What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    "We would be honored if you would join us"

  2. Wellingtoon

    Wellingtoon Commander

    Apr 7, 2017
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    I have been absolutely lov ing @ravien_ff 's Eden scenario. I've been playing it for a couple of months (!), still working my way through the various planets. My absolute favourite as a home base has to be the ocean world. And with the new version, it looks fantastic from orbit:

    EDIT: dodgy spelling!
  3. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Did little battle testing today. Is it just me or are the shields not as useful as they should be? Even a T 2 shield generator on a CV can't take much weapons fire at all. I understand a SV shield not being that powerful but a slower CV's shield should be able to take a pounding. So I guess Elon is not a fan of Star Destroyer type of ships that a can sit in one spot and take a lot of weapons fire.
    Screenshot (322).png
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Depends what you're fighting. Alien Plasma turrets get a bonus to shield damage. Alien Ion Turrets do heavy damage to shields.
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The T2 CV shield gen has a 36 000 hp pool. Count a few rapid fire sentry guns and a few laser turrets pounding the ship, it adds up quickly, even with a low dmg multiplier. I would crank that hp pool by a lot in the config, but just not now...

    Just saw ravien_ff's answer. I think the ion turrets do 450 dmg per shot, with a 0.1 multiplier. Did not check the plasma. I entered atmo is my CV right in zirax territory, and before I could run away I lost a spotlight, so my shields went off pretty quickly...

    Edit: just checked plasma : damage 600 with a multiplier of 0.95
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Finished the FA-040A Prophet today.
    Changed the name to Prophet from Brawler, since it's similar to the FA-008C Seer, so it gets a similarly-themed name. Though originally the Seer was called that because it had radar equipment mounted on it. Which turned out to be a waste of time, resources and ridiculously heavy.
    I gave it a new HUD... then added another one... and another one.
    14 Coldmarch_2019-09-21_18-44-56.png
    14 Coldmarch_2019-09-21_18-49-15.png
    First HUD in use.
    14 Coldmarch_2019-09-22_01-25-19.png
    Second and third HUDS. One for the co-pilot behind the pilot's seat and a pair of info windows next to the pilot's display to fill in the empty space.
    14 Coldmarch_2019-09-22_01-28-28.png
    Interior view.
    The Prophet has 1 Pilot seat, 1 co-pilot seat, 2 passenger seats and two bunks. They also have privacy screens because I could. They actually took quite a bit of time to get right so that they're perfectly spaced so as to have no gaps between lines and no lines between blocks.
    Needleship, jmtc, Sephrajin and 14 others like this.
  7. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Holy ****; that privacy screen! Very clever.
  8. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ok here is what I have so far. Matches the above guidelines. I wouldn't say this is the best HV ever, but it has some of that ZeroG style and its balanced well. I am pretty happy with it so far. Is this a bit better or do you want me to try out a different direction?
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Why "level 1-3" since it can only be 3 at minimum to unlock the thruster S ? Else it's not possible to get better than 7 ms/2 with only 4 green repulsors, just the basic devices and the lightest cockpit.

    That's my "balanced" submission without thrusters, the best I can get...


    7 ms/2 and can't beat the ugliness. But honestly, I would just add some thrusters and juggle the devices around, no blocks : they just waste power. And that's the lightest cargo box too.

    And at that point, why not simply use an open cockpit...
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
  10. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    @Vermillion , @Jenniphurr , wow. Future-Tech Space Force Osprey & Future-Tech Caddilac CTS. Really really nice stuff! :)
    @Kassonnade , good question. Level-1 maybe for a build that just uses Ground Repulsors?
    I learned something last night about HVs that, while a bit of a 'flat forehead' moment, maybe a few here haven't thought of yet.

    You can add normal Hover Engines along side Ground Repulsor Engines and the starter Repulsor Engines will still act as the Thrusters&RCS.

    Only one gotcha; if you raise the combo-engined HV above 2 meters then the Repulsor thrusters & RCS stop working.

    The combo of 4e Repulsor Engines & 4e Hover Engines (no other thrust or RCS) allowed a minimalist HV to fill 2250SU with 450 wood, 3.6 tons worth, and still move along adequately. And since this HV is a tiny 5x7, the Repulsors RCS provided ample responsiveness.

    Anyway, this combo is proving to be quite useful & really extends the usefulness of the Ground Repulsor Engines. :)
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    These device limits are killing my fun... Why in the world do we have a limit of 4 repulsors per turtle ?

    One point : to make optimal use of the 1 poor RCS I should put everything under the cockpit, between the repulsors, to keep the size at minimum.
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  12. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    EDIT: I totally missed you post with the HV pic, sorry!
    ? "1 poor RCS" ? not following you Kass...
    The built-in RCS force of the Ground Repulsors has been more than enough for any HV I've built using Repulsors. How big an HV we talking?
    I hear ya on the, "why only 4?" piece. Would be nice to have a bit more lift if only 4, though Eleon did well balancing it so you really want to move on up.
    My hangup is everytime I use them I start dreaming of a CV version... :(
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning and Kassonnade like this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    You're right, my mistake. I just removed the rcs and I have 8 ms/2 now.



    So I have less than the rcs mass to replace with blocks... wow. Lets make a porcupine.

    I'd rather have a fridge and a gun with an open cockpit. Stick the armor locker on the windshield when I need to change. Camping mode.

    And they really pushed back the possibility to make a SV up to level 7 (for thrusters S), plus the need to have a big constructor to make them. That's very annoying. That's a very cheap shot to the "sandbox" game.

    Building a HV is just a waste of resources, delaying the possibility to build a real flying machine. I prefer to stick with the motorbike until I can make my SV and use the scattered shipwrecks as temp bases.

    The damn thing can't even go on water... wtf ?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  14. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Hey! Go check the Tree; mine shows that the SV RCS, Sm & Med Thrusters can be built in the SV Constructor Edit: and unlock at Lvl-5 now... err.. wait just a gol darn second here....

    Dangit!! The SV Mobile Constructor is only buildable in an SV Cons or a BA/CV Lrg/Adv Constructor... -Not- in an HV Constructor?!

    So, basically still locked into a BA/CV Lrg Cons, but that's Lvl 5 now as well (changed?).
    earlier we were on a satellite delay, heh, I read & responded to the first bit of your post, before the pic. All clear now :)

    Edit2: I think the "Doesn't work on water" bit is just CYA. They can/do hover over water, just need to be a bit extra careful on the entry speed & angle; likely due to the lower hover height.

    Dropping off now to go back to my Dead World game, sooo addicting!
    (and there be forests than need clearing and alllll that lovely Mushroom Soup to be eating!)
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2019
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Wait : it also requires cobalt, which can't be "mined" on starter worlds. So if this relies on loot, maybe someone thought that players would need a HV to explore in order to find cobalt in dangerous places, once again trying to force usage of the HV. And a SV needs a warp drive to get to another planet to get the exotic materials to build a warp drive. So this is all locked in loot somewhere on the starter planet.

    I may have mistaken the level requirement with the unlock cost (7 pts).
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  16. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    You can find some cobalt in Eradiated zones in the form of rocks
  17. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    So that is not indicated in the planet info section of the map ?
    Tyrax Lightning and StyleBBQ like this.
  18. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    not its not, because there are no deposits on the starter planate. Though sadly the only way I can reliably find is after I have an SV and have been to the moon and brought back at least some cobalt....
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Ok. So here's a "sports" HV with minimum device, no thrusters :

    1 fuel tank, 1 gen, 1 cockpit, 4 repulsors, 1 core (!), 1 small cargo box, and only carbon composite blocks.


    Black is hard ... Coffee ?


    Stats :


    It will not tend to nosedive...

    Edit : after a good ride I'm quite satisfied with that little thing. With a slight unbalance keeping its nose up, I can go full speed over rocks and bumps, transition on water and back on solid ground no problem.

    I spend a good amount of time on water and apart from lightly lifting a corner and the other like I was rolling on a country road it had no problem.

    It's flat and wide, has 1k+ minutes autonomy full throttle, and I have to try very hard to make it tilt 45 deg. on a side, and it still doesn't want to roll over. It's not hovering high though. I don't even want to add thrusters, it feels and reacts like a racing car as it is. Quite surprised !
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was searching around in a survival game, looking for a certain wreck in space, when I found something that made me sad and a bit disappointed.

    The BA_ClusterDrone, still with the placeholder name.
    Still made from pre-alpha blocks.
    Still with the turrets and gravity generator turned off.

    <sigh> I want to say more, but I am going to refrain.

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