What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Today I started work on a very ambitious base, in more ways than one.
    I wanted to make a city base, but keep it at size class 5 max. I don't know how well it'll go, I made the main landing pad which will act as the center, and the buildings will go next to that. If I reserve lights to only the most essential areas it just might work out.
    This is the pad, I've since switched out the truss with regular bocks to preserve size class and added entry ramps for hv's.
    There also was a very nice view out on Zeyhines.
    One weird thing is that in the description of the planet it says there's a little bit of water, yet no bodies can be found.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Strange that so many like the same Planet:).
    The only area's on that Planet I found with small ponds was close to the polar regions where are several "holes" in the Desert with tiny bits of Water inside.
  3. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    So they do exist, nice.
    As to why these desert planets are so popular, it's probably because of how similar they are to Tatooine. The wastelandish backwater feel suits my building style well too, so my builds tend to fit in best on it aswell.
    Vermillion and Germanicus like this.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Uhh... you might wanna check those "holes" again.
    They look like they have water at the bottom, but they actually have spider's nests at the bottom. And those aren't the harmless akua spiders, these ones spit acid and have lots of hp.
    Don't be a Boba Fett.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Haha:) Yeah, I noticed that too, I gave my Gunners a Chance for Target Practice while hovering above those "Sink-Holes". Many contain such Creatures but some have also Water in it.
    dpburke2 and Vermillion like this.
  6. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Today, came back and updated my final CV for 8.x.
    Made it safe for the pilot, added household devices.

    It's still nothing but a flying box, but at least it's cheap.
    Furious Hellfire likes this.
  7. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I believe I mentioned previously that I had once considered making a larger CV with the same basic shape as the Create. I scrapped that idea and went back to the drawing board. I wasn't planning to actually place the first block of the Hope CV for months yet. But I got so excited with the new drawing that I went ahead and placed the outer shell of the center piece.

    This is the part that actually is symmetrical. The words place on the hull are not part of the plan, but the initial clue of what was up and what direction is forward is in the center of that hull. I marked the outside so I could know which side is up and so forth.

    My doodle calls for a smaller and larger hangar to be placed underneath the farming pods. Larger hangar on the right (or left depending on your point of view), with the smaller hangar on the opposite side. Then I was thinking that the smaller hangar would get the command bridge, cabins, and some other common features of a CV put into some sort of structure between it and the farm pod above the hangar. In other words, the rest of the CV after this point should be asymmetrical.

    A8 IT Creative_2018-08-16_23-13-26.png

    While I put thrusters on either end of the farming pod, one might notice that the pods take some design influence from my Nurture CV. Underneath the growing plots will be mostly an engineering section to make it thematically work to have the thrusters as a part of the pod. Although, I placed the thrusters there because the doodle I put together so far makes me believe that I have to use this space for thrusters or I won't have enough to move this thing.

    A8 IT Creative_2018-08-16_23-13-03.png

    That big central piece will get generators, fuel tanks, and O2 tanks consistent with being an massive generator, but other than some walkways and passages through it, the central piece may be mostly decorative, as if this whole vessel is centered around a central oversized reactor.

    The idea is that this vessel is built around a small, portable atmospheric processor, something that might be used as a colony support vessel, taking my cue from the movie "Aliens" where the atmospheric processor was actually a giant reactor. This smaller unit would not be powerful enough to terraform a world on its own, but great for smaller operations where you might not need a larger, more expensive and permanent installation.

    The Hope CV was always going to be a colony support vessel with farming, constructors, storage, and medical facilities. It was when I went back to the drawing board that I wondered how I could make this vessel unique and have all those qualities. That is when I considered the question, "What if it was actually a portable atmospheric processor? Maybe something they could use for immediate, short-term support." In the game, we don't get terraforming, so I would be attempting to create the illusion. Originally I was thinking colony ship, but I thought an actual colony ship was out of my league to design. So then I went with colony support, because that seemed like something I could pull off. Now I trying to push my comfort level again and go for an illusion I have no idea if I can pull off. Yet, I love the idea of this vessel. I believe it will really push me.
  8. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Oh wonderful! Glad you were able to check it out. Hmm 2 showers? I might have goofed up here, lol. I can definitely remedy this issue! Should be a space toilet and a shower not two showers lol.

    Managed to get a HV in there? Great work! I really only set it up for SV's only but is wonderful to know that you can get HV's in there as well. I could look into maybe changing the rear to allow for HV's, but that will have to be at a later time.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    My first attempt worked better than...
    Imperial Scout_2018-08-17_13-22-27.png
    the Second One o_O:eek:
    Imperial Scout_2018-08-17_13-23-45.png
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Made an abandoned-looking base and mining/salvage HV. For my desert world.

    The FA-S Scrapper #42
    Looted me an HV mining turret from a POI. I don't think i've ever seen anyone use one before.

    And... the base: Maintenance Station #19
    Now that I have the tools, I also fully repaired my gunship.
  11. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I considered making some combat battered sv and hv and sticking them around in the server so that people might find recover and restore them as projects XD
    I did stick some around in my previous server but considering making workshop entries for scrap vessels for server admins to scatter about.
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    you just gave me a few ideas tho still wish i could make my own planet
    dpburke2 likes this.
  13. T431

    T431 Captain

    Oct 25, 2017
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    Today I made a significant amount of progress on the colony, as I made the walkways and the central control tower/trading hub!
    The solar panels are temporary, I'm going to make a dedicated power plant which will house them.
    20180817205222_1.jpg These are the walkways, there'll be several more buildings connected to this, including a farm tower, foundry, factory and a power plant. 20180817205231_1.jpg
    This is the trading hub, with room for 4 traders. Just vanity for the survival base version though.
    And on top is the control area, with a good view of the surroundings and some consoles, including the repair console.
  14. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Nah... the MAUL is not done yet… still needs some (alot) of fine tunings....

    However, 2 sayings/assumptions I made on the ship before i even had started it turned out to be true.
    1. You will only be able to land it on the moon (or low grav planet <1.8g, with a 476x476 Plattform, or shallow Waters ;))
    2. It is a base, that is able to move… however, you do not want it to move! (45fps standing, 36 fps with all thrusters on, 11fps while moving - yikes.. but what do you expect of a size class 140, for THAT i think the fps is 'good' *cough*)

    Thus, my plan to use it for the scenario soley as a ADM base was lucky. ;)

    Mainwhile I was thinking….
    The only SV with vented interior i have, are 'starter' SV's, and i wanted something more 'mid to endgame'.

    May i present you the 'Wanderer' (guess i played too much Fallout NV/4 recently):


    20180817202345_1.jpg 20180817203212_1.jpg 20180817203349_1.jpg 20180817205458_1.jpg 20180817201852_1.jpg 20180817201736_1.jpg 20180817205309_1.jpg

    Have a nice weekend! :)
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
  15. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    For one glorious moment i thought the bug with solar power generation had been fixed.
    I was wrong
  16. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Tried to replicate a patio i saw on a hotel in the itlian lakes:


    with a jetty underneath for the excellent treleste t26 speedboat:

  17. Ramachandra

    Ramachandra Captain

    May 28, 2017
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  18. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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  19. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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  20. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I was on a roll... after making a 'civil' sv, i wanted a poi figther with interior…
    Then i was watching a friend playing 'Elite Force', he currently was playing some 'explorerp'(?).

    Here we have the: Flunder (flat fish in german)


    20180818041250_1.jpg 20180818041300_1.jpg 20180818041404_1.jpg 20180818041442_1.jpg 20180818041526_1.jpg 20180818041150_1.jpg 20180818041204_1.jpg 20180818041220_1.jpg 20180818041550_1.jpg

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