You all seem to know a lot about adding sectors and planets..little help please.

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Zensai, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Zensai

    Zensai Lieutenant

    Oct 25, 2016
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    Hi all,

    I have read...and watched all i could about adding a sector, new planets into your MP game.

    I attempted this the other day with just one sector. I created a sector, and added a planet into it. i made sure the location would not conflict with any other. I made sure the correct play fields were there as well.

    I stopped the server and saved the new sector file to the server, in the content/sectors area. Then i restarted the server. when i logged in i see no new sector/planet on the map, but i got no error messages. i can't get it to show up and before i do anything that would mess the game up i am coming to you for some guidance.

    I have a backed up sector file before the changes, but again i am getting no errors when going into the game.
    so i have no clue whats wrong.
  2. Phocian

    Phocian Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Hi Zensai, yeah it's a tricky one to discover.
    Now this works for me:

    Shut down the server.
    Add your new play field to the servers contents play fields, if your making a custom world that is.

    Then add your new sectors yaml to you servers "save file" replacing the existing one.

    Always save copies of your server before editing.
    Let me know how you get on.
    stimdealer0001 likes this.
  3. Xzystance

    Xzystance Ensign

    Jan 27, 2016
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    additionally, you have to start a new game for the new sectors to take affect
  4. Phocian

    Phocian Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Hi Xzystance if you edit your save "sector" Yaml you can update a current game with new sectors. This is what took me so long to figure out as my server players didnt want to start over again.
  5. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    You do NOT need to start a new game/server to add planets and orbits to the existing one. I do it all the time on omidark.

    Can you pastebin the sectors.yaml for me? It might just be a syntax error or something in the file.

    I made notes for each line of code in the yaml file. Make sure the following is correct:

    # AKUA (Just a comment line with the name of the planet, not required)
    - Coordinates: [ -100, 0, -550 ] (Make sure no conflicts with your other planets/space sectors.)
    Color: "0.00, 0.93, 0.93"
    Icon: "Circle" (Verify the icon shape is allowed, there should be a list of allowed shapes at the top of your sectors.yaml)
    - [ "0, 0, 0", "Akua Orbit", SpaceAsteroidFieldRing ] (This is the space playfield where the planet goes, always 0,0,0)
    - [ "0, 0, 0", Akua, Temperate, "Human:1" ] (This is the Planet itself within the orbit playfield, coords can be anything, try to stay under 10,000 in any direction. The next part is the planet's name, which is Akua in this case, the next part is the template folder name, the last part, if a starter planet, is the origin of the new player starting. )
    - [ "-500, 8000, 500", "Akua Moon", Moon ] (If you want to add a moon to your planet, it goes here, same format as the planet info.)

    Okay so once you verify your sectors.yaml is correct with no errors. The next thing you need to do, is create your custom planet (If you're not just using vanilla settings for the new one) in the templates folder.

    Now the sectors.yaml will pull what it can from the games Content folder, which contains all of the default playfield and planet settings. If you want to create a custom planet, I recommend using the templates folder in your save game directory (not in content). You would just make a folder in templates and call it anything you want, to reference in sectors.yaml afterward.
  6. Phocian

    Phocian Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I have a question to which I can't find the answer.
    On our server.
    In game on the solar system map, none of the planets have warp lanes linking them.
    Also a map error appears on screen and sometimes it gets hidden behind the map forcing us to restart the client.
    I downloaded the play field sector designer and loaded my sector yaml, all planets are linked on the designer map.....

    It's really annoying any ideas?

  7. Zensai

    Zensai Lieutenant

    Oct 25, 2016
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    i am using nitrado so i figured out that it has a save game file of the sectors.yaml as well...i have to copy to both the content and the save it creates.....thanks all!
  8. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Likely the planets are to far aparts, change the co-ords for them in the sector file. Bring them closer together.
    If no lines link the planets then you can never reach them because the warp drive cant jump that far.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    What ?

    Stuff in the content folder is where the game first generates everything from.
    Stuff in the Saved folder is what the game saves for each specific game you start.
  10. Phocian

    Phocian Ensign

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Hi Piddlefoot,

    Thanks for getting back to me.
    This is the issue, we can warp to the planets, all of them.....
  11. Zensai

    Zensai Lieutenant

    Oct 25, 2016
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    yeah, well it didn't work that way. unless i'm missing something, until i also copy to the new game save file it wouldn't see the new planets....i don't know, not a programmer of anything. i just worked when i did it that way.
  12. Adissaric

    Adissaric Ensign

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Just to clarify.

    The Contents folder is where everything starts from. After something is taken from this folder you then have to edit the Saves folder for something to take affect.

    So say you make a new playfield on a pre-existing server. You will have to edit the sectors.yaml file that is located in the Saves folder. At this point changing the file in contents will do nothing. The reason that people change both files is so that if the unthinkable happens and you accidentally (or otherwise) delete your save then at least you will not have to start over from scratch.

    Similarly, if you make a new planet then you will want to add its containing folder into the playfields folder contained in contents. To change the new planet after it has been generated however, you will need to delete the playfield from the saves>playfields folder AND you will need to delete the template from saves>templates so that when you re-generate the planet it uses the new settings.
  13. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I have a little problem. I made a custom planet with the tempetate playfield. It's a ongoing game so all the build data is already on it. How do i wipe this copy of that biome so it is in it's original state? Just the copy not the original. Or where can i find the original one?
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    When you created this planet Zeerog, did you save it to a separate folder as a master or back up file ?

    If not, then the one your looking for is in the saves folder. It will have created a folder of the planet in there.
    Its this place where all the changes have been saved as you play. Its like the live file.

    If you don't have a back up of the original planet, a master file like I asked above at start,, it should be located in the content folder that's NOT in the saves folder, that's where it takes the file in the first place to create the planet, thus is your back up for this problem. Templates.
  15. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Thanks Piddle ;-) - I was so stupid to put a playfield in the save folder too soo . . . . . the program just started the already used playfield data :) . Now it is working as it is intended. It's a learning curve that we all have to go trough :). Making planets biger is not always very handy. Some seeds make then moutains that are mutch to high. Also the map is not so usefull anymore but . . . we know it is early access :). I see forward to build 6 as i can not run it on my rented server. The provider dont want to use it (nitrado) i wonder if i could upload it myself and where to find the info what to do?

    Thanks m8 for the info :) very usefull.
  16. Zeerog1

    Zeerog1 Ensign

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I have yet another isue. I putted some gold, fixed and random in the playfield but it dont show up if i fly over the planet. I deleted the playfield in the save and content folder before saving the new one to the content folder. I have no idea what i do wrong. I pasted a part of the playfield here under.

    - Name: GoldResource
    Pos: [ 280, 53, -14 ]
    Radius: 15

    - Name: GoldResource
    Pos: [ 855, 50, -106 ]
    Radius: 9

    - Name: GoldResource
    Pos: [ 2448, 171, -357 ]
    Radius: 13

    ### Randomly distributed resources
    - Name: IronResource
    CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ] # range of number of resources to distribute on planet
    SizeMinMax: [ 8, 14 ] # range of sizes of resource depots
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ] # Range of how deep to bury depots below terrain surface (e.g. 0 = partly visible, 3 = top of depot starts 3m below surface)
    DroneProb: 0.2 # probability that the resource is defended by drones
    MaxDroneCount: 1 # if at all, 1..n drones will defend the resource [default = 1]

    - Name: GoldResource
    CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ] # range of number of resources to distribute on planet
    SizeMinMax: [ 8, 14 ] # range of sizes of resource depots
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ] # Range of how deep to bury depots below terrain surface (e.g. 0 = partly visible, 3 = top of depot starts 3m below surface)
    DroneProb: 0.2 # probability that the resource is defended by drones
    MaxDroneCount: 1 # if at all, 1..n drones will defend the resource [default = 1]

    - Name: CobaltResource
    CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 14 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
    DroneProb: 0.2

    - Name: CopperResource
    CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 13 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 1 ]
    DroneProb: 0.3

    - Name: SiliconResource
    CountMinMax: [ 4, 5 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 6, 13 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 2 ]
    DroneProb: 0.3

    - Name: PromethiumResource
    CountMinMax: [ 5, 6 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 8, 12 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 2 ]
    DroneProb: 0.4

    - Name: MagnesiumResource
    CountMinMax: [ 6, 7 ]
    SizeMinMax: [ 7, 9 ]
    DepthMinMax: [ 0, 3 ]
    DroneProb: 0.3

    ### Resource Asteroids
    - Name: IronResource
    Threshold: 0.6
    Amount: 0.5

    - Name: GoldResource
    Threshold: 0.6
    Amount: 0.5
  17. Kalypzo Starweaver

    Kalypzo Starweaver Ensign

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Alright, I se a lot of the same issue here and it's not WHAT you are creating, but how to see it populate on the server itself.
    Here's the layout, as I have done all of this already a few times. and if you are wanting to see what the effects look like feel free to drop in on my server and check it out. Kalypzo's Retreat (server Name)

    custom Planets and Solar system layout:
    EVERYTHING needs to be made in the CONTENTS folder; Planets go in Playfield, and solar system map layout goes into Sector
    when you have created your custom planet create a new folder with the name of the planet (no Spaces) and copy all of the template files from the game folder of the type of planet you created i.e Lava.
    Once done open the sector.YAML and add the planet to the list. co-ords, allow/deny list, then the orbit, planet proper, and moon(s)
    should look something like this when done.

    - Coordinates: [0, 30, 0]
    Color: 0, 0, 0
    - ['0, 0, 0', Sun, Sun]

    - Coordinates: [123, 456, 789]
    Color: 0, 0, 0
    - ['0, 0, 0', Planet Name, XXX] XXX is the name of the folder you created for the custom planet

    Once done the game needs to restart for this method to take effect. Save the file, delete the save game folder, restart the server, load the game.

    I have tried prior to make the changes in the save game folder and nothing worked, however, I would think that so long as you copy the folders and files you added to CONTENT, into the same place in SAVE GAME it should work, however the server always need to be restarted so the data can be added to the game
  18. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Basically what he said.

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