What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    There are many supposed 'human-beings' in the world I would give no more thought to running over in a truck than a furrier clubbing a seal. The difference between me and people that make the net a crappy place at times is I have the good taste to be embarrassed about feeling this way at times and they Never do about their own reprehensible words.
    Best just to Ignore them, as soon as you give their actions any weight you Give Them Power over yourself. Don't do that.
    Recognize it for what it is an don't let them see they get to you. It is for the better.
  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I thought of a different idea for a challenge build when I saw this.
    With only minor hull modifications allowed, who can make it the prettiest?

    (No I am not volunteering myself as a judge, my challenge days are over. If you like the idea and want to officiate feel free to do so.)
  3. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @Hicks42 Amen Brother!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    That's also true for "real life". People (especially growing ones...) can get far in their lives carrying the burden of things heard in their past. At one point some of them realize that the "burden" is a thing they made themselves by feeding on these memories without questions. By living too much in the past or daydreaming about future, some tend to forget about the present and the power they have over it.
  5. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    ya sure go ahead and keep using the workshop i for one, for my anxiety out of this drama im doing this for me, but hey ifs fine if you dont want to do this of cause the majority rather just use the workshop,i get it, i only made the thread, like me who just get hates getting attack, wants to still show my builds, ya the majority hate my builds but that wont stop me from building, im only doing this so i dont keep getting discouraged by the hate, and can continue to keep a smile on my face and build, so this is my way of coping over the issue and offered a choice for anyone else whether they wise to take it or not. i fully expect the thread to be ignored, but thats your choice, im doing this to help me and anyone that wishes to join in can.

    sadly to tell you why this bothers me so much, im not going to, it will just be a repeat of mass ignores like what happened when i talked about my real life on ZeroG discord. so no need to bash my idea, i get i just need to ignore them, but i have a bad habit of looking at my thumbs down area. i dont care for fame or most popular, and i know the main reason im getting it is so xcaliber, jen or jrandall keep there place and popularity on the workshop, not saying anyone's being mean but im opting out of this "popularity contest" and starting a empyrion lore based on my builds and going to enjoy myself. thats the whole point of gaming to have fun, not this petty drama crap.

    p.s. dont take my words out of context like a few others have im not attacking anyone nor mad, im moving on.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think "the majority" is just playing the game and ignoring the "workshop" thing altogether. I don't use the workshop and I like your ships, but I'm staying far from this "popularity" thing, seeing how it can affect some people unduly. Not to mention that particular guy with a name that's a part of an engine, anyone can see that pride can sometimes bring out the worst part of individuals to the surface.

    I see pride as a two-edged sword : it can fuel confidence, up to the point it becomes a nuisance for oneself and others.
  7. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    yes that most likely the case too, but idk on the pride thing, at least for me, its not about that, its simply i cant handle it and im walking away from a issue that, ya its petty and stupid, but bothers me, but your not wrong.
  8. eLLe

    eLLe Captain

    Jun 17, 2017
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    Finally completed after more than one hundred hours. I still control each part and throw it out to anyone who's interested. My vision of favorite CV PSI Ilmarinen by rainyday.


    new bridge ...
  9. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    love it, good job!
  10. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today I found a ship graveyard, lots and lots of derelict ships.
    I am going to loot what I can before whoever did this comes back.

  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    @Na_Palm @The Tactician[ Λ ]
    I'm recieving too at the 10'ish downvotes 'the moment I share them'.
    On the bright sight, that is almost 50% done to stars! :p


    I'll keep sharing my stuff, I mean, they are really fans, they follow - and act instantly, we are the focus of their lives! :p
    They have no other issues to solve, obviously. ;)
    And we have to apreciate that, it is the only way, they can show affection.

    However, on the stats above… I assume…. it is also partly because of the word Play... that some misunderstood it...
    I just realized that chance after the downvotes… And/But gee… it is a space game.. with ships…. get a vocabular and a mind (-set) that catches the context.

    But that was not my reason to come here…
    Let me show you my first approach on a CIVHUB!! yay!

    20180604192502_1.jpg 20180604202313_1.jpg 20180605003653_1.jpg 20180605003726_1.jpg 20180605003759_1.jpg 20180605003810_1.jpg 20180605004224_1.jpg

    This all is 7hrs and 50 minutes of Streaming.

    It is a first draft, so that there is 'something' to work with.
    The houses need more Details and the main hall is not done… below it, will be an open garden with a 'drink store' to chill out and enjoy life in the desert shadow!

    Have a good one! :)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  12. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    The RNGods have both given and taken... You have 4 Hakons there, which are both pretty much the most sound structurally, and are good for rocket turrets to boot... but I don't see Rainy's Exodus- that derelict has an intact warp core

    BTW, if you haven't noticed yet, most of the graveyard ships are actually CV's, not BA's... but none of them I've seen have cockpit seats :(
  13. Wiseman738/

    Wiseman738/ Lieutenant

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Today i'll be continuing to pack up our PVP bases near the end of our season on HWS. It has been a fantastic run and we're waiting patiently for 8.0 :)

    We're just getting ready for the end of the season, and making sure everything is packed neatly away in our Orbital Cargo Drone before the wipe for 8.0, from the ashes; a new universe will emerge!

    Found a (partial) photo of our Base logistics room, will get a better angle when I get home from work tonight!

  14. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I wonder if I will get all my works in progress and completed works into videos I can share before Thursday night. I will be seeing my nephew on Friday night. Here's the hover vehicles.

    Inspiration Traders. One WIP included.

    Dragonfly Industries. Three unfinished BP, but only two WIP. The one just shows how radically I changed my mind on what it was going to be.

    Freedom Trade Builders. Nothing new here at the moment.

    I actually recorded videos to tour the bases. Might have to re-record the one because I ranted about structural integrity a bit. Not sure that would do my nephew any good, but my frustrations there explains why not many of my bases planned have made it to the workshop. The smaller bases are okay, but the large ones hit the SI bugs.... But I have not uploaded any of the base tours onto YouTube yet.
  15. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @The Tactician[ Λ ] told me you have some Discussion ongoing here about the Downvoting trend on the Workshop lately.

    A year ago the Workshop was in relative good behavior (in relation to now). There was only a Downvote when your build really, really had a such big problem it couldn't be fixed anymore.
    A Downvote got you thinking! It did mean something!

    Half a year later the Downvoting got worse, and even some Builders started to take this instrument of destruction into the next level : they used this themselfs for (own) leveling out, because they had some Fanboys or Anti-Fanboys acting already as organised Group similar to Mafia behaviors.

    And nowadays it's got even more worse.
    Because additionally it's COMMON to downvote just becaue you don't like the background of the picture.
    Yes, I asked some of these guys. They're saying that vessel is not their thing, so they downvote.
    They don't even test, because to them it's obvious, because / as it's not suiting their playstyle.
    It's not anymore a quality-sign, it's... like many of you already stated, a popularity contest where this is used as an instrument to help or hinder!
    Groups vote as a whole, liking or disliking.

    edit 1 :
    ALSO: I really have the feeling some of these people DO watch this forum very closely, as I'm seen my first 3-4 Downs mostly shortly after posting it here and on Steam!
    This is one of the Reasons I won't post here my new builds anymore.

    Especially PVP Groups do this:
    (That's a message I got on my Buggy as it has 8 Harvesters. And these PVP guys did thought only 6 are allowed, which is wrong as there is no restriction on Harvesters. And because they want the UN-restricted Servers to vanish (as their PVP-optimised Vessels with just the normal amount of Guns won't match the others then!, these kind of Blueprints need to vanish too in their view.)

    And yes, I'm happy to be on the ZeroG-Discord because of this, so me too have some Backup against this.

    Now to all that think some -6 are bad already....
    Come over -19 and we talk again ;-)

    DownsBuggy.jpg DownsSurvivalMustang.jpg DownsWASP.jpg DownsMotorBike.jpg DownsRuckysCT.jpg DownsHomeCastle.jpg DownsSPAWN.jpg

    And a small tip to see, that others have this problem too:
    I watched this very closely in the last months.

    1) You only need 25 VOTES - ignoring if positive or negative to come to the 3 STARS ***
    So welcome any Downvoter, they will get you there even faster.

    2) But to get to 4 Stars, you need to have some 28 (+/-) NET POSITIVE amount of Votes.
    Example I've seen: 60 Votes, still 3 Stars.

    Now, simple Math: P + N = T (Positives + Negative = Total Votes)
    This leads to N > T/2 - 14
    In our Example N > 16 !

    (more specific it's a bit more complicated: 26 votes all positive will give you already 4 Stars, same as 29 votes with only 1 negative (leading to 27 NET positive), above that my formula above seems to be at least a good indicator, but probably going wrong when negatives increases even further...)

    edit 2:
    Sometimes you will see this:
    a new Blueprint, 10 views, 4 Subs, and already as #3 in the top 8 Front page.
    Go figure!
    (yes it's there not very long, as the time passes on (not because of Downvotes, but because of # of Views/Subs/Upvotes/... in relation to TIME PASSED) - still, you can think of what's causing it, right?!)

    bye again.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  16. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    That's a really weird way of saying "I see some of you have a different opinion to me." Look Tactician if people keep taking your words "out of context" maybe it's because of how those words are expressed.

    When you use words like "ganged up on" that has an us against you connotation which is unfair when peoples only thought was to express there opinion. I keep seeing this from you. People don't like or don't react to an idea you have so you lash out, throw yourself a pity party then tell everyone they took you out of context or that wasn't what you meant (sometimes all this happens in a single post!)

    At some point you're going to have to start taking responsibility for your words.
  17. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    i was upset at the time i can delete that, i ment no ill will
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  18. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Uhm. @The Tactician[ Λ ] ...
    Stay to your Feelings.

    I mean, I am upset already because all that hate I get here and in Steam, but looking at my numbers, even if some are worse than yours, I have at least some backup and some even might like my Stuff... but seeing your numbers, with nearly null backup....

    Of course you are upset,
    of course you want to smash everybody with a fried pan saying you should keep smiling...
    Of COURSE!

    perhaps you shouldn't always saying this directly and to the whole community.......

    but also... don't switch your saying every 5 minutes... like a leaf in the wind!
    STAY to your feelings!

    (this is meant as a good tip from a friend!!)

    oh, and got some DownVotes again after posting here at the Forums again...

    but surely only a coincidence, right... yes yes yes.... ;-)
  19. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    your 100% right, i just need to watch what i say, also do the real life i tend to be overy negative and im sorry at everyone for this, im going threw a really bad patch in RL right now and cant even get on games this month, so im stressed out.
  20. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    All I'd really ask is that you take a min before posting sometimes. Re-read what you've written and if you're in a bad mood maybe wait a while and be sure your not gonna look at that post later with regret. It'll happen anyways from time to time but don't make things harder for yourself than they need to be.

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