What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I slapped some thrusters, an RCS and a cockpit on my Industrial Refuge CV-base. Unfortunately, there appears to be something very wrong with flight mechanics because this thing somehow flies with terrible lift and it's not meant to. It's meant to drag along the ground like it did when I built it months ago. But it can't turn on the ground like it could then and well... it can fly.
    I have quite a lot of vessels in my survival game right now.
    I've been playing nomadic so far, but i'm going to need a base soon for repairs, storage and some other stuff. I'd very much like to repair my Commander after he took several plasma shots to the chest when I left him unattended but it's too fiddly to do it manually. I also wanna try the current base attack.
    As for the Commander. I put him on the 044B Refuge (not the 027A Refuge above) along with my mining HV (027B Bulldog) and took it to the snow planet to get neodymium and sathium. Unfortunately, I brought the wrong ammo for the Commanders rocket launchers. So all he had was a pair of minigun turrets which weren't enough when he was guarding the area from drones when one came over the mountain from his minigun turret's blindspot (not rockets, but they were empty).
    I was mining Sathium at the time and was just leaving when I saw the plasma drone go past the hole's entrance. The HV got stuck getting out and I was in a hurry, so I jumped out and ran up the tunnel after the drone brandishing the only weapon that would be any use in that situation: My minigun. I was late though and the commander took about 6 shots to the chest, but he protected the carrier long enough for me to get up there and gun the drone down on foot.
    This is the site just I returned to. As you can see, the torso of the commander (right) is open with the RCS exposed. The entire front of his chestplate (hardened steel) is gone with the cockpit hanging out. He would've been fine if his rocket launchers were loaded.
    Got to see my snow POIs in use, here at the Polaris dig site. That's the commander sitting on the other side before he had open-heart surgery.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Made some progress with the Space Dock:

    Still well below T1 - but that will drastically change as soon as Constructors and CC's move in.

    NewGame_2019-11-29_15-44-52.png NewGame_2019-11-29_15-43-51.png NewGame_2019-11-29_15-43-30.png NewGame_2019-11-29_15-42-39.png NewGame_2019-11-29_15-45-10.png NewGame_2019-11-29_15-45-18.png
  3. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    my land carrier is a few days away from publishing i got a friend to help me out on it and despite all the bugs in the game i still like building. i do hope they get fixed like- very soon tho, its annoying to login to project eden and see my base mostly not rendered in and have to relog to fix it, takes 2mins to load planets, its annoying lol
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Umm... Land, only just at the Poles...? Wasn't it still being finicky & temperamental trying to make stuff like building & using Buildings in places like that, last I knew...?
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Nothing spawns on the poles on this planet. Everything will be water POIs.
    Tyrax Lightning, Ephoie and StyleBBQ like this.
  6. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    /starts music from "Nightmare Before Christmas".
    /plays "Making Christmas"

    Nerfing old builds, nerfing old builds.
    La, la, laaa....
    They will be CPU compliant this time...

    /music stops.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Starting a new Game, Project Eden, Dead Planet - where else;) - name of the game: HetothThofthKiofId:D:D:D:D

    "Are you nuts?"o_O, you ask. Well, somehow. yes. :p

    HetothThofthKiofId: Heir to the Throne of the Kingdom of Idiots

    from here -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_sBNX9dP-M
    watch at 0:46 ;):D
  9. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    owww... owwww! side cramp!! the reply to the statement, at ~52 seconds, f-me!! I'm dying!!! :D:D:D:D

    started with, "oh, Germanicus is rolling a new game... hmm.. wonder where?" hehehehhehe :p then the clip, then the reply.. owwhehehewwee! :D
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I swear, one of these days I'm going to replace the dead planet with a tropical paradise just to mess with you. :D
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Well, if so, I would use the Console and send myself to next Dead Planet :D even if its across the whole system;)
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    (BA) MH-SD OSTIA has now reached the point where I made a BP without any Constructors or Cargo-Holds. That gives the opportunity to go on as I see fit. The Base is currently Level 7, has 20 small Generators and many small Fuel and O² Tanks. All small to keep the level requirements low. There is enough space reserved to place CPU-Extensions as the Base expands.

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  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Really cool!
  14. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I am going to take a moment and quietly gloat in the corner.
    I think I cut that one pretty close.

  15. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    For the time being, I'm ignoring CPU, W/V, Lift/Drag and all that other really interesting stuff.
    Instead, I'm expanding on my ETM development. Perhaps I will adrres these thing later on.

    First, I laid out a Mobile Command Center (MCC). It made me wish there were reactivable antennae to add.
    2019-11-29 (12).png 2019-11-29 (11).png

    Next came the Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) module. (Near and dear to my heart as I used to drive one a very long time ago, hence the name "Track Driver":cool:
    2019-11-29 (3).png 2019-11-29 (6).png 2019-11-29 (5).png
    Retractable turrets would interfere with docking to the Eagle Transporter, I had to find another carrier. As it happens, I recently came up with a SV that seemed perfect. Enter the A10 Thunderbolt.
    2019-11-29 (10).png 2019-11-29 (8).png 2019-11-29 (7).png 2019-11-29 (2).png 2019-11-29 (1).png
    The intent is to drop the APC in a combat area with the A10 providing air support. It may not be compliant with the new restrictions, but then it wasn't meant to. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
  16. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Began work on my new carrier for Project Eden server. I finished the hull and the interior layout, placed all the CPU hungry stuff, and managed to stay within T3, and only a little bit erestrum and zacosium (which are the main things this ship is supposed to help me get in bulk) I even future proofed it a bit, by dedicating space for future thruster, guns and CPU extension upgrades. Then I went on painting it but I got sleepy. So, Here ye go and I'm off to bed... at 3:00 AM at that.


    I still think the exterior is a bit flat in some places, so any ideas how to add some greebling here and there are welcome...

    P.S. The main hangar runs the full length of the ship, even though I think I migh've built it a bit small with it only being four blocks high...
  17. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    I started a new vanilla Temperate game with the intent of doing a bit of a speed run. To see how much of a beeline I could mange to getting a decent starter CV spawned. Plan was to forgo a base, rush an HV with a constructor, a couple turrets & a harvester. Trigger the Titan mission, head over there, Core them and retrieve everything the factory would need for the CV.

    Murphy found that a fine time to meddle...

    Coming in for the crash I see I'm heading for a cluster of smallish islands. Not bad I'm thinking. Should concentrate things nicely! Survive the crash, wooh! (heh), climb out, look around, "nice. pretty place. no darn spiders in sight, ocean views all around."
    Click the "Let's Go!" so I'll get directions to the hut with a bit of ore and start off. Soon notice there's not many surface ore rocks... and having a hard time finding any plant protien to satisfy the tutorials steps.. discover a small wreck, head over, 2 steel plates and an antacid. Realize I didn't discover any deposits on the way in, nor while wandering around. hmm. Haven't collected much ore either. Starting to get late and was about to turn around back to the first wreck when I discovered another wreck. Head there, it has 2 cargo containers. Woot I'm thinking, good chance for a Multitool. Nope. One's empty, other has 1 bit of cable.
    Oh well. Plop the constructor down, make some wood blocks, queue up the ore then wall off access. Make a shotgun and rounds. Not many ingots. Salvage a lot of the wreck overnight for plates. Mine some stone. Considered making a motorcycle but held off; I was supposed to have an HV by now..
    Morning comes, so with shotgun in hand start off to clear alien bugs for xp & steaks. Also picking the few things available and mining every rock as I go. Very few ore rocks. Even after clearing a large portion of the islands I was still short of silicon & copper for the HV. Decide to hand build a smaller one, plus I was sick of not having jump ability, so it was past time to have a suit on.

    I had my own version of an HV starter in the factory; just the core plus a genie and tank, no wasted steel blocks. So set that in factory and make an armor locker and suit in the PC. Spawn the starter and get suited up. ahh, light! :)
    $$ able to make an HV Constructor in the Portable Constructor; when did that change? Nice. Place that on HV, now I can make an HV fridge and CCs/extensions. Stash the spoilables in the fridge, now foods taken care for a few days.
    Queue up hover engines and thrusters and head off for some night diving, for plant protein & xp. Craft up a dozen protein bars and leave em in the suit slot to cheese spoilage timer.
    Oh, mid 2nd day I'd completed the tut to the point where it says to go to the signal, which should be the hut. Except no signal comes up on the map.. thinking it's a bug I open the map, zoom in, then use the 'map' cmd to reveal things. Ok, no Farm or Crashed Cockpit, etc. And -zero- ore deposits. Not one within ~ 3 klicks, wth?

    Later on I decide to zoom the map out a bit, nothing. bit more, nada. zoom out all the way to the poles (I'm basically on the equator). oh, theres one, almost at the deadzone pole border and a couple klicks east. wow. haven't seen a big chunk of a map so empty before. and this was with deposits set to Plenty.

    So I'm standing there with a partially built HV skeleton, not enough copper, no deposits within about 8 klicks, and then it dawns on me..
    Can't make HV Turrets in an HV Constructor in vanilla. Only craftable in a Large or Advanced. <facepalm>

    Then this song popped into my head, "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille..." :confused: , so I decided to call it a night... :p
    Ephoie, cmguardia, Cluascorp and 4 others like this.
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Most impressive! But I've missed something, How do you combine L and S blocks in the same BP?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I've had the Polaris Module-C prefab ready to place for a couple of days and I finally placed it today after discovering there's only 4 planets in the system (Akua-Omicron scenario sucks. Don't do it.) and it costs over 115 pentaxid to warp to the next star system. Or at least a spacestation I assume to be half-way there since I can't see what's only the other end of the jump.
    So I moved onto the Arid planet instead and found the crashed titan (no mission available) and a bunch of other things that don't belong there. I also used a repair bay to repair the commander, upgraded his chest to combat steel and finally loaded his rocket launchers.
    I built the Stratus too. Upgraded it to T2 immediately, slapped on a pair of RCS and a T2 shield generator and went off to war with it.
    Precharged the shields to full, then flew it over every single zirax POI on the planet in a single sweep. Destroyed every POI I could find, except the Drone base.
    Those POIs have been stripped of their weapons. I'll go in on foot later and clean them out.

    But that damn drone base... Its shields regenerate too fast and cannon turrets have a damage penalty against shields so while I would eventually have killed its shields, i'd have lost mine 10-15 seconds earlier since it has too many guns to deal with. I'd rather not get the underside of my ship blown out if I can help it. Was running low on ammo and fuel too once the shield started recharging.
    So all that's left on the planet are naked zirax POIs, void of turrets and drones.
    The Stratus dwarfs everything. At some point, I think i'll make an upgraded one twice size and double the guns though.
    Ephoie, ravien_ff, Cluascorp and 7 others like this.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I think that's a bug in the CPU calculations.
    I used the large blocks when I was reworking it.

    I have also noticed a difference in CPU values when comparing the blueprint screen to the control panel screen.
    200,712 Vs. 199,990. So there is a difference of 722 CPU points.
    I will check the bugs thread and see if anyone reported it.



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