Npcs: Poll and Major Suggestions proposed by the Community

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by michaelhartman89, Oct 5, 2017.


What major npc feature should be added first?

  1. Hiring and Employing Npcs (Ship Crews)

  2. Npc scripting and pathfinding

  3. Lore & Mission set

  4. Role playing and adding conversations

  5. Npc Factions, building Rapport and Diplomacy

  6. Escalation of Force for Enemy Npcs, Alien Invasions

  7. Creative - Instant Action Combat Mode

  8. Npc Fleets, Commanding multiple ships from Flagship

  9. Boss Size Npcs

  10. Taming and Breeding Animals

Multiple votes are allowed.
Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    I agree with you that the game needs solid content and a single player mode that can stand on its own and has implemented all the concepts in discussion. As a fan of RPG'S, FPS, MMORPG'S, I am up for any new content being added that immerses the player in the game environment. I feel that this is the most successful way to do this and would revolutionize the way we see Empyrion in the future.

    The reason I started playing Empyrion was for the building content, the reason I am sticking around is bc of the endless possibilities for new features and an endless galaxy to explore. The reason I even bought a computer was for Star Citizen which is still promising and bc I was burned on NMS after waiting 2 years for its release. I just happened to stumble upon Empyrion by chance while looking through the steam store and thought it looked interesting. It's the first block building game I have played besides Subnautica if you can call that a voxel building game with its prefab parts.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2017
    Neal and Kassonnade like this.
  2. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    [Off Topic]
    I'm not interested in PvP so I don't play MP games as a general rule. Empyrion is ideal for me because of PVE--being able to play co-op with friends is just the best! :cool: I bought the game entirely for the PVE and opportunity to play it with my husband--otherwise, I probably wouldn't have picked it up.

    [Back on Topic]

    I love the civilian NPCs a lot so more features with them would be fabulous. :D It's tough to pick my top 3 choices because they involve other features in order to work. I'll come back to this in a moment.

    My picks are:
    - Npc scripting and pathfinding
    - Hiring and Employing Npcs (Ship Crews)*
    - Npc Factions, building Rapport

    Npc scripting and pathfinding is necessary for any other NPC feature to work--so it might as well not be an option ;) I might be wrong though.

    Hiring and Employing Npcs (Ship Crews) would be completely amazing and fun, but it would only really help if the NPCs can be given access rights to some controls during the voyage. For example: fuel, O2, and pentaxid refuelling, operating turrets, etc. Crewmates should need to be able to walk around while the ship is in motion, and seated for warp jumps--the captain will have to issue a pre-warp command to make the NPCs go to their nearest passenger seats.

    * This feature needs to be available for player faction members especially. It would help a lot of faction members can maintain fuel, O2, and ammo, use the extra drill turrets, take control of offense turrets while moving, etc (not via Control Panel). ADDED: There should be a benefit to having crew members, such as improving the ship's capabilities or being able to do small repairs on the spot, while the ship is moving.

    Npc Factions, building Rapport would be great. I don't think diplomacy is a worthwhile feature because it probably wouldn't work well. All rapport with NPC factions could slowly move toward Neutral while no interactions are happening with them--perhaps if negativity runs too deep, permanent enemies can be made, and likewise permanent alliances if your faction builds a very strong positive rapport with them.

    While not one of my 3 picks (because of scripting & pathfinding), I'd like to add that commanding multiple ships from a flagship is another feature that should be added for player factions as well, if it gets added. For instance, the commander could get other vessels to attack a specific target, retreat, move to a waypoint, and to warp to a specific destination. The player captain onboard any of the other CVs should be able to override a command if they want or need to, or the ship will automatically follow commands. We always love building CVs and often go out on space adventures as a small fleet already, so it would be great to see Fleet Commanding added to the game. :cool:
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2017
    Neal, LordMontecute, Ankios and 5 others like this.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think some of the categories intersect with others, now that I look at it more closely. It may be difficult to vote because I suspect many won't read all threads and simply go with the summaries, while many details are developed in each thread. AI scripting and pathfinding seems mandatory for every other category involving NPC moving around and interacting with player or other NPCs, so even if no vote goes to AI scripting & pathfinding it has to be done anyways.
    Mortlath, Starwing6 and rucky like this.
  4. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Yah I made the thread on my phone, so going through each post and editing it to coincide with each category it was posted under really wasn't an option. I dont have access to my computer at the moment bc I'm not on the same base my stuff is at. Everything I brought is in a duffle bag at the moment.
  5. GTv

    GTv Rear Admiral

    Feb 28, 2017
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    First they need to get a good sized library of mocap animations instead og the stiff cardboard movements they use now. If they are able to do that, some of the other things are possible.
    Something not mentioned is rideable pets and smaller pets we can use in fights.
    Starwing6 likes this.
  6. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Yes. But in relation to budget, these things come not before near end of Alpha == Feature complete.

    Please NOT. No Ark 2.0. Again budget!
    "Schuster bleib bei deinen Leisten" - something like "cobbler, stick to your last"
  7. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I'm fine with farming animals but please no taming, riding and definitely no combat, this is not ARC.
    Animals should be able to be farmed for meat and milk that is all.
    They should not even be able to be transported via CV.
  8. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Damn you just cut out my Livestock CV. I was gonna take my Lizard Mules to the county fair and try to go home with a blue ribbon and a smoking hot country girl
  9. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Next thing you are gonna tell me I can't build a combine harvester to harvest my corn fields to feed my 1k head of Lizard mules

    All kidding aside, why can't we harvest crops with a harvester module. Just make a t2 version and let us build farms
  10. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Nope that you can do and you can make a slaughter house to while your at it.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2017
    Sofianinho and michaelhartman89 like this.
  11. RMHaney

    RMHaney Lieutenant

    Oct 2, 2017
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    I think that if you want systems in place so you can be a farmer or rancher, you've stumbled into the wrong game. I'm totally down for that being added through mods, and it would be fun... but of all the **** to do I don't want the developers fiddling with that nonsense.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  12. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    That's why it is under represented in the polls. I wouldn't care if it was the very last alpha update and very last feature to be added. If it isn't to big a deal, I would appreciate the benefit of raising livestock for resources at some point.

    I believe there will be a mod for everything some day, so im not worried. I would just like as many of these to be in the vanilla game as possible without having to run player made mods that work against each other and lag the game to death.
  13. 1979danb

    1979danb Commander

    Jun 14, 2016
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    For me id like more lore to the whole empyrion story but the biggest problem for me is the mid to late game has no threat, bases have no real threat that cant be protected from with one turret and i can kill everything and take out poi's with just few gatling guns on a sv and building battle cv's for fun isnt really fun anymore because there is nothing to challenge it! i want sv dogfights and cv's to properly warp around the galaxy hunting me launching sv's and drones amongst a hail of turret fire!. I want my builds to be tested, i want the ability to piss of an alien faction and have them hunt me and my bases down, i want a reason to build other than for the fun of it
  14. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Thats exactly what I've been saying! Where is the challenge in the current game? What is the political stance of these enemies? Why is it morally ok for them to attack me onsite? Why are the talon's neutral to me? Why aren't there consequences for strip mining their entire planet?

    We dont need answers to everything, but it would be nice to start seeing some lore and npc factions in game soon. Right now, we can say we have a Traders guild, Talons and the Zirax, what will come next?
  15. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I kinda consider this a cart-before-horse issue. Not sure how much more of the physical universe in game is to be finished but any tactical situation is likely to change as the 'world' is finished and mechanics; Air friction, dynamic water that can be manipulated, speed limit increases or elimination... etc. I am more than capable of thinking of 2-5 ways I could effect tactics or have plans affected by each of those listed.
    Not really sure what their outline for progression they have laid out for themselves. I am willing to wait patiently though. They have been progressing satisfactorily for me.
  16. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I don't like any of the choices.
    medicineman likes this.
  17. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Great thread. I was a bit unsure what to vote for as I didn't read up the whole thread first. What I actaully voted for was:

    I. Lore & Mission set
    II. Npc Factions, building Rapport and Diplomacy
    III. Escalation of Force for Enemy Npcs, Alien Invasions

    I could also go for
    Npc scripting and pathfinding

    Everything else (as I understand it) would be better built on those dimensions. I think the next questions that need to be fleshed out, at least in part:

    1. Who are these entities, and what do they want/need? (which covers I. and partly II)
    2. How does the player relate to them if they are not automatically aggro (which covers II).
    3. What is the overarching existential threat in the Empyrion PVE game world?

    In my opinion, the NPC and other aspects of the environment should be _DESIGNED FOR_ singleplayer mode, and then adjusted for multi-player mode.

    All the other bullet points sound fantastic, hiring ship crews in particular sounds wondrous! (I WANT CHEWBACCA! as my ENGINEER/CO-PILOT!!) but IMHO, these three questions: 1. Who? 2. Relates how? 3. Threat? need to be defined at least in skeletal form and the rest built around that. So far, the approach Eleon has taken, of building a working game world without story--which to me is unusual--has proven to be brilliant. It has ensured that the game delivers experience that surpasses most games and it provides an "engine" for the development of stories of extraordinary variety, depth and breadth. Honestly, the mind boggles at the long-term potential of this game. It could easily surpass every other FPS/action/survival game ever made depending on how its evolution is managed.

    Despite the fact that start from an "engineering" standpoint and not a "story telling" has proven to be so successful, I think at some point, to take the game into beta, and expand its appeal to even broader market, story will have to be brought in. First hire one or two good writers who are also experienced gamers/programmers (ehem, I uh . . . I'm retired you know ;) ) and develop the core of the narrative. Then build a few upfront pieces to bring out that core and then build outward from there. Worry about voice actors and music and all that stuff farther down the line when they are rolling in bank.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  18. medicineman

    medicineman Captain

    May 20, 2016
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    What I care about the most is fixing the borders. Getting rid of the stupid green wall transition and the polar shenanigans. Nothing ruins the game for me right now as much as these two things do. The moment they are gone I'm going to crack open a bottle of chimay and play all night.

    Until then I don't really care what they do.
    dichebach and michaelhartman89 like this.
  19. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    To me it's really more about the core of the AI. Path finding and combat engagement is what I would do. Raiding POIs is one of the big things you do in this game and to be honest, the AI is very mediocre and not so interesting. The AI cant even walk up a stair case. I mean I get it. I understand, but still.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  20. Ankios

    Ankios Lieutenant

    Jan 14, 2016
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    YES§ You guys are aiming at NPCs for now! This was my hope for such a long time!!!

    Hiring, Escalation and RP are (in this order ^^) wihtout a doubt my biggest hopes :)
    michaelhartman89 likes this.

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