Alpha 7.6 - FEEDBACK: Medical templates and effect changes

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    7.6.x NOTE Based on feedback a few changes were added to make medicals for Open Wound and Poison bit on both starter planets a bit easier to get

    Bandages - fully self grown or collectible on both planets > AloeVera + Fiber
    Antibotic Pills - Akua = PhoenixFernFonds + Cobra Leaves (PoisonBit)
    Antibiotic Ointment - Omicron = OpuntiaCactusSpears + AloeVera + Water (PoisonBit + Open Wound)
    Stomach Pills - Akua = Cobra Leaves + PixieStalks (FoodPoisoning)

    - all alien, biological and chemical compounds will be added to OkY Medical and Aunt Mary's Traders.
    - templates for small and large medikit as well as a few other medicals were slightly reduced in complexity

    Please also note that the food items have gotten a boost for effects and health hp as well, so this is not an isolated "change" to make your life harder ;-) (maybe a bit, ok)

    We will balance the food/health/injuries aspects around the food & medical templates in the future even more, as currently the both mechanics did not have a lot of interconnections (which could even out shortcomings of either gameplay).


    • Revamped all templates for medicals
    • Added ingredients based on an internal "biochemical property list" (see below)
    • Increased Health for Small Medikit to 150
    • Increased Health for Large Medikit to 300
    • Both Medikits are a bit more complex due to the Health increase
    • Removed Status Effect 'FoodPoisoning' from Antidote Pills (Now focused on PoisonBit; FoodPoisoning is removed by StomachPills)

    BioChemical compound reference (not visible ingame)

    Anti Parasite - Alien Thorn
    Anti Parasite Amplifier - Alien Tooth

    Anti Poison - Opuntia Cactus
    Anti Poison (Strong) - Varon Root
    Anti Poison Amplifier - Phoenix Fern Frond

    Anti Radiation - Alien Spike Lemon
    Anti Radiation Amplifier - Spiky Mushroom

    Injection supplement - Purified Water

    Chem. Amplifier T1 - Confetti Moss Scrapings
    Chem. Amplifier T2 - Fire Moss Scrapings

    Chemical Health T1 - Alien Plasma ZR1
    Chemical Health T2 - Alien Plasma T6

    Global Amplifier - Cobra Leaves
    Global Amplifier (Strong) - Alien Parts

    Global BioMed - Pixie Stalk Bundle

    Open Wound Amplifier - Alien Honey
    Open Wound - Aloe Vera

    Stamina Amplifier - Brafus Fungi
    Stamina - Kavae Beans

    Tissue (Strong) - Plant Fibers
    Tissue (weak) - Seaweed
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
    Space Beagle likes this.
  2. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Did not tested anything - I'm just hoping that we now have good amount of Opuntia Cactus around us on planets with poisonous spiders... like on Omicron start where Alien Spike Lemon was 'girls best friend' from get-go ... cracking rocks & picking lemons :)

    One other thing that I hope is comming soon should be separation of food & medicine/drugs making device - we already have full hospital with all those healing devices, now we just need 'drug-maker' :cool:

    Crewsk8200 and Gary Parkin like this.
  3. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    You did not revamp--you ruined the medicals! So when you start, you better pick Omicron if you want to make medicine--but you can't have bandages!

    Yeah... thanks for ruining my favourite game overnight!
  4. Friendly Timo

    Friendly Timo Captain

    Aug 8, 2017
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    So with this you are basically able to just manufacture ONLY bandages at Akua if you are unfortunate enough to choose to spawn there. With this in mind I only can ask one question: WTF are you guys on? As if pentaxid for plasma and laser rounds and freaking cottonballs from plant fiber to the basic ammo wasn't f'd up enough. I honestly didn't expect it to go this far. What's next guys? Space Oranges for warp drive?
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
    Starwing6 likes this.
  5. njord8472

    njord8472 Ensign

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Yep, only bandages can now be crafted in starter temperate planets.
    And if your seed is unfortunate in the lakes/oceans (like the Official US server) and doesn't have any seaweed or thorns, most medical items can no longer be crafted.
  6. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    7.6.x NOTE Based on feedback a few changes were added to make medicals for Open Wound and Poison bit on both starter planets a bit easier to get

    Bandages - fully self grown or collectible on both planets > AloeVera + Fiber
    Antibotic Pills - Akua = PhoenixFernFonds + Cobra Leaves (PoisonBit)
    Antibiotic Ointment - Omicron = OpuntiaCactusSpears + AloeVera + Water (PoisonBit + Open Wound)

    - all alien, biological and chemical compounds will be added to OkY Medical and Aunt Mary's Traders.
    - templates for small and large medikit as well as a few other medicals were slightly reduced in complexity
  7. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    Looks like some of you didn't get memo about big changes in Alpha 8 - like BIGGER PLANETS with BIGGER BIOMES - so you will have little bit of 'desert' on new Akua, and other things ;)

    It is obvious that current revamp of food & medicine are made with new Alpha 8 planets in mind, so you just need to be patient in next period. If you want to start new game just now in a7.6 then adapt & survive - like, use traders for some things :D

    EDIT - ok, that @Hummel-o-War guy is very fast!
  8. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    Since we're nowhere near 8.0 Experimental even, then there's no reason this change should've been pushed out now. But of course, they do this all the time. :rolleyes:
    Friendly Timo likes this.
  9. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    PS: please note that the food items have gotten a boost for effects and health hp as well, so this is not an isolated "change" to make your life harder ;-) (maybe a bit, ok)

    We will balance the food/health/injuries aspects around the food & medical templates in the future even more, as currently the both mechanics did not have a lot of interconnections (which could even out shortcomings of either gameplay).
  10. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    So will our armour protect us from spiders and things that can poison us with a single strike? What I mean is, will you reduce the ridiculously high chance of injuries (poison bite, open wound, parasite) from enemies?

    It's one thing to make life harder for the players, but developing your game out of the fun range is another.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Good point. Will check this next.
  12. Starwing6

    Starwing6 Rear Admiral

    Mar 25, 2017
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    If you're able to, then I will not be freaking out about not being able to heal myself at night time!
    Friendly Timo likes this.
  13. Gary Parkin

    Gary Parkin Captain

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Thank you because it's stupid that I have metal armor and get a spider bite. Never met a spider that can bite thru metal. Maybe leave it alone for the lower armor or no armor.

    Also, I too vote for a separate machine to make medical supplies in.
  14. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Me too....
  15. I see no mention of stomach pills? Those are impossible to craft early game now, which is the only time they are needed. They need to be craftable from all starter locations and should probably be craftable in the survival constructor. Once you have progressed to a base and food processor you are highly unlikely to be eating raw foods anymore.

    You can say we just have to rely on seaweed, but that's not always guaranteed and could be impossible to acquire if you have POI's guarding the water (as in my most recent game). Perhaps adding the "cures food poisoning" to other pickables?

    Traders can also be on the other side of the planet and unreachable due to POI's, so relying on them for now also doesn't always work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2018
    Gary Parkin likes this.
  16. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Stomach pills were never craftable on all planets.

    Before: AloeVera + CobraLeaves = only Akua had both
    Now (coming with the hotfix, sry forgot to mention in the starter): PixieStalks + CobraLeaves (I removed the Opuntia cactus so you do not leave Akua)
  17. I'm looking at both those on Omicron right now. 10 seconds after falling from a drop pod. And I know Akua has both as well.

    We were able to craft both the antidote pills and the stomach pills on both Omicron and Akua before. Both the antidote pills and stomach pills cured food poisoning before.
    Now on Omicron the only thing I have is seaweed snacks, if I can reach it or actually have any seaweed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2018
    Starwing6 likes this.
  18. Dandere

    Dandere Commander

    Dec 16, 2017
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    I think this is a valid criticism. Changes that break systems in the short term seem to get pushed with regularity, with the inside knowledge that they'll make sense with long-term changes.

    This causes distress when we all realize that the thing we liked and worked fine is now useless.

    That other thing that was already useless when we started playing we don't care about.

    A sufficiently distressed player will ragequit and write a bad steam review. Changes without framework are not a brilliant idea.

    This update makes all medical supply and advanced food crafting useless. We need the ability to farm this big list of MacGuffins before it will be useful again, which I only know is happening from coming here to complain. These things should not have been pushed together.
    Sephrajin, Spirit_OK, rucky and 2 others like this.
  19. Wi1d

    Wi1d Ensign

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Some of these are very grinding changes. Personally the last thing I want to do is not only maintain a farm to make the higher tier stuff but roam the galaxy. I don't do that irl. Not going to do it in a game. I just purchased the game and was finally getting where I could make a pizza and can food. Now it is back to eating popcorn baked pumpkin.
    rucky and Friendly Timo like this.
  20. hanni79

    hanni79 Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Early December a mosquito managed to bite me in my backside - Through a jeans and my underwear.
    I swear, this miserable blood sucking pests now haul extension pipes around just to suck even more.
    Oh, I noticed the mosquito because it bit me while sitting down, squashing it. On a white chair. Even in death they manage to p... me off.
    Couldn't find the extension pipe though, I have to assume it's still stuck in my trouser.

    Extrapolating the size of the spiders I think we can safely assume they use plasma torches to crack our armour - I think we can be really glad they don't do this while we stroll on the moon while they target us from the planet surface using kilometre long nanotubes to suck us dry.

    On another note :
    Planets 64 times bigger than before ? Colour me impressed. o_O

    I'm not going to complain about all the food / medicine stuff, since most of my food already came from base raids.
    Also, I never really managed to make more than 5 or 6 small medkits in a single game, since most ZR1 (?) mushrooms I found vanished after the first few harvests.
    I just hope it will be properly balanced one day so it will be satisfying to use, which right now it is most surely not.

    Something I found somewhat useful to do : Don't destroy the Drone base, kill the Drones by manning your turret and wait for the troop transport to unload. They are basically angry Santas with lots of nearly free gifts :D
    Spirit_OK and rucky like this.

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