Fixed Gamepad Issues [6171, 6172]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by theFisher86, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. theFisher86

    theFisher86 Ensign

    Apr 16, 2018
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    Mode: All Modes
    Mode: Singleplayer

    Summary: Multiple Gamepad Issues

    Description: Gamepad support was added back in version 8 but there are still numerous problems with the gamepad. Listed below in order of seriousness:
    • Many gamepad "mouse clicks" don't register reliably - when in the UI and you "click" to pick up an inventory item or to click on a button with the gamepad mouse it often doesn't register and you have to "click" multiple times. This is the most apparent when dragging and dropping inventory items onto the hotbar.
    • Gamepad SHIFT Modifier button is not utilized enough - being able to assign any gamepad combo (i.e. SHIFT + X, SHIFT + D-Pad Up, etc.) would double the amount of commands that could be utilized.
    • Gamepad Mouse movement speed too slow - A small speed increase combined with a little acceleration would go a long way here.
    • Gamepad Invenory UI is very unintuitive - moving items from a container into the inventory or down to the hotbar is very cumbersome. In the container inventory a "double click" to move the whole stack between the container & inventory would be really useful. Pushing X to be the equivalent of right click (consume) would be useful as well.
    Overall though I'm sure building a super optimized gamepad interface is fairly low on your "To Do" list so an easier way for you team may be to just provide an ini file or something that can be tweaked to configure how the UI interactions work and also to allow multi-key gamepad bindings (as described in the SHIFT point above). Then the community could develop efficient and user-friendly gamepad schemes and you guys can work on the game!
    Pach likes this.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks will be looked into.

    Currently the game pad shift modifier button (when assigned to a game pad button) appears to not work & will be checked out.

    I'll pass this on this feedback to the right dev.

    Also to ask what game pad are you using ?
  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    There will be a number of fixed issues & changes in A10.5 experimental please recheck the controller input see what you think.

    The "Many gamepad "mouse clicks" don't register reliably" is fixed others points you have made have been logged & will be looked into as development goes on.

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