What is the LEAST FUN single-task action in the game right now?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Phoenyx333

    Phoenyx333 Lieutenant

    Nov 21, 2016
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    Actually, when I thought that up I was standing in a hole after mining iron about 45 minutes realtime after 1st landing. I had to restart since a power outage corrupted the game I had been playing. So I had only the minimum items and no vehicles besides the motorcycle. And that freaking plantman was wandering around close by. :rolleyes:
  2. Moonz3r

    Moonz3r Ensign

    May 5, 2017
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    "Least Fun Single-Task Action" I would say trying to find my pack while in space after I had died in the off chance I can find it. I have the time to go to console, type 'DI' for the co-ordinates, take a screen shot of said co-ordinates and die again and go home to to the nearest med unit. But if we can name our ship that the game had exited us from, go look in the registry and set a way-point to said ship, we should be able to name or something onto the pack so we can find it later. Odd thing is, the closer we to the finality of the game, the packs with things in them lasts for a shorter amount of time than those that are empty. I found my two empty packs, but not the one with anything in it.
    tehmashby likes this.
  3. tehmashby

    tehmashby Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    Not sure if this should be in experimental or in this thread, taking armour from the locker and placing it into the repair bay them back to the locker then placing it on is SO ANNOYING. I keep forgetting either my gun or my armour.
    My suggestion is to merge the 2.
    Maybe have tier one is armour locker only, tier 2 can fix as well and has increased locker capacity to store guns?
    geostar1024 likes this.
  4. tehmashby

    tehmashby Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    I use the numpad key 8, then I press numlock while holding 8, let go and your flying forward.
    Pro tip , apply other buttons for autopilot function, auto level, weapon firing ( for hand mining)
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  5. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    And you're wasting incredible amounts of fuel if you do that. Much better is to make a control panel switch that turns off your forward-facing engines. But a dedicated hotkey to do this (like Space Engineers has) would be really nice.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Yes please. I believe too, that we need shortcut assignments for actions like that. The player should be able to turn of forward thrusters for example in order to let the ship "glide" with only the back thrusters. Or at least allow one shortcut for "glide" flying mode.

    Remark : Technically, the term "glide" refers to a ship movement without the use of any engines at all. But in aeronautics it means :

    "To move in the air, especially at an easy angle downward, with less engine power than for level flight, solely by the action of air currents and gravity, or by momentum already acquired."
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  7. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    The term you're looking for is "coast," I think. In space, once your burn is done, there's no reason to be firing your engines at all (until you need to change direction or slow down).
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  8. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    allwoing the vessel to be carried by its own inertia, the numlock idea is interesing, will look into it, there is too much fuel as it is so im not worried about that, however I have now mapped a cruise control switch in all my vessels since this post.
    using signal switch, to disable the reversing thrusters .still though it would be great to have a method of activating our cp switches from say ALT key shortcuts or something.
    Opeining the cp can be cumbersome in an emergency situation.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  9. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Agreed; the control panel switches need to be linkable to a hotkey (I'd say CTRL+[1-6], or something).
  10. aza9999

    aza9999 Ensign

    Apr 3, 2017
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    For me, the most painful early thing is building up to your large constructor using your survival constructor. Having to manually make each component one by one for your generator, fuel tank and then constructor, checking the ingredients, making more pipes, now i need more metal components, now i need a motor, now i need more metal components....it's tedious and painful for no real reason or benefit.

    Please consider making the survival constructor auto-make things from raw ingredients like the large constructor.
  11. EstebanLB01

    EstebanLB01 Lieutenant

    Jul 9, 2016
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    Now with the shelter/hideout/starter base you have most of the stuff you need already built
  12. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    aza9999: Assume you play on Akua easy mode. Make a Multitool, easy to level up so get it fast if not have it already. Dismantle anything you do not need that contains crafting parts. (Turn starter base on Public, then you also get some XP, switch back after). Deco parts are nice. Maybe even ammo box, cargo box, O2 tank, and so on. Then you probably only have to make a motor and some pipes and coils (4 of each). When have the Large Constructor, then can recreate the other stuff again.

    Skip the Bed, rather Dismantle (BA on Private) and place it as a Toilet instead, that can be used to remove Food Poisoning. Can also Dismantle it and put it down as Shower to get rid of other effects. Fast to swap between those if needed, until get another Deco and have both. Can save some food and medic items on that. Rarely need getting stamina from bed when in a base or CV. There are 4 other medic Deco's that can be nice to have also, a bit later on.
  13. aza9999

    aza9999 Ensign

    Apr 3, 2017
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    I play on a public server so we don't get the starter base tutorial like in single player mode unfortunately
  14. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Well, the Survival Constructor is that, so can get going or can make some spare parts and food. Have endless power and is portable, but with more manual work and only most important recipes. Maybe like bonfire against oven.
    Else up to the server owner what difficulty MP players experiences. If you can get the raw materials for a large constructor (and starter base: core, reactor and fuel tank and fuel) pretty fast, then the initial manual constructing takes very little time of the overall gameplay. Else maybe look for another server.
    You can do the math and write down what you need to craft manually in the beginning, if you often do fresh starts. After a few times you might remember it and becomes a part of an initial start.

    For me it is no big deal since often can get the Large Constructor pretty soon. There are other survival crafting games that are much worse regarding crafting mechanics and grinding resources (and levels).
  15. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    waiting for the damn fog to clear, im all up for weather but why is the game seemingly just giving fog and rain 90% of the time, im on a planet atm, temperate akua model, not seen a blue sky for 4 real days.

    Fog is so often I cant see the planet, all the beautiful features get washed out, and I am not motivated to go out in it.

    Last night I switched off empyrion for the first time since I have bought it, and played left for dead 1.... LEFT FOR DEAD 1 ????

    The beauty of empyrion is now something you will be lucky to see if you play online !

    I live in England and trust me ive had enough fog and damn rain in my life, why u think i stay in and play empyrion ? and now i gotta play a game in fog and rain permanently too.

    weather needs balancing, maybe seasons introduced, perhaps a server voting system that allows players to conduct a vote for weather type on a given playfield.

    this would mean if only 1 person was on playfield he could have whatever weather he wanted.

    PS. I have had more fog in empyrion since 6.0 than I have living in England for the last 35 years.
  16. Goldschuss

    Goldschuss Lieutenant

    Sep 10, 2015
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    The most annoying thing is level grinding.
    I don't know why some cruical parts have a level restriction. Now you have to grind your levels and search for enemies and plants in order to even start building. Leveling system is alright for weapons. But not for required ship components.
  17. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    The two most annoying things:
    #1 When you pick up stuff you have no option weather it goes to your hot bar 1st or your inventory. Every time I pick up a corn dog or my bike I have to stop open my inventory and move the stuff down to the tool bar. Been annoying me from the very beginning. It is like grabbing a ammo clip of the table only to find it magically appears in your back pack , then you have top go in your back pack to use it. Should be the other way around or optional.

    #2 Not seeing the terrain on the mini map. You have to constantly open the map to check your bearings although way points help with that some now.
    EightyEighty likes this.
  18. Turmith

    Turmith Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    This ^
    Maybe have the Bike Slot it'self in your Quickbar or make it so you can't pick it up.

    Trying to find an argument against making the bike not pickup-able and i can't seem to think of any other then transport in SV/HV/CV
  19. cyclops

    cyclops Ensign

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Starting a new game and spending hours running around trying to find ore, it's always either impossible to find, or all mined out, especially in multiplayer. I don't mind some running and exploring but circling the planet on foot is waaaay to much.
  20. Anzel

    Anzel Ensign

    Apr 2, 2017
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    Having to move items from constructor to constructor. On MP this is really annoying. It would be great if they linked up like fuel/O2 does now or if it could pull out of a special "constructors box."
    malkintent and cyclops like this.

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