What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Since the whole CPU thing isn't active, I am not sure if this some oversight or intentional, but I noticed that a limited selection of turrets for CV have no CPU cost. For example, both rocket turrets cost 100 CPU as well as the retractable flak turret turret. The old school flak turret that does not retract? No CPU cost listed, and I was able to add them to a BP without changing the CPU costs. However, the limit for the class of turrets still applied.

    A9 DI_2018-12-22_11-26-53.png

    With that said, I know my initial reaction to the 7500 CPU was horror, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. However, may I present a WIP that I was going to abandon is getting a restart.

    A9 DI_2018-12-22_11-22-52.png

    One uses retractable turrets. The other does not. One I placed thrusters for a certain look. The other I placed a balance of thrusters to conserve energy, CPU and yet give thrust in the critical directions of down and to the rear for atmospheric flight. One has 80 of the large T3 fuel tanks. The other has reduced energy consumption and has 46. And there is still room to make adjustments, such as dropping down from 15 RCS to better refine the thrusters/fuel tank situation or convert some of the storage to CC and CE combination (which uses more CPU than the medium containers).

    The biggest thing I will miss? The rear thruster arrangement. I thought the M thrusters helped make the L thrusters look cool. However, the arrangement used 1600 CPU, as opposed to using just the two XL thrusters for 200 CPU.

    A9 DI_2018-12-22_11-23-42.png

    And the evidence of CPU...

    A9 DI_2018-12-22_11-25-24.png A9 DI_2018-12-22_11-26-25.png

    Patching up the changes will take some work. And I'll have to make choices about the RCS and storage situation as well. By the way, that is a size class 5 CV and the revised WIP is 59.3 kt currently. 90 x 118 x 36m.

    [edit: I noticed that the remaining power appears to be significantly different between the two. I think this is more a function of the fact that I spawned the one without moving it a centimeter, while the revised version I took for a little spin on my 2.0 g world with 2.0 kg/m^3 atmosphere to get a feel for how long a full tank would last in flight.]
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  2. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  3. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Seeing how you changed from 20k to 7.5k CPU is stunning.
    Just gave me a little hope in regards of my vent thread regarding CPU over here: https://empyriononline.com/threads/alpha-9-cpu-value-s.46867/

    I already tried to build small, I'm now at the Point where I'd like to call it done.
    But the 15k/7.5k CPU issue bugs me right now.

    I just was at the Point of ignoring that Point, as it is still disabled, but seeing your change, i'd like to give it a(nother) try.
    However, by math, i'd probably need to strip it down to bare bone hull (feels like)…

    62x142x28m ; 11.5 kt ; size class 4.56
    CPU: 15630 / 7500

    But anyway, just wanted to drop some Images of it :)
    20181222184426_1.jpg 20181222201446_1.jpg 20181222213610_1.jpg 20181222213641_1.jpg 20181222213842_1.jpg

    20181222222502_1.jpg 20181222222524_1.jpg 20181222222556_1.jpg 20181222223031_1.jpg 20181222223053_1.jpg

    I always get the feeling of a clumsy build/interior when I try to build small, because I usualy run out of space… :(
    But i like it anway so far, now, i'll test it in real Play. :)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    "We are going with a big Ship!"

    Great looking Carrier!
  5. Ramachandra

    Ramachandra Captain

    May 28, 2017
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    I got a trading station complete today. I do not show too much from it, you may see it in game or on the workshop some day. I had fun to build something mostly with the new primitive deco.

    Faith, ion_storm, Jenniphurr and 13 others like this.
  6. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Looks like you some of the same CPU expenses I had. Looks like about 2200 CPU just in thrusters along that top deck. It looks beautiful and fitting, but I believe 2 L thrusters as the same output as 20 M thrusters for meganewtons, and save a little energy. Looks like each side is another 1000 CPU each in thrusters. The M thrusters (or are you using S thrusters?) look better for that build, but if you are trying to get CPU down.... In my case, 2 XL thrusters has the same meganewtons as 8 L thrusters. I liked the look of the 8 L thrusters combined with another 8 M thrusters, but I saved 1400 CPU making the switch. And my side, front, top and down all had a mix of M and L thrusters. I think I reduced the sides to two M thrusters each, same for the top and front, while back and down are both a pair of XL thrusters. Granted, it doesn't thrill me having so few thrusters, so where I can I will be pushing those in a block to put a layer of "vents" over those thrusters for a little PVE protection.

    As I said, I discovered that some turrets didn't have a CPU cost listed. Still not sure if that is an oversight or intentional. The "free" turrets were:

    Plasma Turret
    Flak Turret
    Cannon Turret

    All the retractable versions cost 100 CPU each.

    If you look at the pic of my CV side by side, you may notice that the turrets on one all have raw combat steel blocks under them. This is because I stripped out those retractable turrets, filled the resulting holes with combat steel and then placed the "free" turrets on top of the patch. If they do add 100 CPU costs to the list of turrets above, I will consider removing a few RCS and maybe a portion of the storage to put at least a few turrets back on. I think my biggest CPU savings was in the thrusters though.
  7. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Started on updating my stuff yesterday untill i came to the realisation 9.x hasn't come to its full potential yet, so feel kinda stuck cuz don't know what's gonna change more .
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  8. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    It's a bit off topic since i technically did this yesterday, when i (finally) found a couple of hours of free time to Start up the game.

    Creative 001_2018-12-23_13-52-13.png
    Creative 001_2018-12-23_13-52-00.png Creative 001_2018-12-23_13-51-56.png Creative 001_2018-12-23_13-51-46.png Creative 001_2018-12-23_13-53-39.png

    It is a smaller version of the well known Galaxy Class (i haven't come up with a proper name for it).
    Unlike the 641 meters of the original Galaxy, this ship is only around 400 meters in length and about 280 meters wide. My idea was to create a more compact ship that is more practical for EGS.*
    But now i realize this small ship is already way too big for what some ppl. expect a Capaital Ship is supposed to be in EGS...
    *I'd love to have this one the first of a alternate Star Trek reality fleet of mine, but the games arbitary set "limitations" are just so stupidly annoying... :mad:

    The ships proportions are made to make it look somewhat smaller and a tad more advanced than the Galaxy. I did my best to live up to the elegance of Mr. Proberts design at least a bit.

    I haven't finished the internals yet, but here's some impressions so far:
    Creative 001_2018-12-23_14-04-42.png

    a Corridor:
    Creative 001_2018-12-23_14-04-33.png

    the Shuttlebay:
    Creative 001_2018-12-23_14-04-11.png
    I have placed a Warp core in it just to show the size of this huge room, i have no idea how to properly lighten it... here again this small ship already scratches at the limitations of this game...
    It is damned frustrating to say the least and not really fun to constantly fight the obstacles the devs put in your way if you want to create some decentent sized ship.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Same. I don't see much point putting a lot of time into building or updating anything right now when key systems they just introduced aren't fully implemented yet. I've always built things with the understanding the game would change and I'd have to update or scrap builds as new features were implemented but it was always with the expectation that those features would be more or less in a usable state when they were released and refined over time. This latest addition is in a really rough state and it needs a whole lot more work. That's fine for an internal build but I don't think it was ready for public consumption.
  10. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Does opening a container at the trade station make you an enemy of polaris? I open one container and they started shooting lol
    I had to run for cover.
    Screenshot (218).png
  11. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    yes, it does tank your rep with Polaris, unless you were at honored rank.
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  12. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    ok thanks. I guess that is what happened. I was just looking geezzz it was no need for them to get violent. haha
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    For Your Convenience ;)
  14. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Thank you :)
    Jenniphurr and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I spent the night upgrading old blueprints to the new version.

    I have taken a liking to the new ramp and have been using it a lot.
    Quite a few ships have been revamped to use it.

    I managed to get all of my BA's updated, as well as all the non-HPOD CV's.
    I will tackle the HPOD's later, I am going to bed.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Been working on an abandoned colony for my scenario on the snow starting planet over the last couple nights. Meant as an "easy" abandoned POI, doable with light armor and a shotgun. Gonna have a bit of a story that leads into an abandoned colony ship in orbit and sets players on one of the optional story arcs.

    What happened here? Was something trying to get in, or was something trying to get out? :eek:



    Ugh, somebody's gotta clean up this mess!


    Don't go down the dark hole. Don't go down the dark hole. Don't go down - okay fine, go down the dark hole. I'm sure there's no monsters down there who want to eat you.


    Setting up lights with different blink settings to give the illusion of flickering lights. Actually doesn't look half bad.

  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Made an artillery-type spiderbot. One of those cheap bases you can plop down for area defense.
    Like the other smaller ones, i'll probably make a second Polaris-themed version to play the part of area defense for the Polaris faction.
    Here it is: The FA-031 Guardian
    12 Terranigma_2018-12-24_13-56-12.png

    Oh, and here's the front ground view of the FA-030 that was missing from my last post.
    12 Terranigma_2018-12-24_12-33-29.png
    Need those missing block shapes...
  18. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Upgraded my sv today after raiding a poi. Added some rocket launchers, warp drive and some jet engines
    Screenshot (221).png

    Screenshot (230).png
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Tried to raid the abandon mine ... "Tried" being the keyword .haha These npc follow you even outside the poi.
    Screenshot (232).png
  20. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Try playing empyrion while listening to this.

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