What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    My first (rough) draft.
    BUT... it only has 7m/s^2 in all the thrust directions, so I am working on cutting weight.
    I am hoping I can keep the design and get the performance to your specs.

  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You don't need a Mobile Constructor (SV) to have an SV; Hell, you don't even need an HV Constructor to make an SV.
    There's a Small Constructor for BA that people keep forgetting exists. It's 1x1x1, craftable in the survival constructor and is used to make the Large Constructor without needing to go through an HV.

    Progression is meant to go: Player > Base > Small BA Constructor > Large BA Constructor > Non-warp capable SV > Moon (Cobalt) > Warp-capable SV > Tier 2 Planet (Neodymium/Sathium) > Adv Constructor > Basic CV > Tier 3 planet (Erestrum/Zascosium) > Combat CV.
    HVs aren't even on the list.
    Obviously, you can skip certain segments of progression through salvage and POI loot. You can salvage the antenna off small wreckages around the starter area that contain cobalt and go straight to a warp-capable SV.
    If you find one of those OP crashed capital ships on the starter planet you can skip right to the end since they're massive, solid combat steel, loaded with turrets, thrusters, farms, fuel and O2 tanks, an adv constructor and a full medbay. Those ships really shouldn't be on the starter planet, or in the game at all...

    A lot of blocks go forgotten because the constructor menu is a collosal mess.
  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Second try, I had to replace the cockpit and cargo box to get the weight down.
    It meets all the specifications now.

    I think I am going to name it Uluguru, after a small blue tree frog.


    My other project today, updating a very old HV for version 10.5.
    ... considering the reverse thrusters are blocked now.

    The old design is on the left, the new is on the right.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I was replying to @StyleBBQ regarding his statement that SV thrusters could be made in a SV constructor, which needs cobalt to be made. I know we need a BA large const. to make SV stuff, but thanks anyway. Good to know I don't have to risk my neck or reputation against enemies to get the cobalt. :)


    Here's another "low level" ( 1-3) HV with a bit more devices, but nothing higher than level 3 unlockables:

    2 cargo boxes
    8 small thrusters
    1 ammo controller
    1 minigun
    4 repulsors
    1 fridge
    1 generator
    1 fuel tank
    1 spotlight
    carbon blocks with camo paint to die a slow painful death without chances of ever being found...


    Has good mobility, but drinks more fuel... but it has a gun !



    Considering the size of a small block here:


    A fridge, which is mostly a container: 100 kg ?
    A small cargo box, same size : 50 kg ?
    A ventilator has 28 kg, and it has an engine and electronics, and half the mass of an empty box ?
    O2 station : 200 kg (2 blocks)... is it made with rocks ?
    A door : 230 kg ?

    If I just add the basic gen+fuel tank+core+lightest cockpit+4 repulsors I'm already at 1620 kg, more than the mass of an average car, all features included. I think some devices have exaggerated mass unrelated to their usage/ design.

    If I replace the 4 repulsors with normal (small) hover engines and I add a RCS, then my acceleration drops from 27 to 21 ms/2, for no other benefit than higher max hover height, while the stability is noticeably reduced. A little alien bug walked under my HV while I was not moving and made it lean dangerously to one side, then it hit the cockpit once and the bars bent...

    If my HV's heigth is 1,5 m, how tall is the player ? The minigun is not taken into account ?
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Started a new survival game with my brother and some friends using my scenario! I'm going to actually play it haha. :D

    I got a lot more planned for it of course but it's nice to just sit down and play for a bit. :D
  6. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Ah Mate! Come on your mind is going to sit there and say "Oh I so have to change that! that too. Oh look the color is wrong. etc etc. Opps stop looking at the base ravien and shoot your damm gun. Sorry bro missed him was looking at the textures I used.":D
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Don't tell me you stood the whole time while creating the PE;):D
  8. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    I'll take the black over the yellow any day. Accentuate lines with some grey if possible and it will look even better.
  9. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    The player model is about 1.45m. The Minigun does count.
    Scale is 0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m for small blocks (HV/SV) and 2m x 2m x 2m for large blocks (BA/CV).
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I gave it second thoughts yesterday and came about a similar conclusion. Plus I felt a bit naked too so I fixed that:


    A spot and a gun, fridge & ammo controller, but it went from 8 to 6 ms/2. Nevertheless it still handles better than the other one and I don't really notice a handling difference at that point. It's still very "economic" like that.

    1,45 m ! I guess they had no choice to avoid collision problems... Thanks.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2019
  11. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I went with form follows function and put the forward hover thingies on a lower level than the rear ones, concentrated the weight in the rear and made a nimble little hopper that has no issues climbing obstacles. It can even climb the large rock needles on Omicron! :D

    HoverHopper_1.jpg HoverHopper_2.jpg
  12. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    so thanks to a good friend my new logo is done hope you guys like his handy work as much as i do :)


    i plan to build smaller after a few of xcal's community members have seen my work over the past year and i have issues with building ...big LOL, so AEGIS will be making SV's and HV's for the time being and till i get better at solo CV building i will keep giving small and sleek military PVE builds :)

    P.S. tho most of the members dont talk to me anymore id like to thank ZeroG for helping me in the past and keep giving me inspiration to move forward, despite my RL troubles.
  13. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Ok been playing more with this @Fractalite low level challenge. BTW I love this insanely minimal builds. So my first attempt was this one...
    ...But it seems the goal was to not include thrusters. A minor setback but I still was able to build a smallest HV that I think I am going to keep!

    HAHA enough of that side track though, after this realization I took and shaved this HV down of this thrusters and worked on a version that was more in line with the requirements. Well here is what I came up with...
    So I am happy with this outcome!

    Its Level 1 with no thrusters and still manages to keep some of my style in a small package. Oh and its well balanced too!

    Well did I do it correctly this time!?
  14. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I really liked this first iteration over the one with the gatling. Do not get me wrong, there was nothing to say you could not, but the first is sleeker and while I definitely prefer function over form, it is nice to have pretty things. :)

    Interesting design, I love the name too.

    Oooooohh, and look at everyone joining in! Interesting approach with the tilted design. I tend to do that with my larger HV's - the smallest of tilt backwards does help with terrain challenges. I assume it has 8 m/s^2 in every direction?

    Well slather me with honey and dangle me in front of hungry bears! That is exactly what I was looking for! Form AND function for the discerning early early game start. Love how compact it is; bet that thing turns on a dime and zips over mountains. Can you um... ahem... paint it another color? :D Blue maybe? Sorry, I know I am a ho, but I am going to use this a lot and while teal is fun sometimes... If you have not already, I say pop that wonderful little dude on the workshop and let me frantically try to upvote it 4,000 times.

    They should just replace the motorbike with this. It is way more fun and almost as cheap.
  15. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I lost a few turrets in one battle. Thanks I will change the shield HP in the config file. I feel like stronger shields make the CV battles more interesting instead of just adding tons of turrets all over the cv.
  16. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Colleen and I made it off of the dead world Zonnris in our newly christened Wrecked SV which I'm calling The Phoenix. Had to use a couple of blank shotgun shells reserved for the Coffman starter to clear out the injectors but once that was done we were limping to orbit with the back 2/3rd in hard vacuum and enough Pentaxid for two, maybe three jumps.

    If I never see another mushroom it'll be too soon.

    Just getting ready to land on Ussdar, sure hope the natives are friendly....

    Totally Rad_2019-09-22_11-36-17.png

    Only getting started but ... Best. Scenario. Ever.

    Kudos to ravien_ff!
    ravien_ff, StyleBBQ, jmtc and 6 others like this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Honestly, I hope that someday we can choose between more numbers of humble Turrets, aka what we got, & smaller numbers of huge-ass bad-ass Turrets & Guns... The current Guns still favor the "Quantity over Quality" approach, which is backwards from how I prefer to roll. Mind ya I know that being able to make more attacks at a time does have its uses, but I can't help it, I prefer more damage over Ant Spam... it's just plain who I am. :)

    Alas... I can't help but to wonder if the Devs aren't really having the likes of my Tyrax 3D Deathmaw in mind when thinking about how they want CVs & CV Typical Size to roll in their game by the time Full Release arrives someday far down the road... >_<
    StyleBBQ and banksman45 like this.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Doing some tests to build a SV. Those are the current values for thrusters:

    name............size..................mass.............force...........armor...........power in

    small.............1x1x1..............310 kg..............75 kn.........150 hp............45 pw
    reg.M............1x1x2..............650 kg...........160 kn.........300 hp............80 pw
    jetS...............1x1x3..............430 kg...........350 kn.........300 hp............90 pw
    jetM.............2x2x5..............700 kg...........840 kn.........650 hp.........200 pw
    jetL..............3x3x7...............750 kg.........1160 kn.......1500 hp..........260 pw
    jetXL...........3x3x10............800 kg.........1260 kn........1650 hp.........270 pw
    jetXXL........3x3x13.............800 kg.........1330 kn........1800 hp.........280 pw

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but when planning to add multiple thrusters while trying to keep the ship at a reasonable size, I think the best choice is still the thrusters Jet Small, as it was before. Other thrusters' hitpoints don't really scale up correctly for their huge volume, and as such need to be covered in armor, which will then add up mass that will negate the benefits of their performances. Also bigger dimensions means more RCS units for maneuverability, and at 250 kg each that is non negligible...

    One generator will output 280 PU which means that for the bigger thrusters more generators will be needed, at 1 ton each. Same problem again. Also more fuel tanks + armor. Etc.
  19. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    That is a Toxic planet - great resources but be wary of the natives... they bite. :)
  20. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    Trying to expand Starfire Industries into the mining sector. I have been on site overseeing the construction of some of our newest Mining Rigs. After some extensive tests, I hope to deploy these onto Durion to make fuel refining a thing of the past!

    Sure they are lacking many features atm, but the mining systems are now up and running and thus far the results are great! Anyways I have an important meeting to head off too. I'll keep you all posted as new info develops.

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