What are your main issues with CPU Extenders at the moment?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Nov 26, 2019.


What are your main issues with CPU Extenders at the moment?

  1. Bridge and Matrix collectibles POI loot drop is too low

    33 vote(s)
  2. Bridge and Matrix collectibles are too costly at traders

    21 vote(s)
  3. Not enough traders around to sell Bridge and Matrix collectibles

    21 vote(s)
  4. Bridge and Matrix collectibles should be craftable (costly, time consuming,...)

    49 vote(s)
  5. No issues. Perfectly fine as it is.

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    thank you...my write english still need some improvement :p

    i`m playing on the vanilla server and the drop of the optronics is not a issue for now. Is a issue the whole concept of the extender.....you put the extender when you design a ship/hoover. You don`t put an extender on a design already done...(if not in rare case i suppose ).

    For what reason put extender? was not better at this point use different core? T1 core, T2 core etc?

    I explein myself:

    All my design are done to be compact....is just my style of build...i bring this from minecraft when i was used to build extremly complicated redstone wires and mechanism..i was very competent on that...and i have some good reputation in this.

    I`m so used to optimise and make averything smaller, compact, and to consume less material as i can, who for me the energy and the space who those damn extender take is just unacceptable. Think about an hover with 4 damn extender what wastage of space and energy will take?

    i can use that space for something better! :D

    That`s i the fly..one of my favourite work: 20191204004715_1.jpg

    Now look at the next screen:


    To make again this design who is super compact as u can see, i have to put 2 extender....

    So this design cannot exist anymore. Just because of the concept of the extenders...that`s driving me crazy :D
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  2. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    I have been playing around with different SV and CV builds with the CPU tier system to see what I can specialize with the current allotted points. The largest issue is shielding a ship will put it at the T3 CPU mark sending you to search in places that can require a shield to get the parts needed to build a T3 extender. I think I have a malleable solution to help make the CPU system more.... appealing

    Single core is T1 & T2 CPU ranks (Upgrade via multi-tool)
    CPU extension is a 1x1 "secondary core" T3 & T4 CPU ranks (Upgrade via multi-tool)
    2 shield tiers for SV & HV as well. T1 small enough for an upgraded single core. T2 requires CPU extension

    Non-device wall blocks (steel blocks, windows, container extenders) have mass values limiting them and should not count against CPU at all. construction devices should be low on the list and have allowable amount limits the same way weapons do.

    I think a dual tier system can help steamline just about all the devices in play. It can also push to a specialization triangle: attack, shield, and movement. the stronger u pull in a direction, the more others suffer.

    Have the bridge & Matrix craftable but only needed to build the CPU extender and cost heavy rare materials to upgrade.

    Side note, keep NPC & Admin cores but adjust them a little for CPU gameplay. NPC cores are like the epic armor/drill, inf power & O2 with a much higher CPU value. Admin cores are the "debug" core with inf power, O2, & CPU.

    Updated thought: Make the CPU Statistic page part of the F4 logistics menu for the core itself (pressing F on the core pops up this menu as well). drag and drop the matrix and bridge there instead of adding several more ship disabling blocks...
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  3. AgentMaster

    AgentMaster Lieutenant

    Sep 27, 2019
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    I like the big ships - there is no CPU module for them! This is one of the my smallest and you know what i think about these CPU... nonsences [​IMG]
    xerxes86 likes this.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Get rid of your RCS and extra constructors. I'm guessing you have about 30 T2 RCS.
    I have a 490m long class 88 Super Dreadnought made of combat steel, a fully furnished interior with 200+ detailed rooms with every turret and fixed weapon to the max limit. It's right on the 10m T4 limit.
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    I predicted when the CPU's came out in experimental, that the drop rate would be next to nothing. Now how did I know that? Been playing a long time, and know the developers basically, have no idea how game play actually works. That is why they always release something, and want feedback. Without feedback they wouldn't anything about how there own game works. Hence, you get all these updates that anyone who plays the game, knows are unworkable.
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Now that we can craft the necessary modules, I'm really only left with one major issue - the lack of intermediate steps, and the fact that the extenders feel backwards to me.

    T1 = Core - Ok, this makes sense.
    T2 = Core + T2 Extender... ehhh.
    T3 = Core + 2 T3 Extenders... this starts to break down for me.
    T4 = Core + 4 T4 Extenders... now this really doesn't work for me.

    T1 = Core - Ok, perfect.
    T2 = Core + 1 or More T2 Extenders, with a CPU total equal to Core + The Number of T2 Exenders (up to 4, each providing 1/4 the total CPU value of max T2) works much better for me.
    T3 = Core + 1 or more T3 Extenders (up to 2, each providing 1/2 the T3 max) - works much better for me.
    T4 = Core + 1 T4 Extender - also works much better for me logically.

    Mix this with a little modification to the Extender models (1x1x1 for Core, 1x1x1 for T2 Extender; 1x2x1 for T3 Extender; 2x2x2 for T4 Extender) would be so much better.
  7. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    We currently consider removing „devices“ as ingredients altogether..so just having components and scale the recipes accordingly.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Thing is, and I hope this is intentional, is that devices in blueprint recipes have never actually been required that I've noticed.
    Want to build a Motorbike? It "requires" a Motorbike Kit as an ingredient. Don't have one? As long as you have the components required to make one, it will make one for you, add it to the ingredients and pop out a motorbike.

    The same I've found to be true with other devices that call for some sort of device as an "ingredient" - Advanced Constrctor, T3 Autominer, T2 Sniper Rifle - as long as you've the components required, it will build the requisite devices and add them automatically, so removing devices from recipes really isn't necessary.

    Of course, being able to make use of Devices as ingredients isn't bad either. I know I loot plenty enough Pulse Rifles, Sniper Rifles and Rocket Launchers that upgrading them is sometimes a welcome alternative to Recycling them. Same with Constructors - they turn up as loot often enough that they make nice ingredients as well.

    I don't mind that a T3 Core Extender is made of 2 T2 Extenders, and that those are made of 2 Cores each either. It's the lack of cumulative CPU gains and the seemingly backwards number of Extenders needed per tier that bothers me most.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sooner or later the original System for producing special Items, especially those not yet know to Humans, will call for Ingredients that are not to be crafted. At least not from the beginning. But may be we will one day have a chance to back engineer found devices to learn, after several attempts what secrets it holds. (Its a system well known to me as a long time professional Crafter in SWTOR/SWG/WoW).
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  10. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Playing on official server after restart..

    Drop of optronic piece is really to much...on two days of regular playing i have already 4 large optronic matrix and several lower.


    Keep craftable the lower version , and make the high end very expensive to build.

    Drop a 25 - 30 % the actual drop off large optronic on POI.


    sorry made a mistake 4 OPTRONIC BRIDGE!!
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  11. Precipitator

    Precipitator Ensign

    Feb 11, 2019
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    For me the updated power usage is still an issue. I try to keep my structures' standby power usage as low as possible, which means that even with the lower power usage, extenders will still tend to double to quadruple the power usage of my builds.
  12. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Same as me...i this...
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  13. Precipitator

    Precipitator Ensign

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Let me show you the examples I was thinking of.

    Here is my biggest CV:
    Ship Building 9.5_2019-12-15_22-00-42.png

    In standby mode it uses 291PU: Ship Building 9.5_2019-12-15_22-00-51.png
    Now, the CPU Extenders use 1 x 50PU + 2 x 85PU + 4 x 100PU = 620PU. This makes the CV use 911PU in standby mode, which is over three times as much as what it originally used.

    My newest SV uses 102PU in standby mode. Its CPU Extenders use 1 x 5PU + 2 x 7PU + 4 x 10PU = 59PU. This makes the SV use 161PU, which makes standby mode use over 50% more power. While this isn't as bad as the CV example, it is still quite a significant increase. This increase is really exemplified in multiplayer, where you have to leave your ship running if you want to save food in your fridge. You can argue that you could just put all your food in your inventory before logging off, which is a fair point. However, it would be a bit impractical.

    Attached Files:

    xerxes86 and stanley bourdon like this.
  14. martian101

    martian101 Lieutenant

    Jul 28, 2017
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    You don't need all tiers in usage, if you're in T4, you just need the 4 Tier 4 extenders

    An option for saving on power when longing off a server is to have a T0 CV with just the fridges docked to your main CV, when you log off you can transfer all to the docked CV and power off the main CV

    But yeah, additions like these CPU only add to the grinding never to the fun gameplay...
  15. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    There's not so many like us who try to optimize every single aspect of the ship. For people like us, the energy usage of the cpu extender is simple unacepptable. And i still dont understand what the point is to make them run at so many energy usage.....man!

    That cpu extender are one of the worst features of the game. I'm not taliking about the cpu, but exactly the estender.....

    Becouse you build a ship and after a while you decide to add staff and so you put an exter or maybe more later. That's is the plan?

    No onecdesign shilp on that way. When the project is finish you have all the cpu count done and you dont come back work on it normally.

    And is very unusuall you work on a design on game,most likley you work on creative and use the blue print on game.

    So what the point to use extender....just to use space and drain energy.....
    Precipitator and stanley bourdon like this.
  16. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    Also as I remember the gravity generator uses good chunk of fuel, but you can turn it off, not so with the CPU's.
    Precipitator likes this.
  17. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    That seems to be exactly the point, use space, drain power, and slow progression of the game. Very poorly done I might add.
    Precipitator and stanley bourdon like this.
  18. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    ... are you saying when I get to the T3 or T4 level I can remove the T2 or T3 extenders? If that's the case, then Extenders need to have Mutli-tool update paths added and mutli-tool Rotation enabled.
  19. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yes, they should have a lot of other stuff and functionalities in fact but sadly....

    Yes you don't need to keep the previous tier extenders, in fact you need to remove them and use them to build the next tier level as they are part of the components needed to higher grade tiers

    Not sure but I think that if you don't remove them, the build may in fact not recognize the higher tiers and qualify your build at tier 0 or 1
  20. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I haven't noticed that. Pretty sure all my Tier'ed up items recognize what tier they are. As for "having to remove them as ingredients" - clearly this isn't the case, as I've never removed a lower Tier extender, just added more extenders, and let the constructor produce the lower-tired extenders as part of the construction process.

    Perhaps this is why I haven't seen some of the Catastrophic, brings-my-ship-to-a-halt issues that have been reported by others when an extender is lost - I had backups in place?

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