Small Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. HalpoCoren

    HalpoCoren Ensign

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Lack creativity with names, but here's the all around utility vehicle I've been using in survival. Maybe I'll just rename it TruckYeah....
    2015-11-09_06-09-42.png 2015-11-09_06-09-52.png 2015-11-09_06-10-13.png 2015-11-09_19-26-28.png 2015-11-09_19-26-38.png

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    Lealu and Tiv like this.
  2. HalpoCoren

    HalpoCoren Ensign

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I've been playing some Halo 5: Guardians the last few days and this reminds me a lot of the Promethians.
  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Humm never played Halo, got to check that….
  4. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    This is the latest incarnation of the ship I'm using as scaffolding in my Let's Play. It's great for building in hard/impossible to reach places. ScaffoldMkIII-(SV).png

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  5. Alchimeriste

    Alchimeriste Commander

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Good idea and very useful I suppose, I like this construction vehicle, excellent for painting the enemies strongholds after defeat. Good concept, practical, simple and effective. ++1
  6. vetman_x

    vetman_x Ensign

    Nov 14, 2015
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    My old building ...

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  7. Tiv

    Tiv Lieutenant

    Oct 30, 2015
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    My latest survival-born SV is made for hit & run attacks instead of hover & dodge bombing.

    As prevention against old pattern, it only has one directional thruster for each side. Removing the backwards-thruster, modifies this SV to a more plane like vessel and makes runways absolutely necessary (given that you prefer to land in one piece).

    Edit: The Railgun is more decoration than functional :X

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    Lealu, Otterbear and Krenios like this.
  8. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    A fast small Fighter made in Survival whit a hard hit

    2015-11-15_00003.jpg 2015-11-15_00001.jpg 2015-11-15_00002.jpg Hunter-1.png

    4 Rocket Launcher
    5 Rail Gun
    4 Storage
    2 Fridges
    2 Oxi Tank
    1 Oxi Station
    4 Fuel Tanks
    2 Generators
    2 RCS
    Full trust close 200 min on Planet

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    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
    Navonil Mukherjee and Lealu like this.
  9. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    So this is my first finished SV. My goal was to make a dropship inspired by the Orca-class ships from Command & Conquer Tiberiun Sun. She got a bit larger than initially planned and I may have went a bit overboard on the thrusters but overall I'm quite happy; except the paintwork perhaps.

    As you can see from the items listed below she's a multi-purpose dropship that's capable of transporting 6 people (excluding the pilot), has enough firepower to defend herself and due to the fair amount of utility items she can go quite long before having to return to base.

    The inside consists of 3 chambers. The 1st chamber is an empty space meant to create some distance and protection for the 2nd and 3rd chamber. The 2nd chamber is where you'll find the Oxygen Stations and Oxygen Tanks. The 3rd chamber is where you'll find cargo boxes, refrigerators, passenger seats, fuel tanks and the constructor.

    General Specifications
    Width – 15
    Length – 25
    Height – 10
    Mass – 17.3 t
    Idle time (landed) – 266 minutes
    Idle time (air or when exactly leveled in air) – 158 minutes
    Flight time – 125 minutes

    Fridge – 6
    Carbo Boxes - 12
    Oxygen Station – 2
    Oxygen Tank – 8
    Passenger Seat Cube – 6
    Small Constructor – 1

    Ship Parts
    Thruster Directional – 12
    Thruster Normal – 14
    RCS – 3
    Fuel Tank – 6
    Generator – 2

    Gatling Gun – 2
    Rocket Launcher - 6

    So far I haven't come up with a name but due to her 6 rocket launchers a warm welcome is ensured; Thus, I've come to calling her the "Welcome Wagon" for the time being.

    Suggestions are welcome. Especially on a name and the paintjob!

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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  10. slith

    slith Ensign

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Hi there,

    I want to share my first SV. It has been designed purely with combat in mind. It is very well armored and all the explody bits are under extra layers of armorplates and constructors. It has good acceleration in every direction for its mass and sharp brakes. Flight time is about 60 minutes in atmosphere on 2 fuel tanks.

    Kuang MK III

    -_2015-11-19_08-59-27.png -_2015-11-19_08-59-39.png -_2015-11-19_08-59-59.png Heavy-Fighter-MKI_0.png Heavy-Fighter-MKI.png

    Slot 1: 5 Pulselasers
    Slot 2: 4 Plasma Cannons

    My Impression after a few pvp tests: To bring this thing down your best bet is trying to disable the weapons. Its agile enough to reliable dodge rocket launchers. Might have a problem against builds with pure agility focus and gatling guns, exploiting the fact that you can strafe without worries to kill your own weaponry.Rotation could be a bit better, but every extra RCS I add just makes the controls wonky and aiming really hard. So far unbeaten against anything I encountered from other players - and in most cases also better looking :)

    Note for the other guys: Please post screenshots where you can actually see stuff.

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    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  11. crazytd69

    crazytd69 Lieutenant

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
  12. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Could you provide us with a couple of screenshots mate? Then we'll know if it's worthwhile to download ;)
  13. crazytd69

    crazytd69 Lieutenant

    Sep 22, 2015
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  14. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Kaiphos_1.jpg Kaiphos_2.jpg

    Simple and small with just the essentials.

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    khajjah likes this.
  15. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    This is my personal flagship, Terminator. It was created in my survival game. It was intended for planetary relocation or when I feel the need to burn through some fuel :p It is quite nimble despite its size and can handle spacedrone with little fuss. Until CV is more useful, this baby is my home away from home.

    53.3 Tons
    2 Cockpits
    3 Generators
    11 Fuel tanks (Large Fuel Packs = 395h idle in space, 1025 min of full acceleration in space, 250 min of full acceleration on Aestus, 673 min of hovering on Aestus)
    19 RCS
    8 Forward Thrusters
    8 Retro Thrusters (can be removed for a reduction in fuel consumption)
    16 Directional Thrusters for each Up,Down,Left, and Right

    2 Small constructors
    25 Cargo boxes
    1 Oxygen station
    6 Oxygen tanks

    6 Pulse lasers
    3 Plasma cannons

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    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    BOLSON and Lealu like this.
  16. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Hey guys,

    I wanted to make a really nice SV this time around. Something a little bit bigger than most of your run of the mill SVs, but not overly massive like that Reaper. Anyways after looking around the internet at some existing space ships I finally found something that caught my eye.

    I present to you the YZ-900 Light Corvette


    I took a few creative liberties, but tried to keep to the general shape of the hull, as there are a few variants of this ship. It took me around a week to build this, as I had several major problems with the block layout for the overall silhouette that required me to perform major tear downs. I actually had built most of this in survival, but honestly with the remove tool taking 9 whacks, I finally broke down and finished it in Creative mode.

    I tried to build redundant systems on each side of the ship so if one side of the ship takes a pounding, in theory the ship would still be fully operational. Let me know what you guys think I could do to improve.


    Length: 55
    Width: 33
    Height: 14
    Mass: 60 Tons

    24 Rear Facing (Forward Thrust)
    8 Forward Facing (Reverse)
    16 Downward Facing (Lift)
    12 Upward Facing (Descent)
    14 Side Facing (Stafe - 7 on each side)

    3 Rocket Launchers
    2 Rail Guns
    5 Pulse Lasers

    18 Fuel Tanks
    8 Generators
    4 Capacitors
    16 RCS
    24 O2 Tanks
    4 O2 Stations
    2 Constructors
    10 Fridges
    22 Cargo Boxes
    8 Passenger slots

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    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    Madnesis, khajjah, Flip and 9 others like this.
  17. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Awesome Build looks real good man
  18. Pr0gr4mm3r

    Pr0gr4mm3r Lieutenant

    Aug 11, 2015
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    A ship i've built today. I call it "Hyperia". ;)

    Hyperia 3.png

    Hyperia 1.png

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    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
    Yolofessional and Krenios like this.
  19. Krenios

    Krenios Commander

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Simple but great design !
  20. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Tonight I unveil my greatest work so far..... the medium dropship Schwalbe Mk 1A!! "Schwalbe" is German for "Swallow", and she is quite streamlined and graceful.

    The Schwalbe is a refinement on every dropship I have built, an evolution of a line of dropships since the Pointmores (featured earlier in this thread). The Schwalbes were created with better survivability and mobile amenities, as well as having better endurance and being easier on the eyes. The Schwalbe Mk 1 was a slightly different design from the Mk 1A, but due to a little physics bug triggered by human error, it sort of noclipped through a platform and blew up after hours of work. So I rebuilt her as the Schwalbe Mk 1A in Survival Mode. The Schwalbe Mk 1A was designed with survivability, concentrated firepower, and being a home away from home both on planets and in space.

    Empyrion 2015-12-01 00-12-07-50.jpg Empyrion 2015-12-01 00-12-22-51.jpg Empyrion 2015-12-01 00-12-48-45.jpg Empyrion 2015-12-01 00-13-15-23.jpg

    - Spacious crew compartment which can access passenger boxes and cockpit. In space, cockpit exits directly to interior if was entered from interior.
    - Covered rear entryway and door coverage means shooting into the crew compartment is almost impossible when the dropship is making a pick-up.
    - Solid protection against rockets, plasma bolts, and ion shots from all sides. Critical components are also well-protected.
    - Amenities for work away from the primary base: O2 station, dual constructors, plenty of cargo boxes and two refrigerators.
    - Has plenty of endurance for long missions off-planet due to minimal use of thrusters and five onboard fuel tanks all accessible from crew compartment. With large packs on almost full tanks, 63 hours on "minimal idle", 7 hours in Akua's atmosphere. Two cargo boxes also dedicated to storing even more power packs.
    - Well-armed: three gatling guns mounted for precise aim, six rocket launchers with tight spread mounted near cockpit.

    Possible Cons:
    - The Schwalbe is not extremely maneuverable, especially compared to my other designs like the Phoenix. There are plans to improve maneuverability in the Schwalbe Mk 1B variant.
    - The door is located very close to the constructors, primary cargo boxes and O2 station, to the point where if you are using those you may open the door. I am thinking of ways to fix this: there will either be a minor crew compartment rearrangement in a future variant of the Mk 1, or the problem will be perfectly solved in the Mk 2 series with a redesign of the fuselage body at the aft end.
    - The Schwalbe is not a cheap build. Although she can be built without using any Power Coils or Advanced CPUs, she will take between one to two thousand iron ingots to build. Much of the iron is put into the applique armor, and if you wish to sacrifice a lot of top, bottom, and side protection to shed about 9 tons of weight, save a significant amount of iron and gain some agility, that may be a good idea as well.

    Special Components List:
    - 1 x Cockpit 2 (or cockpit of same size, based on your tastes)
    - 7 x Armored Thrusters (Horizontal, Reverse and Downward control)
    - 7 x RCS (Estimated Count)
    - 3 x Normal Thrusters
    - 2 x Slanted Thrusters
    - 10 x Directional Thrusters
    - 3 x Gatling Guns (Can be substituted for Pulse Lasers at user's discretion)
    - 6 x Rocket Launchers (Recommended to keep these, as plasma cannons are more vulnerable due to increased size)
    - 1 x Automatic Door
    - 4 x Generators
    - 5 x Fuel Tanks
    - 1 x Spotlight
    - 6 x Light (Estimated Count)
    - 2 x Refrigerator
    - 4 x Passenger Cube (Not the tall ones)
    - 5 x Cargo Boxes
    - 2 x Small Constructor
    - 5 x Oxygen Tanks
    - 1 x O2 Station

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    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
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