Hello, Astic , can we speack in private please? We want to offer you a little job for you. We would need your skills to set up a small server with your mods and we are willing to pay you for tha. Thank you for your feedback.
Can you please tell me how to elevated a local script for a coop server bug fix I'm trying to do? I only need this locally and not in any other server, please help, I love your radar script but it keeps freezing on coop and I think if I can run a version of it from an LCD screen directly it might fix it. Thank you for all your hard work!
hello pls i need help write me a pm have no discord and dont wont to write in forum thx. had a bug this make gaming unfunny need a dev for fixing?
Bug are reported on our forum by creating a post. I do not take bug reports in a private message unless its an exploit. You can also send a email to support@empyriongame.com
can anyone tell me the door code for the Skillon abandoned base locked door? i fell through the floor into said room, and cannot get out
To create a new password, Empyrion asks me to type an old password I do not remember. All I need is where to find aluminum ore. Thanks
Hello. do you have any plans to make a mod for sending chat messages to discord? it would be amazing!
I am currently waiting for the extension, by Eleon, of the API for controlling constructors. But maybe I'll pass the time with such a mod ;-9
Hi! Love the scripts, they're huge quality of life improvements! I wanted to know if it's possible to make the Deconstruct script have a cost, similar to the Crop Harvest one? I haven't been able to find anything in searches and I'm not familiar with lua/coding in general to try and do it myself
At the moment the deconstruct are not able to calc with costs, but i think about it to make these possible