Automated Event - Dread Arena

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Keith Hovey, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Since we can't share custom POI's or server events through the workshop I figured I may as well share it here :) Also noticed posting in blueprints area is permission based.

    Instructions on use:

    Download the blueprint and save it in your prefabs folder (either in single player, Your scenario, or in your Content folder)

    group name is pvearena

    Insert this group name into a playfield.yaml (planet or moon) We use an event planet so we have it there.

    - GroupName: pvearena
       CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]
       DroneProb: 0
       DronesMinMax: [ 0, 0 ]
       ReserveCount: 0
       TroopTransport: False
    Insert Trader Information into your Trader Config (can be customized of course but these are our TEST values)

    TraderNPCConfig.ecf is located in one of these folders depending on your setup
    • Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration
    • Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Scenarios\Scenario Name\Content\Configuration
    • Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Configuration
    • Empyrion - Dedicated Server\Content\Scenarios\Scenario Name\Content\Configuration

    { Trader Name: MunitionsArena
      SellingText: "Welcome to Dreads Weapons and Ammo"
      SellingGoods: "trwAmmo,trwWeaponsBasic"
      Item1: "PistolEpic, 1000, 5-10"
      Item2: "Shotgun2Epic, 1000, 5-10"
      Item3: "AssaultRifleEpic, 1000, 5-10"
      Item4: "MinigunEpic, 1000, 5-10"
      Item5: "Sniper2Epic, 1000, 5-10"
      Item6: "NightVision, 7500, 5-10"
      Item7: "50Caliber, 10, 9000-9500"
      Item8: "ShotgunShells, 20, 9000-9500"
      Item9: "5.8mmBullet, 30, 9000-9500"
      Item10: "12.7mmBullet, 30, 9000-9500"
      Item11: "8.3mmBullet, 30, 9000-9500"
    { Trader Name: MedicalArena
      SellingText: "Welcome to Dreads Medical Care!"
      SellingGoods: "trwMedical"
      Item1: "Medikit02, 500, 19-36"
      Item2: "Medikit03, 1000, 19-36"
      Item3: "Bandages, 250, 19-36"
      Item4: "AntidoteInjection, 250, 19-36"
      Item5: "AntidotePills, 250, 19-36"
      Item6: "StomachPills, 250, 19-36"
      Item7: "AntibioticOintment, 250, 19-36"
      Item8: "OxygenBottleSmall, 10, 9000-9500"
      Item9: "EmergencyRations, 1000, 40-90"
    { Trader Name: ArmorArena
      SellingText: "trwDefaultSellingText"
      SellingGoods: "trwArmorBoost"
      Item1: "InsulationBoost, 1000, 1-5"
      Item2: "MobilityBoost, 2000, 1-5"
      Item3: "ArmorBoost, 3500, 1-5"
      Item4: "JetpackBoost, 3000, 1-5"
      Item5: "MultiBoost, 3000, 1-5"
      Item6: "OxygenBoost, 3000, 1-5"
      Item7: "RadiationBoost, 3000, 1-5"
      Item8: "EVABoost, 3000, 1-5"
      Item9: "ArmorMedium, 7500, 1-5"
      Item10: "ArmorHeavy, 10000, 1-5"
    A few tips:
    1. You MUST be in godmode to start this event as the switches are all located in the control tower!
    2. Flip the start event switch ONLY one time and only AFTER you have turned on the spawners and verified creatures spawned.. Turning on will start the event, turning off will also start the event. Turn it off then on and you will have a very strange event running lol so dont do that. Wish we had momentary push buttons that just changed states every push. One push for on, one push for off.
    3. Main Doors and spawners are operated by switches in the control tower. All other operations are automated using logic Circuits.
    4. LCD Panels in control tower and on center building act as indicators and will tell you what stage the event is in.
    5. The event has 3 stages, 12 levels of Difficulty. It is intended for 6 people (one of which will drive the hv you will have to manually place in the HV Bonus Bay)
    6. Event lasts approximately 18 minutes but it feels like 10 because final 4 levels are a bit tough.

    Some pictures of the arena:


    Pictures of All of the Logic Circuits I used:


    Attached Files:

    rucky, Exacute, Kaeser and 2 others like this.
  2. SixxGunZ

    SixxGunZ Commander

    May 22, 2017
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    I can't believe nobody has responded to this awesome build. Dude, this is a great idea. I had no idea you could do timers with those sensors (i'll never figure that out... ever) This should be a good event on the server.
  3. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    Its been a popular event along with our prison break event (its another event I plan on making public eventually).
  4. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    You can turn that into a scenario and share it in the workshop, just need to remember scenarios can't use area files so you can't have bases underground unless you set them to change the terrain around them like POIs do.

    You can also share the planets on your server that way.
    martian101 likes this.
  5. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    I actually plan on building a scenario eventually as I have quite a bit of it ready to go. Only reason I have not done it yet is because editing the pda is REALLY time consuming currently.
    Kaeser likes this.
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Try this ePDA
    martian101 and Keith Hovey like this.
  7. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    I LITERALLY just started using that yesterday and found a bug in it. He patched the bug and i have begun using it as of an hour ago :) Getting everything sorted now!
  8. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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