Empyrion – Galactic Survival - Community Forums

by Pantera at 6:13 PM
(5,802 Views / 5 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

In addition to yesterdays patch we have been working on some more changes & fixes here is the changelog for v1.7.1.1. Have fun & also have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

v1.7.1.1 B3639

- Ship 3rd person view rotation camera reverted to a smooth rotation
- Update: Added new model for player backpack

- Fixed: ToTP Mission: Inscription plates were not mentioned in the SKIP dialogue with the Talon Chief.
- Fixed: ToTP Cryo Prisoner dialogue did not trigger self destruction when not entering room (Prisoner now deeper in the room)
- Fixed: No ore trader in Firebase (Tutorial; Now has one MA Corp in the Hangar in front of the crates)
- Fixed: Ancient Revelation markers in Ilmarinen were broken
- Fixed: Uncertain Outcome: made sure all large containers and alien containers are lootable without risking reputation drop (asteroid is actually polaris 'mining' property due to the rich elements of pentaxid and erestrum = not all things are lootable is intentional!)
- Fixed: S4N-TA Station settings
by Pantera at 10:05 AM
(3,258 Views / 6 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

We have been working on some more changes & fixes here is the changelog for v1.7.1. Have fun & thanks a lot!

As always please note:
Report bugs and issues for the public release right over here:

v1.7.1 B3638

- Added a VSync option to the game's video options menu
- 3PV camera now responds the same as 1PV (no sliding) when moving
- Windows now let light pass through & cast shadows again
- Updated some loca lines for status effects needing "Medical Station type 3"

- Crouching gets disabled when "gm off" is used in the console
- When some NPC's spawn in POI's they can get stuck & become very slow to respond to the player (all spider variants)
- When treating Necrosis if Mutilation triggers it insta killed the player
- Player's position can "jump" or rotate when talking to NPC's
- Detox Kit not cleansing Bad Trip
- NPC footsteps could be heard at large distances (also removed steps sounds for player when godmode is enabled)
- Single symmetry line not showing on SV & HV
- Fixed an exploit
- Fix for exception when using "Mod.XXX" for items that contained one of these characters: . , # :

- https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download/patch-notes-emp-admin-helper-full
by Pantera at 10:05 AM
(14,651 Views / 11 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to the release of the version 1.7 update!

For all of you who supported us with bug reports and feedback in the previous experimental version (many thanks for this!) and for all of you who followed the publications, the following is not entirely new. Nevertheless, it may contain one or two short-term bug fixes that you may have been waiting for. As always, you can find the list of fixed bugs below!

As a little additional info: Thanks to the support of our active community, more than 300 bugs have been fixed in the last few months alone! :)

For all others who are just starting with Empyrion or are looking for information on Update 1.7 for the first time, we have summarized the most important new features below.
  1. New decoration system
    More than 200 new assets have been added to build even more exciting planets in the future. For now examples of the new decoration system which can be found on three distinctive demo planets in the game.
  2. Visual Effects upgrade on water and grass
    Water is no longer a static surface, but shows a ripple effect, for example on the beach or when being affected by forces like thrusters or hover engines. The grass now also reacts to your movements and to pressure waves from vessels and other forces.
  3. Harvestable Plants
    We have reworked the harvestable plants across the board with improved and high quality new models.
  4. AI Wayfinding / Pathfinding
    The wayfinding has been improved for all creatures spawned on terrain. Additional changes have been made to prepare for new ways of handling in the future.
  5. Status Effects & Medical system update
    The status effects have been newly coordinated. There is now also the possibility of using a medical item that is actually not suitable for a complete cure of the disease in order to at least slow down the progression of this disease!
  6. Crouching is now possible! ;)
Aside from the changes mentioned above, for all creative galaxy builders, lots of new options for designing the galaxy, the nebulae to new settings for items and blocks have been added to the latest version!

For all players looking for new content, POI and missions, there is also new stuff to do and find. Almost 100 new ships and stations have been added to 1.7 thanks to the tireless builders from the community. Satellite hacking is now also fully implemented. More information on missions and gameplay is now also available in updated entries in the in-game...
by Pantera at 4:07 PM
(7,511 Views / 12 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Today we start the final phase of Experimental Version 1.7! Included is a very special gift that we announced some time ago and that we know is high on the wish list of many players: Crouch!

From now on your player avatar can go down by pressing and holding the C key (standard assignment). Press C twice in succession and you will remain in this mode until you either stand up (press C once) or jump, provided there is enough space above you.

In addition, some improvements to the existing features have been made for phase 3, and some bugs have been fixed.

Also new is the next story mission: Murky Christmas. You can play this mission directly by jumping to the sun of the Ellyon system. It starts there automatically.

However, a note: If you visited the ContAr1a95 system in phase 2 to see two of the new deco planets, you either have to clean up this system first (we have a howto for you in the mission feedback thread!) or you simply start a new savegame with phase 3 - which we recommend for a "clean" test of the other changes and additions!

As always, take a close look and don't skimp on feedback and bug reports!

As always, you can find the complete changelog in the attachment below.

Please make intensive use of the Experimental Bug forum as well as the topic posts pinned in the Experimental Feedback forum!

As always please note:
Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Experimental Feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/experimental-features-discussion.35/



Patch: 2021-12-15 v1.7 (B3632)

- Last task of Sigma Fulcrum mission could not be completed
- NearPOI playfield parameter broken on first playfield entry


Patch: 2021-12-14 v1.7 (B3630)

by Taelyn at 2:33 PM
(5,631 Views / 9 Likes)
Hi Galactic Survivalists!

Between the 1st and 14th of December the 'Jingle Jam 2021' will take place this year and Empyrion Galactic Survival is part of it!

Jingle Jam is a Twitch charity event where you can donate. If you donate more than the minimum amount, you will receive a game pack worth $800!

The event starts at 5pm GMT on www.twitch.tv/yogscast. You can find the donation page on https://jinglejam.tiltify.com/

We hope you have fun!

Community Manager
Eleon Game Studios
by Pantera at 2:12 PM
(9,212 Views / 16 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Phase 2 of the version 1.7 Experimental release has just been started!

This update will introduce a few testing planets of a completely new decoration system! For example, the grass under your feet/vehicle will now react correctly to you and your movement and other actions. In addition, we will increase the number of available decorative elements (i.e. plants, trees, stones, etc.) by more than 200, so that entirely new biomes and planet types will be possible in the future.

You can find three test planets for now: A temperate planet and a gas giant snow moon can be found in the system with the sun type 'ContAr1a95'. The third one, an alien type planet, can be found in the center of the galaxy (search for sun type ‘SMbh’). Use the ‘Search SYSTEM’ button on the galaxy map and type in the sun types to the TYPES field.

Note: If you have already visited these systems before the Experimental Update, the test planets will not be found there. We recommend starting a new savegame.

Also note that these planets might or might not be added to the final release, depending on your feedback and the issues that might need to be fixed.

Speaking of things to review: the status effects system, i.e. the diseases including how to heal them, has also been extensively revised and added to this phase update. While the status effects themselves have been largely retained, their interactions have been newly coordinated. There is now also the possibility of using a 'lesser' medicine, although it cannot cure a certain disease, to slow down the progression of that disease!

For the status effects as well as for the new decoration system, please head over to the feedback threads pinned in the EXPERIMENTAL forum!

As always please note:

Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

For discussing the new and updated...
by Pantera at 12:48 PM
(11,118 Views / 16 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

Welcome to the release of the version 1.7 EXPERIMENTAL update!

If you follow us on Discord, Twitter, Facebook or in our forums, you've probably already seen one or two changes for the upcoming version. Among other things, this is the first iteration of a new fluid effect system that reacts to interactions with the respective fluids (water, lava) - be it when a vehicle is moving fast, being shot at, wading through, or just having a nice swell on the shore. Further improvements for this are planned.

The AI pathfinding on terrain has also received a far-reaching improvement. Obstacles such as trees, stones and plants will be recognised better in future and the movement paths will be smoothened.

Aside from purely technical changes, for all creative galaxy builders, lots of new options for designing the galaxy, the nebulae to new settings for items and blocks have been added to the latest version!

For all players looking for new content, POI and missions, there is also new stuff to do and find. Almost 100 new ships and stations have been added to 1.7 thanks to the tireless builders from the community. Satellite hacking is now also fully implemented. More information on missions and gameplay is now also available in updated entries in the in-game Empyriopedia (F1).

We also updated Invader vs Defender with a big surprise coming at the end of Experimental for our Official Servers.

As always, please remember that to test the new content (including the test planet for new biomes) it is best to start a new savegame with the Experimental version. Changes to this area during Experimental may make it necessary to restart or manually update certain areas of the game.

All details, as well as the list of further changes, adjustments and especially bug fixes can be found in the changelog below!

As always please note:
Report bugs and issues right over here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.34/
Fixed bugs for the Experimental branch can be found here: https://empyriononline.com/forums/tracking-filed.91/
Fixed Experimental version bugs can be found there: https://empyriononline.com/forums/fixed.90/

For discussing the new and updated features, please head over to the Experimental Feedback...
by Taelyn at 4:56 PM
(11,753 Views / 16 Likes)
Can you guess what we are working on for Empyrion Galactic Survival version 1.7? :NewWink:
by Taelyn at 1:14 PM
(16,452 Views / 7 Likes)
Even a slight ripple can change the world ... but if you're not #DrWho and are playing #Empyrion Galactic Survival in update 1.7, it may be a result of the optics and effects upgrade for water!