Empyrion – Galactic Survival - Community Forums

by Pantera at 11:08 AM
(8,415 Views / 11 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

First of all, we would like to apologize for the fact that some of the contents of the update described earlier this year are still pending. We are working hard on the final adjustments.

However, in order not to delay some necessary bug fixes and technical upgrades any longer, we have packed these and all previously completed content together and put together a small server scenario creativity package for you with version 1.11.7, which is now available.

It includes numerous new game objects for Survival and Creative mode (consoles, tables, large trees and various types of lamps for outdoor and indoor areas) as well as an improvement to the gravity generators, which makes it easier for you to create a walkable gravity ring, for example.

On the big topic of multiplayer, improvements have been made to how 'SharedData', i.e. the content of custom scenarios that are not included in the game installation by default, are handled. In particular, the aim here is to conserve the bandwidth of the servers offering multiplayer and, in the best case scenario, to enable you to obtain the additional content required to enter the game more quickly when you connect to the server for the first time.

Last but not least - and apart from the bug fixes - we have put a lot of work into the Blueprint Collection Tool, some of the playing fields in the Default Scenario and the Guided Tutorial (playable via the main menu)!

You can find all the details in the changelog below.

As always:
- Please post bugs and errors in this forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/
- Please post feedback here in the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

We hope you enjoy v1.11.7 and look forward to your feedback!


Eleon Game Studios Team.

For any users who happen to use steamCMD with Empyrion & launch the game from root with EmpyrionLauncher.exe you will need to add a new line to the Empyrion.props file:
- In the Empyrion root directory create a copy of the “Empyrion_Example.props” & rename it to just “Empyrion.props”
- Open it in notepad & add this on a new line & save the file

ForceGamePlatform = 2
This is only needed for the client, not for the Dedicated Server!

Changelog v1.11.7 B4480 2024-06-18

Dark Faction DLC:...
by Taelyn at 3:48 PM
(8,443 Views / 5 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

The way clients download a SharedData folder is changing!
We will be introducing a better way to handle SharedData downloads that doesn't use any dedicated server bandwidth on log in.
SharedDataURL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xxxxxxxxxxK/view?usp=sharing
If you don't provide the new URL field then the old way is used.

Eleon Game Studios team.
by Pantera at 11:27 AM
(8,546 Views / 9 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!
We have a fix for the custom scenarios menu ready & to also mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Thank you.

Changelog v1.11.6 B4471 2024-04-18

- In the New Game Scenario screen any selected custom/workshop scenario can lead to a CoQ on systems without the DLC installed
- Changed difficulty settings on a scenario are lost when returning to scenario selection screen
by Pantera at 2:40 PM
(10,521 Views / 6 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!
In today's March update, as promised, we have provided a first set of improvements and even new content.

These include, among others:
- The improvement of the sword and body shield includes an increased swing speed, an additional animation, and a glowing effect around the avatar when the shield is active.
- The UI/UX improvements have added new information and markers for the Dark Field strength on the map, as well as a warning message before landing on a planet.
- The new feature for range preview of generators allows a live preview of the effect field before final placement, for both Dark Field Neutralizers and Generators as well as regular gravity generators.
- The new content includes a gravity generator for small ships (SV) with a renewed model and various ranges, available in both game versions (with and without DLC).

Unfortunately, the "Boarding Parties" feature discussed in the recently released blog had to be postponed to the upcoming next update in April. So, your security teams have gained a little more time for training. ;)

Included in today's update, of course, are bug fixes as well as further adjustments and improvements listed below in the complete changelog.

As always: please report bugs in this forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

We thank you all for your cooperation and patience and look forward to your feedback!

Changelog v1.11.5 B4470 2024-03-28

Dark Faction DLC:

- The strain feature on the bow will now only fire when the player lets go of the LMB button.
- Sword speed increased (hold down LMB for continuous strikes with the sword), sparks effects & another strike animation added.
- Added: Shield recharge bar for players to see when it’s next available & body shield shader when shield is active.
- Added: Changed the strain controller sprite & placed it close to the center of the screen
- Added: New icon on the HUD, Map window & galaxy map to show the Dark field strength in corrupted playfields
- A message will appear on the HUD when entering Dark faction playfields with a Dark field

- 01338: Structure swap will use blueprints from the player BP folder if they are named the same as what is setup in the scenario
- Various fixes for corrupted NPC's reactions to the player

Main game &...
by Taelyn at 7:22 PM
(8,315 Views / 11 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

At the beginning of March, we provided some insights here into the basic contents for the coming weeks and months (Roadmap Blog - March/April 2024).

Today, we want to get more specific and give you a little preview of the upcoming update.

Here's a little disclaimer: All images below and detailed information should be considered as work in progress. They are from the active development process, and it's possible that even days before a release, things may change or, if in doubt, be postponed to the next update. Therefore, the information below is primarily to let you know what we are currently working on and to shorten the waiting time for the next update. Thank you for your understanding.

With that said - What are the main topics of the next update?

New Features: Boarding Parties!
The turrets of the Dark Faction are getting (the first iteration of) a new function! The Disruptor Turret will now be able to immobilize your (not shield-protected) ship and then the Translocator turret will teleport troops over to your vessel! Make sure your internal security is up to scratch!

Improvement: Sword and Body Shield
Three improvements are planned here. Not only has the swing speed of the sword been significantly increased. There is now also an additional animation and a glow effect around your avatar as soon as the shield is active.


UI/UX Improvements:
  • Dark Field On Screen Info & Warning message
    We added new information and updated the markers in the various map views about the presence or strength of the local Dark Field. There is also now a new message: when you approach a planet it will inform you about the strength of the Dark Field even before you attempt to land!
  • Lift-Off Warning
    In addition to that, we also plan to add another new warning message - available for both game versions: If you approach a planet, a warning will be displayed in case you would not be able to take off from this planet.

Last but not least, the current update includes a topic that fits with the previous improvement and also brings some new content that we would like to explain to you in advance.

New Feature: Range Preview for Generators
Both for the Dark Field Neutralizers (also for the Dark Field...
by Taelyn at 7:16 PM
(10,197 Views / 10 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!

First off, we want to thank you for your patience over the last days and weeks while we have been working on further improvements and bug fixes!


We acknowledge that the DLC fell short of what we intended. Our aim was to offer something substantial and innovative, but in our pursuit to push boundaries, we ended up releasing an experience that was not well-polished and had technical issues. Now, we can only show you with facts that we want to make things right. Our entire team is working diligently on these step-by-step improvements.

One of the key issues was the COOP mode, which was addressed in the recently released update.

It is now not only operational again but the scenario "Rise of the Dark Faction" has also been expanded in terms of cooperative play for small groups. This means you can now play the scenario and its story campaign with several friends at the same time in a new game. Please pay attention to the new text displays and information from the game and keep in mind that it is a COOP scenario, not a full multiplayer scenario.


So, what comes next? Let’s have a quick look!

Dark Field Improvements
We're refining how the game communicates the Dark Field's impact, ensuring you have all the information you need to navigate its challenges.

New Notification Feature*
Stay alert with a feature that warns you when approaching a planet that's hard to escape due to gravitational or dark field conditions.

Handling Enhancements
Expect better handling of Dark Field Generators, Neutralizers, and Gravity Generators*, allowing for tailored gameplay strategies

Gameplay Experience
Look forward to a series of updates aimed at enriching the overall gameplay - from better shield indicators to enhanced NPC animations.

Spreading Mechanic & Dark Field
We're expanding the spread mechanic so that it can be used with other NPC factions, and we're generalizing the Dark Field settings to provide new layers of strategic depth and creative approaches.

This is, of course, just a brief summary of the things we are doing to show you that we continue to work with the utmost effort to provide you with the gaming experience you deserve and that we haven't for a minute thought of letting you, our community, down.


As you might have noticed, we have been working on fixing...
by Pantera at 5:20 PM
(9,326 Views / 4 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!
We have some fixes ready we would like to put out & also to mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Changelog v1.11.4 B4467 2024-03-05

Dark Faction DLC only:

- Itemicons for DF Ammo & Ores updated

- Loca of DF Ammo was misplaced for some languages
- Multiple fixes made for Co-op mode to work with the “Rise of the dark faction scenario” & improved the DF Scenario start for Coop compatibility. In Co-op for this scenario when the Self destruct in the Vanguard vessel at the beginning is triggered a new spawn location will be activated for anyone joining the session after.

Main game & Dark Faction DLC:

- Itemicons for Ores updated
- Updated Dialogues/Loca/PDA (DE,IT,FR,ES,PTb,RU,ZHs)
- Added: PDA Chapter visibility restriction "MultiplayerOnly"

- Fixed issues with empty dialogues for some languages (Please recheck!)
by Pantera at 11:20 AM
(8,608 Views / 9 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!
We have some fixes ready we would like to put out & also to mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Thank you.

Changelog v1.11.3 B4457 2024-02-20

Main game:

- DF Research console is missing dialogues in SP game with DF injection
- Some Wildlife was not spawning on planets
- Melee NPC's are not inflicting any damage on players in MP


- Loca/PDA/Dialogues update for RotDF scenario: DE,FR,IT,ES,PT(b),RU & ZHs

- Some Wildlife was not spawning on planets
- Melee NPC's are not inflicting any damage on players in MP
- After DF corruption come to Aratos a CoQ triggers
- CoQ appear after leaving the Nova planet during story quest
- Fixed some occurrences of broken dialogues (Send a screenshot of the ingame-console open with the red dialogue error message visible to [email protected] for error reports)
by Pantera at 11:19 AM
(8,526 Views / 3 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!
We have some fixes ready we would like to put out after finding some errors in dedicated server logs & also to mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Thank you.

Changelog v1.11.2 B4454 2024-02-16

- Multiple exceptions found in dedicated server logs
- A fix for artifacts on stars with DLSS/FSR enabled
by Pantera at 5:35 PM
(10,272 Views / 8 Likes)
Hello Galactic Survivalists!
We have some fixes ready we would like to put out with more to come soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:


- Custom AssetBundles from the "ShardData" Folder do not work anymore
- Fixed an issue when exiting to main menu while battle music was still playing
- Fixed a crash that happened when opening the Control panel > stats window on some vessels