What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I took out the drone base on Masepron moon's and now doing a little repairing and need to make some more ammo then its back down to the planet to continue my invasion .! lol
    Screenshot (267).png
    Starwing6, Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  2. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    @rainyday, Nice work! The signage adds a lot of realism to your base.
  3. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I've had this same exact thought and would support this idea. Just think also if they got a good conveyor system going, and not only did we have to build it, but had set it up in a logical way... maybe also having to employ some of the signal logic in a not too complicated fashion to get the production line up and running. I love that kind of stuff.
    old_guy, Aeri, Starwing6 and 3 others like this.
  4. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Space Station stuff: The first half of the city section/crew quarters is decorated but not entirely painted/textured yet. Not sure what I want to do with the second half of the crew quarters. I could duplicate what I've already done I guess but the device count is already excessive. Turning on Show Oxygen is what brings my computer to its knees though. That's going to make oxygen testing a pain. I haven't made as much progress as I would like. Insomnia has been kicking my arse but I'm slowly plugging away at it.
  5. 68plex

    68plex Captain

    Sep 27, 2015
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    On a project that big, there's nothing wrong with slowly plugging away. Take your time, mate... if, that is, you're not under pressure from clan or devs or such. I hope not, for your sake. If not, I'd say just take it slow and steady. The end users will be much happier in the long run than if you rush it through.

    There's often a tendency, when nearing completion of such a work, to start rushing just to get the damn thing done. But that's where corners begin to be cut, quality starts to takes a back seat to completion, and sub-standard decisions become fataly justified.

    Happy building :)
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    That's what I do. Start it, Procrastinate... Get a bit more done, Procrastinate... get a bit more done, Procrastinate... rinse & repeat till done. IMHO this is THE best Strat that'll ever exist for doin this kinda thing. :D
    Starwing6, Siege Inc., 68plex and 2 others like this.
  7. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    This is embarrassing. I tend to build small and I still rarely decorate. :oops:
    rucky likes this.
  8. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    This is why I love creative mode in games like this. You can take a break from the game and just take your time building something epic.
    rucky, Siege Inc. and binhthuy71 like this.
  9. Isil`Zha

    Isil`Zha Commander

    Nov 4, 2016
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    Finished closing up the forward hull; installed all necessary maneuvering engines. With 35 T2 RCSs it can turn at... 0.4 degrees/second. Which actually feels appropriate for its size without being frustratingly slow.


    Biggest engines on the bottom so it has no issues going to ground (which the bottom hanger was designed for.) It takes over 1000 fusion cells to fuel up and on planet, while fully fueled, it has a flight time of... 14 minutes.
  10. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Small projects are good! They're a lot more practical and I tend to find them more enjoyable. After my last big project I swore I wasn't going to do any more but I keep getting sucked into these megabuilds. Honestly, I don't enjoy decorating a whole lot either. I do it for completion's sake but I don't enjoy it quite as much as blocking out a design and seeing the shape of the structure come together. Painting/texturing is probably my least favorite part of the process. I get a little frustrated by the lack of options or wanting some piece of deco that doesn't exist yet. I keep thinking if only I had more options but then I see the amazing things others have done with the texture options we have now. It's definitely a weak area in my building ability.

    @68plex Nope, not under any real pressure to finish although I feel pressured to get it done just because of the number of people that asked for a station version but I don't think the devs would use it for anything. Too big! Their guidelines recommend a size class 6 which is probably a little on the conservative side but it's easy to see why they set limits. This station is a behemoth. Not only is it taking up a lot of time but I'm running into performance issues. I can just imagine what it might be like with lots of ships and players around it. I'm worried it's not going to be usable.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
    Tyrax Lightning and 68plex like this.
  11. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    QUestion for you guys.

    First of all. I hate these guys:

    They're EXTREMELY frickin tough.

    And they drop really stupid ****.

    Where can I talked about in-game baddies on this forum?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Yeah I can't remember their name but they are 'night time' monsters so they're supposed to be bit tougher I think. But sometimes they keep on wandering thru the day too ( like the night raptors), so it can be a nasty surprise.

    Here's the thread you're looking for: http://empyriononline.com/threads/npcs-creatures-and-drones.452/page-14#post-141176
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    After demolishing some more AI Bases with my DH MK3 - oh I love that badass ship - I took a brake and finished (finalized) the MK4, the Dropship/VIP-Transport/Gunship-Variant. Now the Series is complete.
    (until I make the MKV that is...)


    My first CLASS 2 Fighter!! Just got over the Mark... and... 102 RCS...!!!






    All together:


    Link to the Collection:
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  14. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    btw.... the SV-Weapons...
    which do you prefer when playing the Survival part of the Game?

    Gatlings.... are mandatory for me, there is no better weapon against Drones and Wildlife
    Rockets and Homing Rockets.... Homings work very nice against Drones, but are a bit over the hill against these, but they work very well against Base Defenses - on the other hand I'm still not sure if these really do home in against base turrets. Can anyone comment about that?
    Because their ammo is a bit pricey comparing to the standard rocket launcher or the railgun ammo...
    Railguns.... yes, my third used weapon type, high damage but very low shots/sec. It's a Base cracker weapon.

    But the others?
    I haven't got any use of Pulse Lasers (man real star wars laser type weapons would be epic: low damage but ongoing beam! or fast pulse type) but this...
    Plasma Lasers... the same, it's just a sidegrade for Homings or Rails...

    What do you prefer?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    @rucky I pretty much enjoy the same weapons as you - but I sometimes throw in others for the sake of variation. Pulse Lasers are lots of fun but I guess too high level for what they are. I don't want to make my builds lvl 20 just because of the Pulse Lasers :/ Plasma, I really try to like them too but rockets just seem superior which is kinda sad...

    Homing rockets do home in , they're really good - and are my no 1 weapon when fighting freighters. I use normal rockets too, but only as 'backup' - pretty hard to hit fast space drones etc. or other moving targets with them. Homing rockets are good against drones, yes, but seem bit excessive like you said :)

    Railguns would be my favourite weapon IF firing and hitting with it would be visually bit more stimulating - its kinda underwhelming now... :p Really good weapons, probably too good. But usually I rather blast away rockets and plasma and enjoy the fireworks :cool:

    EDIT: And great looking SV as usual, loving your coherent line of vessels :)
    Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Firstly, can I request a change to the thread title? I think "What did you do in Empyrion last night, staying up so late doing so, you were way too tired to post about until this morning" is sorta snappy :)

    Anyway, on-topic:

    I flew to Masperons Moon last night, to see what was there. I performed a scout around the map, identifying all POI's and most deposits - dunno how I missed one lol. Seems the only resources here are Promethium and Zascosium - the latter I need. I identified a few medium deposits, but the best deposit - by like three times the amount - was within firing range of two heavy POI's, I forget their names. Thankfully said deposit was on a hill, above the POI's down on the flat, so there was a small degree of cover, though jumping saw me get shot at lol.

    I was unable to secure the resource deposit directly due to fire from the POI's and local hostile critters, so I moved about 60 metres west and started excavating somewhere to hide....erm, strategically assess the situation :) I'd already flown near the local PV - this one looks like a beast compared to the one on Masperon - so I need to stay away from that at this time. I did spot a few lightly guarded Civilian structures I could likely take over with minimum effort, but I didn't want to do that at this time. I may raid them later, but I was to establish a base first.

    So, I begin to dig-in - I do love the T2 Drill with its terrain removal mode - creating a reasonably-sized space for keeping my small SV under cover, out of sight. I proceed to expand this quite a lot, providing even better cover. Next I placed my Base Starter block and begin to build....

    After a couple of hours building - I found it very relaxing as I wasn't pestered - I had a nice, well-equipped fully-underground base buried in the side of a hill mostly done. I fitted a hangar door to shield the entrance, though this time I didn't build up tot he surface for this, rather the hangar door was deep underground, with just a carved rock tunnel leading to the surface.

    While this tunnel allowed my SV access, it wasn't so easy on foot. So, I knocked out a block and dug a shaft north then up to the surface. I'd brought lots of concrete blocks with me, and Elevator blocks, so this was achieved quickly. Once on the surface, I built a concrete bunker-like structure for my main pedestrian entrance. I had to be careful building this, as popping my head over the ridge exposed me to fire. However, once enclosed in concrete I was out of sight :)

    With the Zascosium deposit close, I made a brief outing the one hundred or so metres to deploy an auto-miner. I took some fire on the way, but Heavy Armour meant I survived a potentially unfortunate moment lol. However, there were still critters out there, and flying to the AMiD was not an option....at all. I'd managed to construct a basic concrete wall around my AMiD, hiding it and me from the POI's when I was nearby, but that didn't help me get there. I debated tunnelling underground to the AMiD location, but I'd done enough digging for a while. So, building from my pedestrian entrance I built a concrete wall I could walk beside, protecting me from the sight of the POI's. It worked well, so I expanded on this to created a walled walkway - no roof though - allowing me to get to the AMiD site without being exposed to fire, nor the local critters. Nice.

    I continued to work on my base here, expanding the hangar off to the side, further into the hill. to give me room to fly the SV in, land it for repairs, then move it off to the side out of the way.

    So, this is where I am now. I have a foot-hold on Masperons Moon, I've secured a good source of Zascosium and am relatively safe underground...for the moment. The base has ample O2 I brought with me, as well as Fuel - I don't need to secure a Promethium deposit yet - and is equipped with a Medic & O2 Station, as well as Suit Locker, repair station and a Large Constructor. I'm actually quite pleased with this build.

    I've not had any hostiles directly approach my base yet. Plus, while there are local critters, they are in no where near the numbers on Masperon proper. Possibly they will increase as time passes. My base has no turrets currently, I had brought a Sentry and ammo to protect the entrance from critters, but there really aren't enough to warrant it currently. Plus I'm not sure what the Drone trigger is on the moon. Oh, I did see the PV seemingly heading in my direction at one point, but it's not "found" me yet.

    One thing that is quite cool, due to my build location, is when I leave my hangar in the SV and emerge from the short tunnel, I come immediately under fires from multiple turrets on the two POI's - makes exiting quite spectacular, and entering a bit hairy lol.

    Later I plan to continue my base expansion and go from there.

    Note: My Fibre was activated yesterday, but I still appear to be at the dead slow stage before DLM starts tweaking things. My download speed is already 4x my old connection, but that should improve a lot more. However, my upload is still very weak, around 1/10th of where it should be, the same as my old connection. Once that ramps up, I'll be able to start uploading images - you really don't know what a pain it is uploading stuff at the mo lol.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  17. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    speaking of brought Supplies,

    what do you guys bring with you on RAIDs and MOON-Excursions?

    This is my Cargo and Fridge-Hold in any of my Fighters:


    - The Weapons are mostly for backup reasons (if they got me really killed that is).
    - Explosives for usual reasons
    - Cores... should be clear
    - 5.8mm en masse as the Minigun is my main weapon there ;-)
    - Meds, O2, Food and Textured Plants for usual reasons too (as of lately I get more often food poisioning, so I added some pills)
    - Now the 15mm and Railgun Ammo: These are for my Already-in-Factory-To-Be-Build MICRO-RAID-SV (it has both weapons!)
    - Some additional blocks only for my thought worryness ;-) This micro-SV never got shot so bad that I did need so much additional blocks - (but) especially the armor locker is of importance here - if you need to switch from heavy to light armor because of bad jump height f.e.!!

    So what do you bring with you?
  18. rainyday

    rainyday Rear Admiral

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Wow, @rucky, what are you trying - take over entire planets? :D

    I keep my containers empty as possible, so I can carry loot back home. :cool: So very minimal stuff I need to survive - food, meds, O2 - maybe a back up weapon with stack of ammo. But that's it.

    But I love your approach - you are very well prepared for anything :)
    Tyrax Lightning and rucky like this.
  19. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    lol I do what rucky does, though I make sure the other cargo boxes and fridges are free for loot. I always reserve 1 cargo box for raiding items and 1 fridge for perishable healing items.
  20. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    eh yes, I have always at least 3 additional Cargo boxes and 1 additional Fridge in my Fighters ;-)
    aaand... I always factorise most loot directly into the factory ;-)
    So I can raid 3-4 AI Bases (or 2 of these HUGE ones) until I run out of cargo space - I mostly run out of minigun ammo prior ;-)

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