Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    can we have another post where we can request new block shapes that we found we need, now we got new blocks to play with? :D
    in screen shot example, theres not a fluent way to make round shapes continue.

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  2. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    Flattening Drill tool not working for you?
  3. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Not all that well. It seems to flatten however it likes - raising some areas, lowering others, and generally leaves me with a region that looks like a mortar practice range by the time I give up.
  4. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    Just out of curiosity, you have to be on the ground and not in god mode. It "planes" from the location you are standing on. From there you can add height to pits once they go over the "lip" of the ground you are working and then you can smooth it out flat again from there.
  5. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I think that's where the problem lies - the ground you're standing on - if it's uneven, or not at a height desired, it makes the area to be flattened also undesirable. Also, the Flatten/Raise functions make ugly terrain that looks like iron voxel resources, rather than the terrain of the biome, and trying to trip down the odd peaks that occur can often lead to either digging large craters that are undesirable, or creating a sort of mound of terrain that is higher than desired.

    The long and short of it is, I do not like the way this tool functions, especially for larger areas. Filling in a rocket crater, it's great. Cleaning a bit of dirt off a foundation block, sure (except when this causes half the side of the block to be exposed and create a loop of remove-the-surface-dirt-expose-the-side-cover-the-side-get-dirt-on-top-the-block).

    So what's wrong with having another option? A nice, neat, clean way to clear and level a larger area that doesn't necessitate hours of frustrating drill/fill/flatten, rinse-repeat?
  6. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    Nothings wrong. I had to determine what was actually going on for you to be able to understand. As it turns out you would prefer a tool that works differently. That lays a different ground texture, and is meant for larger terrain applications, specifically dedicated to large, cosmetic terrain flattening.

    As opposed to a player that doesnt know they have to be standing on the ground to get the current tool to work properly, even if the activity isnt pleasant to you in its current state.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    It’s not just unpleasant, it’s inaccurate, bizarre or unpredictable, not to mention tedious. I know Voxel terrain editing is a major feat, and I certainly appreciate the work that has been done - simple drill and fill operations are fine (I’m a notorious Core-burier). But larger scale operations... just not quite there. What sort of larger scale operations? Constructing large landing strips suitable for CV’s for one. Clearing and leveling large areas for bases or large hydroponic farms (27x27 for example) - my last venture was a two day effort that ended with me building a 3 block tall platform in the end, as I just did not want to contour-farm.
  8. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    tank you so much for shields. it was the last missing piece in my work and now i can start to put thousands of hours together to one scenario.
    Just one big thing stays in my mind.... we really really need shield penetrating weapons for sv/hv, or they get totally useless for pvp. the shields are the big chance for small vessels to get a valuable place in pvp battles, but requiering them to fully shoot through cv/base shields doesnt work.

    for myself i would just need a config-projectile setting to bypass shields....
    how about slow firing topedos? adding tactical combat to the game, without the need of wasting performance on hundrets of projectiles hammering the shields.

    like my gf just said: a good combat system always makes a fun game
  9. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Might I recommend a fairly easy-to-implement solution:

    SV Torpedo Launcher. A single-tube variant of the Rocket Launcher, with a rate of fire like an artillery cannon, that fires a guided projectile made of promethium, Pentaxid, steel plates and electronics, that does high damage to shields, and low damage to armor.

    Something similar could be made for HV’s, though it would be turret-based, since was don’t, for some odd reason, have fixed HV rockets.

    Same with CV’s, just a rocket launcher variant.
    Last edited: May 17, 2019
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  10. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    yes, but thats not what i meant. gonna use the plasma weapons this 'ion-cannon' style.
    i wastalking about weapons that ignore shields and directly do damage to hull.
  11. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Do not like.

    Creates an undesirable PvP META, and METAs are always only bad.
    Jacoviz likes this.
  12. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    well pvp is just one side. the whole combat in emp is way simpler than such a game deserves.
    actually you need to make a brick or stay in turret blind spot and just hammer the target with tons of ammo.
    thats like standing on a rock and shooting enemies cause they are to stupid to get up or even call it an exploits

    and wouldnt it be an improvement for pve games too, if the reason why you use an sv instead of a much more powefull cv is that the cv would need to take out shields first instead of cant use weapons on planet?
  13. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Device Skins.
    With A10, we see yet another round of changes to a number of old devices. Changes, not additions.
    Why can we not have right-click visual options for things like O2 tanks, fuel tanks, medical devices, constructors, etc.? Assuming the devices all fit the same block dimensions, what's wrong with having these visual variants? Some of the older ones actually look better, imo.

    Having these device option sets would actually benefit thematic creations. Ie: Dystopian, steam-punk, Utopian/Technocracy, Military-Industrial, Bio-Organic, etc.

    Not to mention we sometimes build block shapes around devices as if they are connected to others, or the structure itself. Some of these device visuals simply do not fit the mold of other devices.

    I don't mind that time is being spent on finding/creating device assets that look nicer. But why keep tossing the old ones? Expand to the list, not just swap.
    Jeffglobal, Pear78, Slimer and 3 others like this.
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I suggested this back when the warp core changed from the "Doughnut"
    There were a number of ships built around that model that have lost their visual impact because of the change.
  15. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    will the minigun turret ai be fixed?
    actually it seems the rate of fire is limited to the speed the sound loop can be played, but real automatic fire isnt possible.

    and beyond that it would be cool to be able to set turrets to fire salvos, but doing this with a high rof and low mag size showed that turret ai is still ignoring reload times and constantly firing with the set rof.
  16. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Just joined the Empyrion Galactic Survivors group on Facebook. Someone posted there an image showing that the open shutter windows now include a line about not blocking thrusters. I probably would have never noticed that on my own. However, I took a look at A10e and found it there. Went poking around a little and didn't find any others. Now I don't expect there to be many, but let me post here my simple wish list.

    Suggesting a few more options to not block thrusters.

    Truss blocks. Some of them look a little more questionable. A few look like they should be damaged by thrusters. The reason I am inclined to suggest them is because I have seen a few BP with the thrusters outlined with the "round slope thin", "wall" and "thin slope" and it looked really cool. However, those truss blocks they used technically were in the line of the thrusters' fire and it only looked like the truss blocks created an outline around them.

    "Walkway Slope". The one that looks like the sloped shuttered window. It can't take a hit, but it has the same general look for venting thrusters. Mostly, I like it because it doesn't require sathium. I have been mostly using it with the S thrusters because there is no sloped version of that thruster, so if I want a sloped surface with the thruster included, I might put the S thruster back a block and put the "walkway slope" over it to give the sloped look.

    "Walkway". Actually, what I would really want is a whole new block that looked like the vertical open shuttered window but didn't require sathium, similar to the one walkway slope, but that would really awkward as a walkway. Who would walk on thin fins? On a slope it looks like stairs, but to fit as a vent for thrusters the fins would have to be such that you were walking on the narrow edge if it was a horizontal walkway. That is why for spaces where the vertical shape was appropriate but I didn't want to introduce sathium into my build I have been using the basic walkway. So I am hoping that we get a vertical, or horizontal, shape like the basic walkway for a sathium-less alternative to the open shuttered window.
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Simple block variant suggestions:

    Industrial Walkway
    A variant of walkway that's not the near-unpaintable black metal plate-with-holes we have now. More like a gridwork walkway seen in industrial factories and some games with a higher level of transparency than what we've got now.
    Turned sideways, they'd also make nice industrial fences/walls.

    Industrial Handrails
    Matching handrails to go with the industrial walkway. The current handrails are too civilian-looking and don't really fit inside the interior of a military ship's engineering section.

    At present when people want "ladders" they turn handrails sideways. Though the large start and end rods make that look... odd. They're also not functional.
    These ladders would function identical to the current elevators. There's not really any reason for them not to. Perhaps just make them a variant of the elevator with a couple of variants of a caged ladder and a free one.
  18. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I would like HV and SV batteries.
    A charging station could be a block similar to a repair bay; it would require the vehicle to be "Parked" and it would give the vehicle the ability to take charge directly from the Base or CV it was docked to. Much in the same way that Solar panels charge a battery from a base. It would still take time to transfer power from the base/CV to the vehicle, and possibly even have a 95% efficiency rather than a pure 100% efficiency. This could enable an entirely new role of HV/SV for "scouting" or short term operations.

    Additionally, I'd like to see the ability to dock HVs to SVs and vice versa. The parent/child object relationship could be tied to overall mass, where the parent object must be at least 3 or 4 times the tonnage of the child object. Thus, a Lander SV could carry a small hover, or alternately a land cruiser HV could carry a scout/light operations SV.
  19. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I would like to see some more glass shapes, free form cockpit design is rather limited. Especially when building CVs.. with SVs I often resort to the existing cockpits, because the glass shapes dont give a lot of sleek or quirky design options.

    also.. in general: more cockpits is never a bad thing ;)
    added some Lego windshields for inspiration

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  20. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    also on cockpits: I end up not using the sexiest cockpit in the game pretty often, just because it doesnt have a straight front.. this one (kind of) requires front placement because of it's sloped front and limits design choises.. so yeah, more cockpits (variants) = better ;)

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