What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I found the whole Terrain-Glitch Situation so annoying that I decided to wipe all saved games - cache and such - go back to stable Game Version and started all over again. Took me three starts to find a seed with a Swamp Planeto_O.
    So, I found a suitable..if you can call a Arid Planet suitable..World to start on, with RP active. I noticed, the hard way, that I can't reach the TITAN-Parts without dying a hundred times as the three parts lay in 200m distance to 2 Fortifications and are swamped by Zirax:eek:. Well RP skipped and back to the "building and leaving soon"- program. The next, bigger Planet(size 4) is so close, 2.4 AU, that I could do it with an SV.
    The Arid Planet has its oddities too. In a nearby lake I was farming plant protein only to find invisible plants which yield twice the number of protein of the surrounding plants.
    Damned_2018-10-25_19-05-37.png Damned_2018-10-25_19-06-02.png
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2018
  2. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    This is a just-started project. I started out to build a small ruin and it grew into a medium-sized one. I thought that the texturing would go better if I colored the whole works dull black to start with. Now I remember why I rarely build bigger than 20X20. :D
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Watto's junk Yard seemed more sorted than that ;):D
  4. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Very nice elements, with the pipes, half rond blocks and specialy 'destroyed' blocks!

    Now it needs a (small) wall around that 'protects' (had protected) this industrial area from Intruders back in the ol' days.
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That looks really cool!
  6. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Perfect! Thank you. That will make a great finishing touch. Rubble is difficult to fake because everything just wants to line up on the grid.
    Now that I've spent some time on a build I would like to see some stencils to apply spalling and streaking:
    streaked_concrete.jpg spalling.jpg
  7. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Oh, that's where I have seen that before.

    It climbs better than any of my mining HV. The best I have done is 20 m/s^2. This leaves all mine behind by a large margin. There are elements of the design that confuses me, but I credit that to my own lack of understanding/skills.

    Thinking of learning and growing, today I experimented with the possibility of changing my Blue Hawker SV. It took me a while to realize what made the small SV thruster superior to the M thrusters. Weight. Pure and simple. The M looks superior by all the numbers, but the S thruster has a lower mass per newton output. Thus by the time you apply the S thruster to all six directions, you end up with a vessel significantly lighter. Which means you need less newtons to achieve the same or superior acceleration, and less torque too. Which means you need less thrusters and RCS. This leads to leads reduced power needed, thus less generators and fuel. So overall the vessel is lighter and comes out ahead. Except,... it seems my hawker SVs might actually be at a size point where I have to debate whether to convert them to S thrusters or leave them with M thrusters.

    What I would gain:
    Reduce unlock to level 7
    Reduce mass by 30%
    No longer redlines in 2.0 kg/m^3 atmospheric density

    Lose 10% of the hit points
    Increases cost by a little over 10%

    If this was my Swallow SV that already starts fairly inexpensive, a 10% increase would be no big deal. But the hawkers are costly for SVs that only use copper, iron, and silicon. Even without a cost increase, I don't think I have ever had enough resources to build one of my hawkers until at least level 10. That prior post where I was balancing on my SV, that was my Red Hawker, and I was past level 10 when I brought that into my game. I wanted to change things up, have variety in my game, instead of just hopping in my Swallow at level 7. Taking on that shrine is not something I would have done with my Swallow, but my hawker did alright. Still, the hawkers are tough enough that a 10% loss of hit points shouldn't be a big deal. The biggest issue is increasing the cost by 10%. I am having a real problem with that. It would be one thing if it was meant to be a late SV when I am rolling in the resources, but the hawkers were built to potentially serve as my first SV, to build them as close to level 10 as I can manage.

    So today I spent time in creative instead of playing in survival, I tried a quick mod of a Blue Hawker, and now I am not sure if I should just leave the hawker as it is on the workshop. Or do I clean up the concept blueprint and convert the Blue Hawker to S thrusters?

    A8 DI Creative_2018-10-25_20-21-32.png
  8. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Leave the original and release a Blue Hawker Mk II. It's cool when you can see someone's design evolve.
    Tyrax Lightning, Kieve and Sephrajin like this.
  9. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Yes the Level requirements could be increased since Alpha 8.
    The last time I acutaly was able to spawn a SV or HV at it's 'designed' Level requirement, was in Alpha 7.
    This is even more true for low Level reqs such as a lvl 1 or lvl 3 hover.
    By the time i have like 20 iron, Copper and Silicon, i'm most likly around lvl 4-5 - but that is my luck, I always start FAR away from any ore resources.

    About the Zyran, yes it kinda Looks weird, as i tried to mimic the design of the Zyron, but had to admit that this would become too heavy, even with regular steel (while the Zaron has reinforced steel).
    That is mostly due to the lack of power of the Jet Engines of the hover, figured for HV's the M thrusters are much better, cost less than 2 S thrusters while providing the same thrust/weight on block Counts (2).
    At least this is my Impression.

    What I've said about the M and S thrusters is also valid for SV's.
    Saying, as soon you Need 2 S thrusters per direction, a single M thrusters is better - Costs less, but increases lvl req from 7 to 10.

    This said, as long the level reqs for my stuff is 10 tops, I consider them 'starter' - if the mat reqs are fitting. (None or just VERY few of higher Tier mats)

    Most of my SV's have a Level req of 10, as i prefer my SV's with warp, only my SEA Scouts MKI & MKII as well as my ERA-S Trike series have no warp included. And only the MK1 and A have a lvl 7 req.
    -> The Era&Zasc req for the ERA-S Trike E weapons are higher (at 340) than the iron req (320) for it's hull & engines - while having 31m/s to all directions! :p
    That is still my most favorite everyday goto vessel (on planets) in Survival!
    It is also cheap enough to use it as a disposable POI figther, but if you do fight-breaks to repair the exposed Cockpit, you can take out almost every POI that has no more than 4 alien-turrets per side, so you can dodge them easily.

    On a Survival server I play, some hovers have been brought to me to check wether they're 4g capable or not.
    I said no, as they only had like 7-9m thrust to their sides, 5 as breaks and like 15 for heading forward.
    In short, hardly usable on a 1G planet, but still capable of Masperon like planets.
    But they landed on a 4g planet - as the previous owner had labeled the hover as 4g, and of course - it hovered…. lol... so they started digging… and then… oh no, it cant move out.. rofl :D

    Cost increase by 10%? I think that is 'nothing'.
    If it costed 600 iron, that is 60 iron more.
    At the time I have 600 iron, I probably have more already anyway as I've found an iron resource.

    Just some thoughts of mine.

    But, what 'design element' is it that confuses you about the Zyran?
    Maybe I can learn something as well?
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    That sounds familiar. At first I was excited about the hover thruster and low level HVs, but I never seem to find a break in the surface resources I find. Enough for a tent, and some of those real cheap starting tools, but by the time I have enough of all three I am already level 5 or nearly so.

    If only the hawkers were that cheap, then I wouldn't have a second thought. Try doubling that. The Blue Hawker might have started as the very first SV I designed in Empyrion, but it was so expensive for a starting SV that I created the Hummingbird at a significant fraction of the cost. That was back before warp drives. The hawkers got a bit bigger in the body for a warp drive, but the Hummingbird was so small that I created the Swallow instead. So the increase I am debating is enough to build a modest small SV. No cobalt required to build the hawkers, so no jets and no warp drive included. They are what I call "warp drive ready". Unlock, build and insert warp drive and constructors.

    True for HV and CV. The HV has the same newtons per ton ratio on both S and M thrusters. The CV actually improves with the M thruster. The exception is the SV, where the S thruster is significantly lighter per newton output. Every other number I run, the M thruster is superior for SV, but that light mass per newton of the S thruster actually flips the practical results around.

    My very drafts of mining HV worked, but they had no more than 7 m/s^2 in any given direction. They could mine. Those early drafts could get back out, but I had to drill a long angled shaft with only a small incline to get back to the surface. At the time I thought that was great. Then I got better and built the first draft of my Kiwi miner that had more than 10 m/s^2 front and back. Being able to climb vertically in 1 g totally changed my perspective. As such, I currently target 15+ m/s^2 on my mining HV. I wouldn't discover The Ladybug until later while trying to fix some flaws in the early designs of the Kiwi. Turns all I had to do was move the hovers a block or two closer to each other--much later I would learn about signal works and shutting off hover engines to tip like you do. My guess is that 15+ would be like using my first drafts on a 3 g world, and 20+ be similar for a 4 g world. I haven't tested that yet, but it sounds like from what you just said that perhaps 20+ wouldn't be enough for a bad mining HV in 4 g. I think if any my mining HV could apply what I am trying to learn from the Zyran, it would be my Faith mining HV--the one I actually managed to hit 20 m/s^2 for the first time on a mining HV.
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Think like this:
    The miner digs down and up, in an ideal case, only turns left or right when the tunnel is even'd out.

    This gives us 2 requirements.
    * Enough front/rear thrust to handle the target planet gravity Forces
    * Enough downward hover power to hover on the target planet gravity, incl loaded Cargo (with alpha9)

    Given the premiss of the 2nd line, this gives us freedom to not have to put as much power to the side thrusters, which helps to keep the vessel light, which will require fewer thrusters to get enough thrust power.

    However, i liked very much in Alpha 7 that we've seen how much 'thrust' the hover engines produced :(
    It was just irritating that it shared the same Display, now i wish it back, or at least have it seperatly displayed on the stats page.
    binhthuy71 and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Thanks to you, now I am going to be imagining the beginnings of a Green Hawker at work today. Working distracted.

    I probably need to get over it, but for some reason it bothers me when two of my BP look extremely similar. I called the Blue Hawker my very first SV blueprint, but as I was thinking about it I recalled that is not true. The Green Darter is. It used to only have 48 m/s^2 in all six directions. I built the Blue Hawker in creative when I realized that I needed something without cobalt (alpha 6) in order to get to the moon to get cobalt. Interesting that my first SV was so much better than most of what I have built since. However, over time it started to really bother me that the Blue Hawker and the Green Darter were practically twins (Blue Hawker only pushed 20+ in all six though), the difference being cobalt and sathium at the time. So I rebuilt the Green Darter, applying what I had learned since then and giving it a new look. Now the Green Darter pushes 50+ in all six directions with 80+ aft and includes more advanced materials upgraded to railguns and homing rockets. So my only two BP that currently are twins are my two skimmers, and I was already plotting to change one of those--except the new back end was bothering me so that is put on hold while I try to remodel the remodel.

    Guess I will be adding a Green Hawker to my lineup for Dragonfly Industries someday? Or will I choose a different color?

    I use a spreadsheet with some of the figures from the game. So getting the old, prior, m/s^2 of raw lift is easy for me. However, the part that is hard for me is that there is nowhere where I see both numbers in the same place for the hover engines. On the control panel, I see the newtons of force used to produce the 1 - 3 m/s^2. But when I look at the hover engines, I see the 200 newtons each. In my spreadsheet, I can plug in the number of hover engines and the mass of the HV, then calculations show me the 30+ m/s^2 that is now hidden. With these changes to the control panel displayed stats, I now know there are two different figures for newtons for each hover engine. My problem is that I don't see them both listed when I hover my cursor over the hover engine. Maybe it is there but I can't get myself to see it.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Started a new CV today. Turned out considerably different than i'd planned, which usually means it's considerably better than my half-baked plans. Though still a long way from completion.
    Used the cargo container design from that failed, hated cargo hauler from yesterday and heavily improved it and stuck it in the middle of this new CV that's been named the FA-022 Manticore. A refitted cargo hauler with modular cargo pods.
    Alternative versions will be made using replaced cargo containers with different weapon layouts to create specialized versions of the Manticore (hence the name). Mobile farm, mobile base, artillery gunship, light SV carrier, etc...
    Ship contains 1 rear SV hangar and landing pad (depending on the size of the SVs can hold 4-6) and 2 HV hangars.
    It suffers from few side thrusters, which through some stupid design system causes the ship to come to a complete stop whenever it exceeds 3.5m/s on it's sides because that's the maximum limit it can move sideways (which occurs while turning 100% of the time, every 3 seconds apart). The fact that it HAS a forced limit is the problem here.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Today I started with departing from my Starter world. Not that I won't come back but I wanted to "start" on the Swamp Planet which I have found now. On my way there I had almost an accident when I jumped towards the large Arid Planet and came out of Warp almost in its atmosphere:eek:. Damned_2018-10-26_14-54-52.png
    After this shock I took a short detour to its surface and was caught by surprise by the large amount of Ores on the Planet (Console map).

  15. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    May I ask for your attention, I've done another set of bad screenshots to 'sell' my CV :(
    I need to get a teaching class about how to do screenshtos, i'm never happy with them… nor would I be able to make it better, it seems…

    I just wish a screenshot could 'give' the joy one feels when flying this beautiful beast! :)

  16. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    The screen shot is fine. The light-colored text tends to draw the eye away from your subject. Try making the text a little darker, a little smaller and rearrange the shot so that the text is on the right side of the frame with the Zyrion a bit to the left.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Well, you may start with NOT using this puke green background:D
    Tyrax Lightning and binhthuy71 like this.
  18. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    test_zyrion copy.jpg
    This is just a quick riff on your screenie. Notice that your eye goes first to the bright white facets on the ship and then to the lettering.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
  20. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Noctor Harvester- now online: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547380036

    Noctor T12- now online: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547380109

    OMEGA Conellia- now online: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547380244

    OMEGA Kharus 771- now online: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547380352

    TRL Agais -R-- now online: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1547380478

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