Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. jlego

    jlego Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I'd really like to see some feature like Minecrafts "pick block" function, but for block shapes. That would make the process you just described way easier.
    baddkarma74 likes this.
  2. Sunshaker

    Sunshaker Lieutenant

    Oct 2, 2018
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    I would love a planet, you could warp to, just for "time trial events", testing all aspects of your HV & SV designs, everybody loves a little competition :)
    The Leader boards, would be good showcase for workshop builds.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    The only thing I believe this game could benefit from is a rebalance of the weapons we have already got, and the addition of some new ones.

    Specific examples to existing weapons:

    Add damage value to the miniguns
    (Turrets and the vessel fixed manual ones.)

    Add range to railguns (their entire point is travel speed and range).

    Add range to artillery, the entire point to use artillery is to hit targets at a long range.
    Also allow artillery shells to fly in arcing trajectory to allow them to travel past obstacles.

    Rockets/Missiles should not simply disappear at max range but should fall on the ground and explode once they loose propulsion.

    Allow plasmaguns to deplete Base/CV shields faster.


    Suggestion for weapons:

    1)Long range planetary rockets

    2)Big CV based torpedoes

    3)Mines (for minefield creation)

    4)Bombs for CVs/SVs to be dropped from above onto target areas
  4. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Something like this already exists, to experience it you must pick a pvp planet and good luck.
    I assume you think that on such a planet as described by you the action would happen in a more "orderly" fashion , but I must assure you that it wouldn't.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
  5. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Sounds great , but the Space part sounds game breaking for MP.
  6. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Also to make the game feel more lively and vivid you would need more players. Because besides of the building, the interactions with other players is what makes the game.

    In the early days player amounts were not an issue, the world was crawling with them.
    So maybe you should look back at what you did right back then and try to bring some of it back.
    Instead of implementing things that frustrate and drive players away, for example, the max-CPU count...
  7. WildmouseX

    WildmouseX Lieutenant

    Nov 8, 2017
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    A: for planetary playfileds I would like to see...

    Satalite system, near the end of mid game to unlock those last few PoI's, and to make exploring new worlds a bit easier. Can also be used for reentry markers

    B: for space playfields I would like to see

    More active scanning, with better range. I would reccomend looking at Eve Onlines probe and direction scanning - probe based scanning to find asteroid ores, pois, etc - a direction based scanner for finding other players
    ravien_ff and ImperialGuard like this.
  8. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    YES interaction between NPC's, right now the only entity NPC's interact with and reconize is the player, they totally ignore each other, it's like they live in their own dimension, predators should chase preys, but because this isn't Far Cry and making animations of them wrestling each other would be a bit much, you can simply decide that the prey always escapes.

    Another simple thing, variety of sizes, curently all plant fibers are the same size, all corndogs are the same size ... and all the other plants are the same size, this makes the world look unnatural and generic, instead you could have like three sizes for every asset and you can let randomization do the rest.
    foxi5, ravien_ff and ImperialGuard like this.
  9. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Yea I wanted that for a long time, I remember that hummel-o-war said that they either already were or would be working on a radar system later , it has been posted as they announced the ore scanners (I believe somewhere around version 7.+).
    The only thing I really have to add to your suggestion is a big
    necessity that you missed.
    The radars should allow us to detect player movements and player bases.
    Considering that it was a default feature back in the day (before it got removed for whatever reason)
    I don't think it would take much work to implement it back with the help of the radar, in the end we already have such tech today , so is no way to justify how this tech is not accessible to us so far in the future.

    Also it would encourage people to plan out their attacks or scout/ exploration missions more carefully adding a extra layer of tactical planning (in a fun way).
    Want to attack a player? You better take out his radars first! Or maybe you creat a sort of distraction? Who knows, that's the fun part.
    Supay likes this.
  10. ImperialGuard

    ImperialGuard Commander

    Dec 12, 2016
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    There already are battle animations for some of the prey animals so they could either go with that, or leave it out ingeneral. Observing day by day how prey escapes predators would break immersion, since for now it's not even a thing you would consider as you go about your business but then it would be constantly there.
    You would start to wonder how those predators stay alive if they suck so much... :D

    That's a very good point, another great addition would be different colors for the foliage of the same type of tree.
    Sofianinho likes this.
  11. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I would like to see more artillery options. in sizes for destroyer(and smaller) Cruisers, and battle ships. in single double and triple turrets, and the ablalty to mount more then 2 to a vessel
  12. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Yeah that would surely make the game world more vivid and lively XD
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Posts should be following this format.
    There's been a page of completely unrelated suggestions that have nothing to do with questions posed by Hummel.
    Supay, ravien_ff and Fractalite like this.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Even without adding new models, assets, or mechanics, there's a lot that can be added just using what we currently have. Granted, just because it's "possible" doesn't mean it's feasible performance-wise, but that's what alpha is for right? :D

    I feel like we're just starting to use the full capabilities of the game, and I can't wait to see what new tools we'll get to help bring Empyrion to life. :D

    Caves would bring a lot to explorers who find them:
    20190628215710_1.jpg 20190628021139_1.jpg

    More interesting terrain features, like spires, lava tubes, cliffs, arches, floating islands:
    20190621045627_1.jpg 20190425180959_1.jpg

    More AI activity to help make the galaxy look and feel alive. AI mining operations, freighters that carry goods between trade stations. Even factions that battle each other:
    20190413040000_1.jpg 20190420085412_1.jpg 20190601001751_1.jpg

    This game is already stunning and beautiful and is only going to get better. Add more moons to the default game, more giant planets, really show off what it can do and fix up the visuals so it looks immersive. Though visuals is more of a beta thing:
    20190507015300_1.jpg 20190405215918_1.jpg

    There can be magic and mystery even using the current tools we have now. I can't wait to see what's going to be possible.
  15. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Well the Space part in my opinion is needed. It's too quiet in space and very boring. Adding a faction map to Space would be perfect for this Game. Also on some MP servers people can avoid each other, so adding some very Aggressive NPC ships in space is great for single players and those who are on the MP servers with little to no pvp happening.
    Sephrajin and Sofianinho like this.
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I did not even realize that the game had glowy mushrooms....
    Robot Shark and ravien_ff like this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    There's bigger ones! I'm not even sure if they're used anywhere in the default game though, at least I don't remember seeing them.

  18. Monde

    Monde Lieutenant

    May 25, 2019
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    A. For planetary playfields :

    - NPC wildlife acting in "peckingorder" amongst themselves (like the ark dinos)
    - addition in wildlife species (water,land,air)
    - Player avatar that can be more customized
    - NPC factions that can conquer planet sections, increase territory or loose territory via territory grid
    - NPC faction attacks incrementally becoming stronger according to their overall planet presence
    - NPC land based vehicles
    - NPC factions that have "home worlds" or "core worlds" and they are stronger towards those worlds (maybe its in and I haven't seen it yet)
    - A mute key for the whining "zombies" (the entire base your just hear shrieking). Not seriously a wish......
    - POI's feel a little "Doom" (from the 90's ) and not dynamic. If I go round x corner shoot here as there are 2 Scorpions. They don't move around much.
    - Pirate Factions
    - Random NPC factions that take over POI's that you can liberate
    - Custom images for your faction
    - Custom Colours for your faction
    - Flags, Holo's Lights with your faction image (Flying or on the walls of your base)
    - More "animated" deco items
    - Replace grass and trees, or make gardens. Once you dig a hole are refill its brown dirt for forever
    - Make trenches that water flows through so you can "bring" water to your base and make ponds and moats.
    - More birds

    B. For space playfields :

    - scan/detector system for space
    - non linear layout warp routes
    - NPC faction trade routes ( trade CV + accompaning protection vessels)
    - Asteroid Mining
    - Mining Bases
    - The ability to create a trading Space Station for players and NPC's. In competition to the NPC's
    - NPC traders that you can hire

    C. Game as a whole:

    - NPC faction that is able to cross the playfield barrier (space <=> atmosphere)
    - quality improvements in animations (Assuming this will come as Alpha progresses)
    - background music.....Why don't we have a radio that we can play our own music in in our areas? (BA, HV,CV, SV)
    - trigger backgound music that accompanies events (discovery, danger, biome related, ...)

    Bigfeet had most of mine so reiterated his here.....the ones I was going to add.

    EDIT: I forgot Minor and Major colours on items. A block isn't just one single colour.
    Supay and ravien_ff like this.
  19. Croolis Var

    Croolis Var Ensign

    Dec 17, 2016
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    I'm less interested in making the playfields more lively than I am fixing the HUD elements to make them more playable. Namely, an improved radar for space with sticks above/below radar items so can tell if they are above/below you, Elite style. A HUD ladder so can tell AOA and roll in relation to ecliptic plane in space and planetary surface when on planets. An alitimeter showing height above current surface on planets. Also, an ecliptic plane holo projection in space like they had in X games so can easily tell visually how high above/below the ecliptic plane you are.

    All of these so I don't have to rely solely on auto-rotation key to decide which way is "up". I appreciate this isn't what you're asking here, but it's far more important to me than more eye candy right now.
  20. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    So the thread is about to veer off course again;

    What could make the game more VIVID
    What could make the game more LIVELY

    Not "This is a feature I wish the game had."
    vscuorzo, Sofianinho and Croolis Var like this.

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