Fixed critical crash

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by bbk.3164, May 6, 2020.

  1. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    I played on the server (multiplayer) ... I just wanted to change the "texture resolution" to "MAXIMUM" to check the possibility of my video card.
    After a long application of changes - the game continued to be "motionless" ... and then - just CLOSED (crash happened).
    And at the same time - the Internet was knocked out (!)
    ... the home Internet server (general equipment in the house) - it automatically rebooted only according to the schedule (early in the morning), and before the reboot of the home Internet equipment - the Internet connection did NOT RESTORE (!)

    ... already in the morning - I checked that the Internet appeared and started the game ... when I tried to download the game - I received a MESSAGE WITH ERROR (see screen):

    I rebooted my computer ... but the game does not load (!) - it shows the same error message (screen above) (!).

    then I went to STIM, in the library I selected the game "Imperion", and clicked "DELETE".
    after removal - I DID NOT RESTART the computer, and clicked “INSTALL” (!).
    When the game downloaded and installed - I started it, but - again showed an error message (!)

    What to do ?? How to return the game to work ??

    in the logs - in the last line - I saw:
    ""A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in:
    C:/Windows/Temp/Eleon Game Studios/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Crashes""

    ... but at the specified address - NOTHING NOTHING (!!!)

    Attached Files:

  2. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    ... I continued to try to independently restore the game:
    1) opened the "external program for uninstalling" (it deletes the game, and cleared the REGISTER (!)
    2) again downloaded and installed the game from Steam;
    3) the game is still NOT DOWNLOADED (!), During the download period - this window appears, and the game CLOSES (!)
    ... crash files are now available that were not available before (!)

    Attached Files:

  3. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

    • Developer
    • Moderator
    Aug 15, 2016
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    I see you are using windows 8.1 please try this first:
    • Disable Full Screen Exclusive mode via windows registry if you are experiencing any startup issues

    Open registry editor in windows & navigate to here: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eleon Game Studios\Empyrion - Galactic Survival

    Then for the parameter called 'OptionFullscreenMode_h1850645978' double click on it & with the 'Base' set to hexadecimal set the 'Value data' to 1 for Full Screen Windowed, select ok then try to start the game again:


    The following numbers in 'Value data' change the window mode:
    3 = Windowed mode
    1 = Full Screen Windowed
    0 = Full Screen Exclusive mode


    When you get to the main menu select the "Fast preset" & restart the game. With your specs going above the fast preset with some settings is going to give you some issues.
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I will follow this Thread because I have a Win 8.1 on my Laptop and if anything happens...:rolleyes:.
  5. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    I did everything according to your instructions (value changed from 3 to 1) ... NOTHING - the game is trying to load, but this window appears (see screen), the bar is 100% full, and the game turns off (!)
    ... please note - in the window of UNITY - now the "RED SIGN" has appeared
  6. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    I decided to do OTHERWISE - just installed the EXPERIMENTAL version ... and the game LAUNCHED (the main menu appeared)))))))))

    ...... now returning the permanent version (!)

    ............. unfortunately - returning to the permanent version - DID NOT HELP :(
    the game could not load to the "Main Menu" - the window from Unity appeared again, and the game closed :(
    Last edited: May 7, 2020
  7. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    The only thing that helped was to return to the EXPERIMENTAL VERSION again, in the settings to change the graphics settings == it was there - HIGH QUALITY OF TEXTURES, so the game did not load (!) ... I set the quality of the graphics to "FAST", returned the game version to BASIC (constant ) (11,5,8), and the game DOWNLOADED))))))))))
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Your Graphic Card is just 2 Years younger than mine but has similar issues in terms of preferred Game Resolutions.
    In your case the game runs best on 1600x900 (IN GAME Change in the Menu). You can of course change that but your Graphic Performance will suffer and lead eventually to start up issues.

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