Fixed SV turning greatly diminished. [7006]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by TheEthanEffect, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. TheEthanEffect

    TheEthanEffect Ensign

    Dec 12, 2019
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    With the release of 11.5, SV turning seems to be extremely slow across the board, on all ships. This is observable not only in my own ships, but in those of other creators as well. RCS is functioning and providing the proper amount of torque, but it seems to have a significantly dampened effect. I have not tested CVs or HVs to see if this is also observable in them. Statistics are displaying as what one would expect with new performance, so the problem is likely in torque calculation. I'm attaching a screenshot of the detailed overview of the ship in question, as well as its blueprint. Pitch and roll have been greatly diminished, but yaw seems to have been slightly increased. Also, strangely, the ship seems to weigh 500 pounds less than it did last night.

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    Donut and jrandall like this.
  2. jrandall

    jrandall Captain

    Feb 28, 2018
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    Another ship you can look at with sv turning rates. MCRN-Marauder-T3.jpg

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  3. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I fear I could bombard with a number of different blueprints but suffice to say I am very confused. I've tried a number of my HVs and SVs.

    Tier 1 SV - Phantasm. Built in 10.6 experimental and was so nippy that when it went public I had to dumb the thrusters down in order to make it manageable. Used to have a roll of 26 deg/s, pitch of 73 deg/s and yaw of 71 deg/s. It now has a roll of 3 deg/s, pitch of 11 deg/sec and yaw of 62 deg/sec.

    If what we're seeing is as a result of the Inertia Tensor Bug then this means it dates back to 10.6 experimental, quite possibly to the first patch because that's when this ship was first built I think.

    Tier 1 SV - ES Wraith Mk 1. Had a pitch of 92 deg/sec, roll of 32 deg/s and a yaw of 52 deg/s prior to patch but now has a pitch of 61, a roll of 102 deg/sec and a yaw of 58 deg/s

    Tier 4 SV - Ka'Vahk Tak Vek. Somewhat passable to fly but has been hit hard in all directions.

    Tier 4 HV - Ka'Vahk Nek Ta. Severely hit in yaw to the point it can hardly turn at all.

    The differences in the two tier 1 SVs confuses me a lot. I don't understand how the Wraith can actually have a considerably improved roll whilst the Phantasm has had it's roll severely altered whilst pitch and yaw remain

    Is it possible there has been an unfortunate side effect from the Player Drone rotation amendment?

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  4. Donut

    Donut Ensign

    Nov 28, 2018
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    Yeah hope this get's fixed soon! One of my ship (SV) also cannot maneuver at all. Only fly. I tried everything from checking stats to removing and re-adding things. It's a bug for sure. Can't use certain ships now :(
  5. TheEthanEffect

    TheEthanEffect Ensign

    Dec 12, 2019
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    After waking up and realizing this hadn't been fixed, I set out to do some further research and experimentation, and I had some interesting findings. I rebuilt the ship in question from the ground up, using a fresh core and without symmetry mode. I found that while turning acceleration values were about half of what they should be as of yesterday, maximum turn speed was actually slightly increased. I then blueprinted the ship and ran off a copy, and to my surprise, found the turn values were actually HIGHER, as the thrusters were somehow providing more torque than the original I had just saved the blueprint of. Curious, I then spawned a new core and built another fresh copy of the ship with symmetry mode engaged. Once again, I found different thrust values from the version I had built without symmetry. I blueprinted this ship and spawned a copy of it. It too had different turning thrust values from its original, HOWEVER, it was identical in performance to the blueprint copy of the non-symmetry version. I must emphasize that these ships are IDENTICAL copies of the original SV that has been crippled. Out of curiosity, I made a blueprint of the original and spawned it. However, it still suffered from the same hampered turning speed. Spawning new copies of the original blueprint also resulted in crippled turning. The only conclusion I can come to is that the blueprints and preexisting versions of the ships have somehow been corrupted and must be rebuilt and resaved. I will attach screenshots of the statistics page of each ship.

    ORIGINAL - The original version of the ship that existed in A11.
    ORIGINAL BP - Blueprinted copy of the original ship.
    NO SYM - A fresh version of the ship, built identical to the original on a new core without the use of symmetry.
    NO SYM BP - Blueprinted copy of the fresh version built without symmetry.
    SYM - Fresh version of the ship, built identical to the original WITH the use of symmetry mode on the YZ plane.
    SYM BP - Blueprinted copy of the fresh version built with symmetry.

    Please note the thrust values (in yellow) in each picture. The blueprinted copies of the fresh versions are identical in performance, but different from the original builds, which also differ from each other. There is clearly something not working as it's supposed to here. I can provide more information, blueprints, or testing if requested.

    Two other possibly important bits of information. For the sake of completeness, I saved blueprints of the blueprint copies and spawned those in as well. THOSE versions were identical to their original copies, so there may be some sort of optimization protocol ships go through when they are saved that is causing the issue. The other important piece of information is that this ship's acceleration for both its pitch and yaw was over 400 degrees a second before 11.5. It is now markedly slower, though I'm not sure if this is related.

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    stekky and stanley bourdon like this.
  6. TSM4278

    TSM4278 Ensign

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I've been experiencing the same issues as yourself with both SV and HV turning rates as well as HVs refusing to follow the underlying terrain and simply plowing into every bump and hill .

    After reading your post I tried copying and pasting an existing blueprinted HV onto a new starter block and that does appear to reset the problem. The "new" ship works correctly and if blueprinted can be spawned again without further issue.

    Thanks for figuring that out, now I can make the game playable again until the underlying bug is fixed.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  7. TheEthanEffect

    TheEthanEffect Ensign

    Dec 12, 2019
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    Another update. I loaded back into my testing playfield to work on something else, and decided to look at the specs on the ships from earlier. Strangely, the two fresh copies I built, with and without symmetry, now have identical detailed statistics and are in line with the BP copies from my previous post. My guess is that there's an inaccuracy in the initial calculation or display of torque that is fixed when a vehicle is freshly loaded by BP spawn, playfield restart, or potentially playfield transition. I have still not been able to duplicate the crippled turning behavior with any newly created ship. Also, copying and pasting a ship onto a new core does not inherit the crippled turning.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    So, to sum it up, with entirely New bp or builds it does not happen anymore?
    In this case are you ok when I close that Ticket and you keep an eye on it?
  9. TheEthanEffect

    TheEthanEffect Ensign

    Dec 12, 2019
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    From my experience, all HVs and SVs (CVs untested) that were saved before 11.5 are affected to various degrees. All blueprints that were saved before 11.5 that I have tested have been affected as well. The only remedy seems to be to copy the entire ship to a brand new core and then save a new blueprint. This is also affecting all workshop blueprints that I have tested. It's like all of my existing blueprints and existing ships were corrupted when 11.5 deployed. A new game did not fix the issue either.

    This could potentially be a very serious issue if all of the existing blueprints on the workshop are having this problem, and it should be investigated further. All ships tested were at 100% CPU efficiency, and this DOES INCLUDE stock blueprints as well.

    There is also the matter of acceleration values being about half of what they should be in some cases.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  10. stekky

    stekky Ensign

    May 26, 2019
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    It doesn't only affect SV & HV, also CV can be affected.
    My CV I built new in A11 flies like a brick since 11.5. To reload the BP doesn't take any effect.
    Yesterday we compared it with a CV similar in mass and power which doesn't seem to be affected from this bug. We couldn't figure out where's the main point that brings the difference, so this morning I rebuild my CV in creative, stone by stone. The difference between the exactly same ships is marveling...
    So I don't think this ticket should be easily closed. Please check the uploaded files for more information.

    Greetings, stekky

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  11. Bigfeet

    Bigfeet Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    That doesn't help me at all. In fact it lowers all pitch/yaw/roll values even further.

    Edit: i've noticed this bug even in 11.1 by first entry/movement in the ship. Had to get out and back in again for the original values to reset right. Now with 11.5 every SV is broken.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Even brand new ships are affected by this. Saving them with a new core is not a workaround.
  13. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Tried copying my HV to a new core and it did the trick. This does seem to be rather widespread. The two screenshots are exactly the same build. The one with lower stats is the original blueprint one. The one with higher stats is the one I've copied and pasted to a new starter block.

    Is the copy and paste a work around, for the individual on a single blueprint yes. However collectively with multiple blueprints I'd have to say no. Some people have a lot of blueprints and having to do this on every single one...…;)

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    BakerAble likes this.
  14. Momo

    Momo Commander

    Jul 30, 2019
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    This issue was already posted on Experimental Feedback but they didn't listen. Again wait until the "prophecy" is fulfilled :

    They probably add acceleration on mouse control for "non pilot mode" but it fit really badly. Enable "pilot mode" in ship control panel and your build will have a better turning speed (you need to wait for acceleration).
    The new update have just killed the "non pilot mode". previously "pilot mode" was the worst, now you're nearly forced to use it.
  15. TSM4278

    TSM4278 Ensign

    Dec 13, 2019
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    I've been trying the copy onto a new core workaround for my saved blueprints and it does not seem to work consistently.

    The first HV I tried seemed to work perfectly, but every subsequent blueprint has only changed its handling characteristics to some degree.
    Some blueprints get better, some get worse, but with the exception of the first one I tried none actually seem to be fixed by a copy-paste.

    Also, I noted that the initial positioning of the copied ship relative to the starter block has a large effect on its handling characteristics even after the starter blocks are deleted.

    I think this bug merits more consideration. The game is mostly unplayable in its current state for me.
  16. TSM4278

    TSM4278 Ensign

    Dec 13, 2019
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    A bit more testing shows that using the command:

    prefabinfo 'Blueprint Name' -clearpivot

    Will provide the same benefits as copy and pasting the ship onto a new starter block.

    The problem seems to atleast in part relate to calculations based off an incorrectly saved centerpoint of the blueprint. It's hard to tell what the intended 'correct' turn rates are supposed to be, but with HVs in particular many still suffer the same problem as I described before with being unable to adjust to the underlying terrain and plowing straight into any hill you attempt to drive up.
  17. Kaz

    Kaz Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2019
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    How do i copy/paste on to a new core, also "prefabinfo 'Blueprint Name' -clearpivot" does not do anything for me it just says "prefab not found".
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Put your blueprint's saved name in there instead of 'Blueprint Name'.
    Then spawn it, then resave it.
  19. Kaz

    Kaz Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2019
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    I guess i should of said that it doesnt matter what name i put there for example: prefabinfo Arrow -clearpivot says the same thing and thats a stock blueprint. None of my personal or workshop blueprint names work either, i tried with both spawned and not spawned ships i even tried with the id number. The only ships it works on are completely new ones replacing the core doesnt work, replacing the core and then resaving doesnt work, the only thing i havent tried that i can think of or found suggestions for is copy/pasting it onto a new core because i dont know how to do that and cant find instructions.
  20. TheEthanEffect

    TheEthanEffect Ensign

    Dec 12, 2019
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    -clearpivot isn't working reliably either. It just halved the rotation speed of the fresh built ships I'd just made and saved as BPs. There's something critically wrong here and we're no closer to determining what the root issue is than when I first observed it. Considering it's been a couple days now and this was observed during experimental, I'm almost at the point of advocating for a roll back and then re-implementing some of the other features from the patch while the devs try to track this down. I don't even understand what the problem was to begin with that required adjustment. Vehicle handling (and speed in space for that matter) was the best it's ever been since I started playing last year. Some tweaks to give people the option of making turning rates symmetrical would have been nice, but everything else was solid. Eleon, are you guys having any luck locking this down? It's a bit of a showstopper.

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