Unfortunately, and alas, this is incorrect. You cannot change where something is place-able, that is still hard-coded. So, even if you add the mobile (SV or HV) constructor to the Base or CV tech tree, you can UNLOCK it from that Tech Tree, but the device will still be the same. Otherwise, I'd already have SV turrets. --B.
You don't? I do... I think what Hummel meant is the mechanism that allows the survival constructor to be placed on terrain probably prevents it from being placed on a vehicle.
Nope. See here: https://empyriononline.com/threads/...in-a-sv-for-galactic-survival-gameplay.35528/ Placeable is NOT the Problem. Making it useable is. F.e. SV Turrets WILL NOT auto-fire. BUT you can put f.e. large or advanced constructors on SVs or HVs and they do work!
Not just looks- they can be manually fired. I guess there just aren't any hooks for the AI. Hey... I said I had them. I didn't say they worked 100%..
The interior of the Agni looks much different with a little config tweak. I truly dislike the lg/adv constructor models. I don't think the old lg constructor was all that bad, just needed a texture upgrade.
Also, lovely use of textures in there, Brim! I like how you've used the 'cable run' texture. Everything looks neat and tidy!
It did a bit for me also, but I actually like the new model better, so I'm dealing . I'd like to see them sub a smaller version of the donut for the grav gen. That's the other one I don't care for much.. and it would be nice if it came in a 2x2 and 3x3 flavor to help me center it... I don't even care if there were a field volume difference between the two.
You know, a version of this has been my signature on other forums for about the last decade... I may have to bring it over here.
"ShowBlockName: true # Unknown" I would assume when you point at it does it say what it is. Devices should all be set to True and blocks/windows to false... Just guessing here.
I’ve been attempting to get a functional garden going on HV’s to promote the use of them on the server I Admin on. Getting the growplots and growlights to be place-able is the easy part. Sadly I cannot find the sprouts in the config file to make them playable on HV. Curious if anyone has conquered this dilemma and if so please post. I already had solar, constructors, food pro’s all working on HV, a garden would put the icing on the cake.
{ Template Name: DurianRoot OutputCount: 2 CraftTime: 15 Target: FoodP { Child Inputs SpaceDurian: 4 WaterBottle: 5 NutrientSolution: 1 } } { Template Name: CornStage1 OutputCount: 2 CraftTime: 15 Target: FoodP { Child Inputs Corn: 4 WaterBottle: 5 NutrientSolution: 1 } }
This is the recipe, not the object itself. However, we could try making an object description for the sprouts if we could find the block ids for them.
I don't suppose your tool can do that if the BP has plants in it? I'm thinking the created description wouldn't need more than the header with the ID and name, and the line to allow placement
My thoughts exactly. However, there was a change of some kind in the blueprint format, and I haven't yet had a chance to update it (hopefully that'll happen in the next few days).
Cool... heh... a micro-garden- since the plot and plants would then each take up on small block in space