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Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Finding a balance between those 2 is pretty hard :)
    Always u will make one side unhappy
  2. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Would it be possible to set the max CV size in PVP orbits to 3 ?
    But allow larger ships to pass ? by for example allow to be in such a orbit for 5 minutes

    Or better, disable the weapons after 5 minutes in PVP Orbit with CV´s larger than size 3
  3. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    No, the class size restriction is server wide.
    Cant decide that per playfield
  4. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    To be honest: I don't have a clue about PVP in Empyrion. I have some experience in pvp in Eve Online or other games. Usually you have a "rock, paper, scissors" concept (or more different tactics, that can beat another setup). If "size matters" is the only factor in pvp, then pvp is broken. But according to another thread someone of the empyrion team wrote: "currently we have no pvp rule set". So I expect, that pvp will need to change a lot for before it can be considered acceptable.

    In another thread people are demanding two "rule sets": one for pve, one for pvp. Because pve players want to design "cool stuff", which may cause balance issues for pvp.
  5. Atola

    Atola Commander

    May 31, 2016
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    Because class size is about the load a ship creates on a graphics card, not the actual size or capabilities of a ship ... to use class size to reduce the sheer mass of PVP ships is not going to work unless you go very small, like 2 or 3. A class size of limit of 1 might make for some interesting designs as suddenly you wouldn't be able to have everything on a ship.
  6. abberron

    abberron Ensign

    Jun 7, 2017
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    server: US
    Planet: Trade Residence
    Just now 11:00 8/3/2018
    -Just landed on trade residence to outfit my CV with some drills. Double checked cb:nextwipe shows having 11 days, Checked my cb:wipe for my personal wipe counter was blank wndow nothing showed up but figured as this was my first arrival in weeks i'd be ok and last time i left i had 6 days on my counter. Within 20 seconds of landing my entire CV and SV / HV within along with all my items went poof and I was thrown to the ground. I reloged and looked into regirstery yep everything deleted? Need help please.
  7. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Hi i was playing on official EU , and my CV together with the docked HV and SV vanished mid-flight. Suddenly it was gone and i was falling.
    Is there a way you could check it out and restore it? I cant find it anywhere not even in my registry ... its just gone... this is a very frustrating issue and i hope you guys find a solution for it soon. Anyway list of the disappeared items :

    CV : NTP - 1CV
    HV : NTP-Light-Drill
    SV : NTP-M.A.S-2B

    thank you
  8. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    The problem is: if you are NOT on a starter playfield, cb:wipe does never show anything. It does only show you something if you are on a starter playfield. So before landing on trader, you cannot check if your ship will get deleted. If you are entering the playfield it's too late...

    So the best is, to use a freshly spawned ship when flying to traders. Maybe you put the build/spawn date in the name of the ship, so you can easily calc, how old it is.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    CV : NTP - 1CV - does not exist.

    HV : NTP-Light-Drill - existed longer than 168 hours on the starter planet. See our announcement.

    SV : NTP-M.A.S-2B - got destroyed by enemies

    So, all clear issues.
  10. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    NTP-1CV did exist (this must be an error in typing probably)

    NTP-Light-Drill did exist for a very long time (i had like 3 of them so far but this one was a relatively new one) but how is that even related? I have not been on a starter planet in 2 weeks and as soon I entered the atmosphere of Merc.Camp the ship disappears. Together with the Light-Drill and the SV. I suppose I can safely assume that the personal wipe counter doesn't reset or stop for vehicles once they leave any starter considered area and keeps ticking.
    I see how many people who enter Merc.Camp will suddenly be left stranded with all their stuff gone.
    This is a very troublesome implementation of a system that could be useful. I would suggest that you change it in a way that the time resets if you leave the orbit of a starter planet.

    I had 2 NTP-M.A.S-B2, both share the same name. One got destroyed on Padora moon the other one though disappeared together with the CV and HV mentioned above. idk why it's marked as Decored since it wasn't.

    By the way those logs make me curious, yesterday I was also on Kelt to help a friend getting off from starter. I spawned a SV called NTP-small-patrol (not ingame at the moment so the spelling may be wrong) and it disappeared too as I was looting a Poi. So I'm really wondering how this has been logged.
  11. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Additionally even though Merc.Camp is considered a starter planet it's right in the middle of the solar system sometimes you just have to pass through there. And the wipe counter as mentioned in the link you sent above is for Orbit and Planet, do you see that it could create lots of issues. Besides that, this planet is not blocked off like the other starters and has been packed full of vital resources needed by everyone.
    So it's pretty unfair to set up the wipe counter for this planet. I can't see how this won't create major issues for many unsuspecting players. Comparably it makes as much sense as activating the personal wipe counter on Nex or Pandora or any other planet in the system outside of the blocked off starter planets for all that matter
  12. Nobody 2

    Nobody 2 Commander

    Feb 25, 2018
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    The wipe counter has been introduced to stop the problem that the starterplanets was full and new players couldnt spawn any structure.
    so yes it makes sense to have them at least on trader (no idea if there was ever a issue with mercenary)

    For the eu server you need really to be blind to see not all that warnings. And if they are not clear enough, well 90% of the time there are players you can ask in chat.
    You can allways spawn a new vehicle to visit trader or mecenary planet.
    Make it cheap and basic and you can disassemble it in less than 3 Minutes after your visit
  13. Swifty

    Swifty Ensign

    Sep 9, 2018
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    I am having a problem connecting to my friends server. At first I was getting an error saying not running app. Now I get timed out. it cant be my pc since I just rebuilt my pc. Please help.
  14. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Sorry this is for support on the official servers.
    Not for own servers.

    I suggest that your friend check his server out. Or u reinstall the game
  15. Fool Whip

    Fool Whip Ensign

    Sep 16, 2018
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    Logged on to find one ship has disappeared, another is stuck.
    My other ship is stuck on a pole. Can't move it, can't build on it.

    If I try to pick it up it says 'You cannot do this near the poles'
    If I try to repair it it tells 'You cannot create near a resource deposit'
    If I try to move it it tells 'Sorry, but you have to be on the same playfield and be the owner of that structure'

    Planet of Sect, US Server.

    What is even happening?
  16. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    The cb commands only work in certain situations to prevent miss use.

    Ill see if i can move it
  17. Sidvicious512

    Sidvicious512 Ensign

    Sep 29, 2018
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    I'm unable to connect to the official NA server. This has happened several times but until now, I've been able to wait till server restart and I can log in with no issues. It's been three days now and I'm still locked out. I'm still on starter so I'm about to lose stuff. I've spent way more time on starter then I probably should so the loss would be substantial.[​IMG]
    Also, why with the constant disconnects? Happens several times a day, usually when I'm on foot but sometimes while piloting a vehicle. Are you guys renting the absolute bottom of the barrel of servers? Do we need to pass a hat around?
  18. SilvRav

    SilvRav Moderator

    • Moderator
    Jan 13, 2017
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    Lots of people currently on server?

    What is your internet location and speed?
  19. Sidvicious512

    Sidvicious512 Ensign

    Sep 29, 2018
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    I'm close enough to have 47 ms ping and the server is rarely near capacity. Last night when I complained about this problem, I didn't take note of how many players were online but I'd wild guess and say less than 10 considering the late hour. It's still well under capacity today though and I'm still having the same problem. I realize the easy answer for you is I'm doing something wrong, but the fact is I never ask for tech support unless there's absolutely no way for me to fix it myself, and even then, I'm likely to just give up because every time I have to follow tech support through their tedious flowchart answering their tedious, self-evident questions, I die a little inside. upload_2018-10-8_11-38-34.png upload_2018-10-8_11-40-35.png I'm serious about the hat. If you guys are out of funds, ask the community. Most of us have jobs.

    Attached Files:

  20. xenjay

    xenjay Lieutenant

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Started a toon on the NA Official Server last night. Selected Traders Start and had no issues. Leveled up to 7 and made a small platform and spawned in a small SV from the factory before logging out. Trying to log in today has been unsuccessful due to the EAC not being recognized despite EAC being activated. I attempted to disable the EAC and restart Empyrion before reactivating EAC. Also verified integrity of game files through steam. I am having no issues with connecting to any other servers.

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