.
  18. Sny

    Sny Lieutenant

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Eh... Maybe they do... Maybe they don't...

    But it was a darn good bagel.

    I want the game done yesterday too. It's exciting stuff! But... I want THEM to make the game. If I made it the way I want it, no one else would play with me *sniff* and I'd be all alone'n'stuff.

    Keep the ideas coming, keep the noise level low. Good, accurate bug reports are wonderful. Solid ideas are definitely heard.

    It's going to be glorious in the end :)
  19. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    I wish I could do more than "Thumbs up" this post!! Oh well.

    Wow, this thread has been pretty...interesting to read. Now I understand why I had to post so much info on my server to get verified, heh. Protect the players from crappy servers with 'pvp traps' and troll admins.

    I thought Hummel was going to ask me for a blood sample next! ^_^
    Frigidman likes this.
  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    yea..that's already in your inbox. How did you know? :D
    stimdealer0001 likes this.
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