What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    No I'm just a crabby old misanthrope. Hate people, love folks.
  2. Theurgist

    Theurgist Captain

    Oct 11, 2017
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    monktk, MEKNET1977, Kieve and 10 others like this.
  3. lochigg

    lochigg Commander

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Not really today but ...

    I was playing around with gravity generators and tried to create a hollow earth. You can walk around inside the "ship" in any
    direction until you reach your starting point. There are some strange effects if you leave the influence of a generator and enter the next one (weird change of looking direction).

    You can toggle off the inner gravity and activate generators on the outside of the hull and walk around like on a moon. Funny part about it ... don't be inside the sphere if you activate the outer gravity generators ...

    NeuesSpiel_0_2018-02-22_15-01-33.jpg NeuesSpiel_0_2018-02-22_15-02-37.jpg NeuesSpiel_0_2018-02-22_15-12-42.jpg NeuesSpiel_0_2018-02-22_15-14-17.jpg

    Have fun ;)
  4. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Hicks42 gave my poor worker who buyed scrap to build his first ship a Name, Tonga was his name...:)
    with an war canoe... (thats hilarious!)

    ...and so good that i have to stick with it, for this story.

    "So Tonga flew too the stars and found an forgotten asteriodfield in the outer sytsem. After scanning one worthless rock after another he couldn't descripe his feelings, while watching the scanner in front of him.
    The sensor diagramms couldn't be real, he has heard rumors... of riches.

    But to find, that, here, only made sence if someone hid it there.
    As Tonga was not dump he only took few small parts of it. He needs a better, a greath Canoe to ge it all!
    So he went back to the old scrapjard and made a deal with the owner. For most of the small riches Tonga is allowed to take and build from the junk as he wish!

    So the "little Sister" got build."

    Ahhh, ok, maybe i got carried away.... with the short story

    But the "little Sister" gets real and will onetime be able to hold 2 HV while decent into the athmosphere

    front view of cockpit section

    I cant help but to reuse he cockpit part of my "Rigger"

    external Maintenance access
    and the first attempt at tuesday

    while landing, both pilots can see the ground

    NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-12-19.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_22-24-51.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-12-03.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-12-40.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-12-51.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-15-36.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-15-46.jpg NewGame_4-180217-2133_2018-02-21_23-16-04.jpg

    What ya think?
    monktk, Robot Shark, dpburke2 and 5 others like this.
  5. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Interior is progressing.

    At first I had the stacks of large storage boxes all neat, same box and same color. Looked really sharp. So what happened?


    I remembered that there was assorted cargo elsewhere. I did not think the assorted cargo containers would look quite so good all the same shape, size and color. While I wasn't ready to mix the half boxes into the nice neat stacks, I did mix in a few of the alternate large boxes in there and added in all those colors so that there would be some consistency in the freight.


    And here's a few other screenshots from my handiwork tonight.

    Creative2_2018-02-22_21-56-15.png Creative2_2018-02-22_21-56-56.png Creative2_2018-02-22_21-57-39.png

    The exterior was done a couple days ago, but I was looking at it again and thought I had gone a bit too crazy on the "rust", so I toned it down a little tonight. Still quite a bit, just not quite so bad.

  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I think downvoting should have mandatory obligation to explain the reason someone did downvote. It would bring the light of reality forth and open the eyes of all involved, creators and subscribers and those just browsing the workshop of course.

    I have downvoted myself too, on some published creations on workshop. Sometimes find it easier for me and my time just to downvote, or upvote per case i find that suit to me. Others I do write a couple of lines about my thoughts on the published object, and sometimes I give a alternative/solution as well. I love browsing the workshop often, but I also value my time enough to chose how to react per case. I consider as lower rate from my part the fact that I do not even bother to click on the item to open its detail page, or if I do, I do not react at all other than closing my browser's tab and move forward. This is the real downvote from my side. I prefer to express my interest by subscribing first then writing some words, and very rarely upvoting. Votes are for politicians. We are gamers. Hence if someone could see my subscribed items on workshop, she/he would understand which items I really like most. Everything else is pure garbage politics and stupid ego boosters,that I denny to be involved with.

    I think, the most critical thing about the published creations on workshop is not votes nor comments. It is acceptance or ignorance. I think those two "measurements" matter most. Acceptance= subscribers. Ignorance = absence of subscribers and/or upvotes, and /or downvotes, and/or comments. Visitors doesn't count at all.

    PS 1 By the way. To those that "threaten" to stop publish stuff on Workshop. We do not need you, guys. Life can still go on without having the workshop at a whole. We do like the stuff you create and we like. We will continue not to like the stuff you publish and we so not like. Whenever you publish stuff that is.

    PS 2 .The highest rate I think is the fact that someone likes a creation that takes it and alters it to fit hers/his needs and finally of course publishes the outcome. This means how much you like something from the workshop that you get it and you alter it to meat your needs and keep it longer. This is something I did myself too for example with Kieve's Argentspire when I attached a landing pad. The only crime I did was the fact I did not ask before I hit the publish button.

    Other stuff I have altered are Sk Survivor by Silent kitty, which I altered to Poseidon's trident of mine and finally to Anax, a bigger version of this CV. Other was the well known Hakon that my last alteration was Hakon Z, to fit version 7 needs for oxygen.

    I love all those stuff. If you see my workshop I suck at creating stuff from scratch by I thrive on altering other's stuff to meet my needs. I publish altered creations not to steal any fame from the original creators but to help others that might think like me and find my alterations more useful that the original, and get opinions on what I did well or wrong per case, so as to improve myself.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2018
  7. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    No argument here. Though I imagine a lot of my designs would simply have "lol, u suk /10char" as the comment. I don't think there's an effective way to force people to give constructive feedback, positive or negative.

    I've honestly tried to be a lot more liberal with my upvotes. Almost anything I see that looks worth clicking on will probably get my thumbs-up, if only because it's likely to make the person on the other end feel better about their work. I see too many builders who are like "Oh man, I could never make something this cool!" and then find a good dozen or so perfectly "cool" uploads in their workshop that just didn't get the attention they should have, for one reason or another. There are so many people whose only real issue is a lack of confidence, and the more I see it, the more it stands out to me, so I make a concentrated effort to offer support and positive critique where I can.
    As for downvotes... @Jenniphurr 's correct about phallic or inappropriate builds, but I make sure to report those and if they're not dealt with in a day or two I typically shoot @Arturius1967 a message as well. The only thing not report-worthy that's earned my downvote recently is Spongebob. I'm sorry, I just really hate that show.

    I'd agree, but for my point about stuff getting passed over. An ignored build won't give the creator any feedback about what's good/bad/could-be-improved. And a poor thumbnail can kill even the best creations. Can you imagine Barcellona being anywhere near as popular if Savinwraith had done one of those "interior floor, holding multitool, ghost of BP window" thumbnails instead of an exterior beauty shot?
    Siege Inc., monktk, dpburke2 and 3 others like this.
  8. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    *Raises Hand* I definitely have Confidence Problems... :(

    Especially cause of this I try to be supportive when I can, & can only hope i'm of help at this. The more peeps that do this, the better the Community Spirit as a whole... & imho this Forum is the current best one on the whole Internet... but it's not free. These efforts must stay Supported or the Good Community Spirit... COULD fall...
  9. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    see i try to set up my ships, ya im not that good but when NONE of my 50 ish builds gets any type of recognizement after 500 hours of building them all, and then a simple SV that even as bad as i am gets on the front page of the damn workshop, i dont have any " confidence" left.....
    like i "could" go back over most of my ships redo the insides, make it more interesting and detailed, but whats the point!? my work is mostly pushed aside even if i did do this no one rate my work or gives feed back so ik what to fix, so ive kida given up at this point.
    dpburke2, Tyrax Lightning and lochigg like this.
  10. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Both Jenniphurr and I have given you some pretty specific feedback regarding your ships. What you choose to do with that feedback is your own decision, but you can't say "no one" has tried.
    For the record, I'll reiterate my part here:
    -Instead of importing several ships and leaving them in their chunky, default state, spend your 10-15 minutes a day sanding off the rough edges and polishing up one ship. I know you've said time is an issue, but churning out a dozen imports that someone else modeled, using another someone-else's program, isn't going to impress very many people.
    -Alternately, don't waste time seeking attention or adoration from anyone if you're not willing to put in the time on your work. Build for yourself, first and foremost - if you're happy with it, that's all that matters. But if you want people to pay attention to, and respect "your" work, you have to make it your own first, and that means more than slapping devices down randomly and throwing a jug of paint at the whole thing.

    Personally, I think you could build some great things on your own, if you'd give yourself the chance to do so, but the last time we talked, you basically gave every excuse under the sun why you couldn't be bothered to. I'm not trying to be rude or harsh here, but that's the truth of it: you have to put in some real effort of your own.
    monktk, Jᴧgᴧ, malrose1 and 6 others like this.
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I like sharing my Creations on this Forum more then the Workshop... I don't even bother with my Workshop Page anymore.

    This is sound advice too. :D

    Can also try my Strategy: Get a bit done, procrastinate... get a bit more done, procrastinate... get another bit done, procrastinate... get some more done, procrastinate... rinse & repeat till done. I got my Tyrax 3D Deathmaw, aka Mr. Size Class 3o built-from-Starter done this way! :) (Took a good couple Months... but it DID get done. ;))
    monktk, Jᴧgᴧ, dpburke2 and 3 others like this.
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    true but i got more hate for importing models if i knew a majority would hate me doing this id never would have started. as for your feed back, i dont remeber what you guys said sorry, that ones on me.

    its not about the "attention" i do want to get noticed yes but id rather see people use my work ive doon, was mostly the whole point of me building, trying my first steps in model imports, i liked the idea other using my ships on a bunch of servers or using my blanks to make there own creations made me happy, but what i was getting at is the workshop just feels like a popularity contest, if someone makes a shitty build they will never get feed back and or noticed.

    im not very good, i need more practice but i have almost zero modivation to go build something due to being affraid i just waisted my time like for example, my first ever build was last year, it was a ship, and no model imports then, it got 46 downloads by now but no one gave feedback or a thumbs up, feel cheated on that, even so ya im happy for the subs but my drive is on people telling me feed back and how i can improve my builds, for example of what i hate, i finished my USS Discovery and left 2 small rooms empty in it, ran out of ideas completely, im not going to hide the fact i have 2 empty rooms so i mention it here and first reply was someone calling me lazy, so
    dpburke2 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  13. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    The word of Trolls & Griefers is worthless & best thrown away & disregarded. :rolleyes: Even dirt is more valuable... at least it can Grow Crops, & in Minecraft, be used as a "Dirtevator". :p

    Also the advice to 'Build for yourself first & foremost' is solid... I woulda fell apart as a Builder without that Advice. The RL me can be awful vulnerable to caring an awful lot what others think of me. Trying to build how others think Building should be done did nothing for me except cause strings of Failed Experiments that got nowhere.

    Also, don't be afraid to check out other people's Creations in Creative & 'study' them... especially if they have interesting use of Corner & Angle Blocks & ya could use help understanding them & how they can work. Can even Paint the Blocks Dummy Colors to 'see' them better. In Creative ya can pop stuff out like Candy so no need to be shy or careful with it. :D
    monktk, rainyday, dpburke2 and 3 others like this.
  14. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    its not about trolls, like people really dont like me to much sure they have a right not too but it dosent modivate me none the less, all becuase of the stupid model imports, you guys dont get i suck ass at building, and dont have the ammount of time i wish i could have do to my real life being hell, so atm i have given up, 8.0 comes around ill see about trying again but as of now im done with the game as a whole
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    From personal experience: If you rely on other people for motivation, you will never get anywhere.

    You keep saying you "suck at building," as if that's some excuse to not try. That kind of thinking won't help you in the least.

    True story: Part of my job involves tying a specific kind of knot in strips of fabric (a "square knot," for the curious). Recently, I started training a coworker, who insisted that she absolutely could not tie knots - could not even tie her shoes until some unreasonably advanced age.
    ...After a mere five minutes of showing her how and letting her do it for herself, she had it down.

    If you try, you'll get better. If you convince yourself you can't, and you never try, then of course you'll never improve. Don't tell me your life sucks, don't tell me you don't have time, and above all don't tell yourself you're not good enough. Just shut up, launch Empyrion, and start building. Five minutes or ten, for one day or a week or for however long it takes, whenever you have the time, just try. And if what you're building doesn't work out, just spawn a new starter and try again. And again and again and again, until your orbital shipyard looks like Kessler's worst nightmare come true. Because each failure will show you something new, each design you give up on will have some elements worth keeping - and one of those designs, whether it's the first or the fiftieth or the hundredth, will be The One.

    But hey, that's just one tiger's advice. Not like I know anything about it, right?
    monktk, LiftPizzas, Na_Palm and 7 others like this.
  16. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    im going to give ONE last shot at this later next week, i love my Baikal class to much, tho i know since its a model import i made the model myself on blender so F** you hater its all my work :b

    atm it looks like this


    i plan to change its colors, change weapon placements, clean up model and such but this is for me, i will post it to workshop but it will be a while
  17. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    #1 Do not do anything for nameless faceless people on the internet if they don't pay you. Unless she's really cute
    #2 Start a new game in SP or Mp and stop and go build what you need in Creative. A LVL 3 hover for Akua is a very different animal from a LVL three hover for Omicron
    #3. Build something that works for YOU not for the faceless masses. I have absolutely no desire to have a full bridge star trek CV...I usually play alone so what the hell Am I gonna do with staterooms and four constructors?
    4. I have 100's of designs in my list of blueprints, I have a few in workshop to make sure I can get them if I lose my harddrive But I don't put up things for upvotes. They are there for me to use. I like one lvl CV's, Do you know how few there are? Everyone wants to build 5 lvl buildings that fly. I just want to get off this darn planet.
    5. Hell I built a spa and a frikken castle, not because anyone else will ever see them but just because the tools are fun to throw out and see what you can do. Heck I even built a fortress of solitude....[​IMG]
  18. Kieve

    Kieve Rear Admiral

    Sep 26, 2016
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    How can you know if she's cute if you can't see her face?:confused:
  19. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    well when you barly have any self modivation its kida hard, but to fully understand that you need to know the **** my real life and what im dealing with.

    ik you got a point, im not fully given up, my part ive given up is my workshop, now i only build for myself no more model import etc is mostly what i was getting at, as for what i said to Tyax after this i agree with you and take what i said back quieting the game.
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  20. Sparrowhawk65

    Sparrowhawk65 Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Although I've taken a break from it the past week, I've been working on a cube CV. Internally it's 9x9x9. Externally it'll be... um... bumpy. :)

    I wanted to try cramming a decent amount of usable items in a small area and make it interesting and pleasant. I've found in working on it that I've made the most progress by living in it. Flying it around. Walking up and down the ladders. Using the medical room. Using the warp. Using the hanger. Using the farm. Over and over. Maybe that will help you with your decorating, Tactician. Get in and live in your creations for a week.

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