Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    A one point wishlist...
    Get rid of the nonsense...:D
    Ooobernoob likes this.
  2. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    That seems like a good way realistically removing and imposing turret limits. A lot of balance could happen by having to regulate power as well. It could also allow for stronger thrusters/RCS so we don't use as many (for computing sake). It would make a LOT of blueprints obsolete, but imo (and I STRONGLY believe this), there should be a yearly workshop wipe anyway, only blueprints that are updated to the latest release would stay in the workshop. I believe this for a number of reasons but the main reason is to get rid of blueprints that do not really function in game anymore, AND to get rid of older uglier builds. As the game progresses, what players do with blocks and textures gets better and better, not to mention the lighting, rendering, and the world get better. Screenshots get better. The workshop helps to sell the game. The cooler builds look, the more likely someone will buy the game.

    Anyway, I personally would LOVE to see new weapon types, or rather sizes. I would love to have a 1x1x.5 laser "pod" that rotates 360 degrees in rotation and 180 in arc, and housings that are more sleek, less industrial or military looking.
    ion_storm likes this.
  3. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Nice, thanks for that info. I knew how to set the time via console, but somehow missed that you could stop it entirely.
    WolfEyes and Frigidman like this.
  4. Xorg78

    Xorg78 Ensign

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Today, i thought of sloped lcds.
    Frigidman likes this.
  5. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Thats.... a pretty nifty idea actually. Some of the sizes wouldn't work, since they would float mid-air as they couldn't actually be laid flat on a sloped block. But its a nice idea for the full-sized lcd's... going from corner to corner in a 45degree angle, or even the half slope angle too!
    Sephrajin likes this.
  6. vxsote

    vxsote Commander

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Yeah, putting a sloped LCD on the sloped face of another block would be 2 blocks in one voxel, and I can only assume that is not something that is going to happen.

    But sure, a full sized sloped LCD would be neat. So would a short (~2-line) LCD that could be placed at the top or bottom edge of the voxel face. (and a non-sloped version as well, while we're at it). That would actually address one of the things I find frustrating when sorting inventory into cargo boxes: I have LCDs on the face of the box indicating contents, but my natural tendency when trying to access the box is to aim for the middle... right where the LCD sits. Sure I could put the LCD entirely above or below or to the side of, but simply having it on the edge would be nice. Crude picture:
    |       lcd       |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    instead of
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |       lcd       |
    |                 |
    Sephrajin, Exacute and Frigidman like this.
  7. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Yes, exactly!
  8. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Adding symbols by holding mouse button

    Hi, i m actually building a big scrapyard and enjoying the copy/paste options to add parts of some of my ships.
    However, transforming them into junk became quite anoying when i started to add rust symbols.

    So it would be a really nice thing if we could just hold down mouse button like we do for coulors and textures.
  9. erithil

    erithil Ensign

    Jun 8, 2018
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    Perfect. I was going to select this as my one wish.
  10. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    About the energy requirements for turrets...
    I think it is basically a good idea reminding me of games like X-Wing Alliance with a funcional, but easy to handle power regulation. However, since all weapons use ammunition it wouldn't make any sense at all. Even if it is not about damage, but rate of fire or reload speed (wich is ignored by turret ai as i discovered). Maybe for energy weapons since it is not clear how they transorm the ammunition into a projectile.
    Nonetheless i like the idea of a more complex power management and could imagine it would work well with possible shields.

    For a weapon limitation i got another idea wich i personally like, but i'm not sure how other player would see that.

    It's about classified cores like a corvette-core for example that unlockes a certain type of weapons, but locks others. The amount of weapons could dinamicly increase by a formula using values like weight, size or block count. So in the end there is a dynamic maximum weapon loadout that depends on the allowed size class. Combat would also get more complex, cause it could make a difference if you got a ship that is good in fighting sv's or cv's. Even for ground attacks there could be a specific cv classification without breaking all balance. This would also work when keeping the actual 'all-purpose' cores, they just wouldn't be as strong as a ship that is meant for combat only.
  11. Xorg78

    Xorg78 Ensign

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I don't know if that exists, but a CTRL+Z feature, especially for paint job, could be useful (i am thinking of you replace mode....)

    If we could also get a visual indication for "Apply to the whole block" Ticked, the same as replace mode, it could be great.
  12. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    There is, in creative mode:
    N -> Undo/Redo
  13. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Selection Options:
    * Mirror Selection -> Mirrors the selected selection into memory to be pasted according to currently selected axis
    * Invert Selection -> Inverts ***
    (ah yeah, selection would need axis options as well)

    Some of us, at last at times, like to build pretending to have convoyers Connections..
    From Generators to tanks, from boxes to contructors from X to Y...

    It would be very cool, when we could do that -> without the hughe gaps. (just talking visualy, not technicly requirements for convoyers)
    Speaking of gaps, it would be cool to not have to jump over railings used as a Floor, so at least using 'pipe's in the Floor would NOT be such a PITA when playing,.. (why i'm stuck here, oh yeah there's a pipe in the Floor...
    Germanicus likes this.
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    ALL textures start with the same Color (something pink Maybe - or even better a color that we CANNOT set), really, all.. please!

    Or could there be a 'check' if the texture is 'blank' aka 'not set' or 'set to color X of the palette'.
    So if i set the default grey to the default grey iron blocks, it would Keep that grey upon my next mass-colorisation of yet uncolored/new set blocks?

    So you go ahead, texture and colorize your ship, everything looks neat.
    And you're proud on yourself, you used lots of colors without it Looking like a Clown...

    Then you realize, you missed a Detail, your going to texture it diffrently, at several places…
    Auto colorize (intentional, since there are multiple places with multiple amounts of the same new set texture)…
    Ops I did it again….

    It just so happened to have overwritten that red'ish BORG texture with White.. so EVERYTHING OTHER RED turned White as well…
    And just sometimes, one might like the Default Grey.
  15. Xorg78

    Xorg78 Ensign

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I hate myself and Thank you
  16. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    It annoys me having to make separate speed settings for my fast SV's or hv's using the cp.
    what we need is a slider switch in the cp to set the % of your overall thrust potential.
    with a tickbox next to it for cruise control that will maintain speed.

    It would help me in the process of building to not need to make several speed switches with signal logic speaking to various thrusters and rcs in order to just give me some basic form of acceleration control.
    When people download my ships and they get damage, how the hell they gonna put that complex signal logic back together without taking a learning curve into signal logic...

    This is a basic feature I think and at the moment we are building ships around it by making speed switches to allow us low thrust and high thrust, pain in the arse and unrealistic if you ask me.

    I already know that this game does support linear analogue thrust control and cruise control via a joystick with a thrust lever that can stay in situ because I can do this myself, unfortunately its severely bugged and unfinished with the controller mapping and only the thrust lever works and it works in reverse...and on top of that when you are at any speed setting between 0 and 100% thrust, any keyboard or mouse input causes a brief surge in speed or a dramatic loss of speed depending on which side of 50% thrust you are on.
  17. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Yeah, i miss that too, but you brought back an older idea with that.
    Analogue maneuvering with mouse. Seen this in the game Heroes & Generals, where the crossair is not static in the middle of the screen, but can be moved across it and depending how far it has been moved from the middle the higher the turning speed. Basically the same like a controller stick. It would be a great improvement especially for those playing with mouse, cause they wouldn't have to pick up the mouse over and over again.
  18. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    With any luck, they'll have a repair bay available to do it automatically.

    NMS now uses this input method.
  19. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    During a recent "megaproject" I was finding several building options lacking.

    • When a symmetry plane is enabled, it should not allow you to place a block unless it can also place the symmetric counterpart (whether this is because you don't have enough blocks, or the block on the other side is occupied)
    • When a symmetry plane is enabled, removing or upgrading a block with the multitool should also affect the symmetric counterpart
    • The XY, XZ, and YZ planes should be checkboxes instead of radio buttons, so you can enable two planes at once and it will place 4 blocks at a time (or all three planes at once and it can even place 8 blocks at a time)
    • Symmetry plane position for a structure should be remembered with that structure, and should default to being symmetric around the core, so all you have to do is enable a plane and you'll see it right away (right now you may have to click first)
    Debug Options
    • Add mode to structural integrity feature so it only highlights blocks with low structural integrity - that way you can leave it on much of the time while building without being lost in a sea of green
    • O2 & airtight features need revamp, there needs to be a way to show where there is a leak. I have never found "show airtight blocks" to be useful at all. I always have to subdivide the space with blocks or forcefields and see what half is oxygenated, and eventually narrow down the non-oxygenated part with a binary search. I recommend just nuking the "airtight" feature, and instead add a mode where when you turn on "show oxygen" it shows some sort of red symbol next to any block that is causing leakage. I'm not sure how to easily identify those blocks, but it is basically "where are there holes in my structure that lead to outside".
    Colors & Textures
    • Please make textures the same for all blocks. The differences between the textures for concrete, steel, and wood are annoying to manage, and since it is basically a "paint job" there's no reason you can't apply any texture to any object. Yes, you'll need to double (or quadruple) the number of textures but we need that badly anyway, the palette is very limiting. Since a single structure can have wood, concrete, and steel all in it at once I don't see how there would be a technical limitation against it.
    • Please consider merging into one "paint" tool. Right-click should not directly pop up color or texture menu, but instead a menu sort of like the multi-tool, that lets you choose modes. This might look like the picture below.
    • When paint tool is selected, repurpose the "R" (reload) function to allow sampling the current color/texture of whatever you are pointing at.
    • Add MRU (most recently used) list for colors & textures so things you use frequently can be more easily accessible. Below shows a way of doing that.
    • Add a lot more colors. Current options are too vivid. You need variants with different saturation. There should be blue-grey, greenish-grey, reddish-grey. Also many "off-white" colors. I'll draw some below.
    • Take "size" and other options (apply to whole block) out of the color/texture/symbol dialog, that dialog is too "busy".
    Here's an alternate take on what should happen if you right-click when holding the "Paint Tool" (which is the color + texture tool):


    What shows on the right depends on the mode. In this case I am painting both color & texture at once so I see both, but if you are doing only color, texture, or symbol it will just show that to the right.

    It shows the most recently used colors & textures so I can pick one with a single click. So if I'm swapping between 2 or 3 key colors while painting I can still do that with a single click.

    I can change the color/texture to whatever I'm looking at by just pressing the Reload key.

    To get to the full color/texture set, you click the More... button and it brings you to the existing dialogs. That does add a step to choosing a new texture that isn't there now, but in general you save steps more often than not because:
    • Recently used colors are right there in front of you and quicker to select (since there's just a small number)
    • Repurposing 'R' key for paint tool allows sampling what you're looking at, which is a very quick way to get the right texture/color when doing a repair or remodel
    • Allowing the application of color & texture at the same time would be a big timesaver in many cases
    Here's a set of "base colors". This is a copy of the colors we have now, minus the first column (greys) and last column (browns). I have also replaced the pastel yellow with a yellow-green shade, the pastel pink with another hue of purplish-red, and the dark blue-grey with a deeper blue. (Don't worry, these colors will be back, I'm just illustrating something.)


    Once you've chosen these pure colors, we need the following variants of them.









    Anyway, the colors should be in a better order than this, but if you do it right you can tab between a few pages and have it logically arranged. Some of these colors might look ugly by themselves but when you apply them to textures (concrete, metal) the more subtle tints should help a lot.

    Obviously we could also have the full 24-bit palette but I'm operating under an assumption there's a technical reason they'd rather not do that, it would also be harder for people to match existing stuff if the palette was too large. But a few pages of colors would be great.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I’d love to be able to change the symmetry mode plane so that it’s either invisible but still functional or change the opacity of that ugly glowing wall so I can actually see the other half of my ship.
    Frigidman, Sephrajin and Ian Einman like this.

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