What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    LOL Mate you haven't seen me drive.:eek::D
    Tyrax Lightning and Wellingtoon like this.
  2. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    lemme guess you drive like crazy when playing SE where physical impacts actually damage the ship unlike Empryion which has collisions off.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Mate if this is in response to my driving. Nope started to play SE. Then I realized I might be dead before learning all the in's and out's. Plus I didn't want to go for my engineering degree. Electronic's was hard enough. :D
  4. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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  5. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Space Quest.
    Roger Wilco.

    An outstanding series
  6. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Did you ever upload the original to the workshop?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Yeah, it's there.
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  8. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    additionally - Kings Quests
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well I have decided I will never stay in a M. A. L. O. Motel! They don't even give you a bed. They expect you to sleep on the lounge couch. Not even a blanket! :eek:
    But then what should I expect they have place called Engine Room. Yet it's a space station and doesn't move. Looked all around and didn't find one thruster.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
    cmguardia and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    So there ya go. I find a lava planet with so many bad guys even the planet itself wants to swallow you up. Sure am glad I could jump up the stairs took me a few mins to jump up 3 blocks of stairs. Decided this wasn't the planet I wanted to test these vessels on. Left the planet to find something else to fight in space. Nada, nothing. Went to another place, this so far looks promising will find out later. It even has an ice planet.:D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    TBH I still don't see the point of CPU at all - power alone if properly thought out and balanced should/could have been THE limiting factor (without needing generators to blow up either). In SE power matters and it is sufficiently intrusive to be the main limiting factor especially when in ships you have to factor in the extra space and mass that power sources (batteries/reactors etc) add - batteries and reactor are relative high mass devices.

    With bases in SE, you have early access to wind and solar - easy, cheap to build, need no fuel, but very limited power output and easy damaged by attacks. Batteries are your main mobile power source as well as your peak demand power source (charged by base power when docked) until later game when you make reactors, but the fuel for them (uranium) is relative hard to find. TBH this works well enough, and I think much better then power in this that you can mostly ignore, and CPU which still seems to be some horrible badly thought out hack to patch over lack of thought elsewhere.

    I wonder if EGS would be better served by making ALL generators a later game thing and instead having to 100% rely upon environmental power sources (wind, solar, maybe geothermal etc) in early game and maybe batteries for vehicles that had to be recharged regularly. Jump fuel is a separate thing, and with more balancing being done around power, then no need for pentaxid for shields either.

    As things stand, CPU just means its better to make a bunch of separate buildings most of the time know that eventually when upgrading stuff you will hit a limit that will punish you very hard for that one little thing you want to add that sends you over the limit.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I used the few hours this morning to continue working on my First STAR-Base. Started a week before Experimental kicked in I save my current Version twice, just in case anything build will be removed or changed again.

    Here a few pictures->
    Lower Deck Area
    Supply Area - plucking plants while seeing the Stars;)


    Landing/Arrival-, Parking Deck

    Upper Deck, Command and Living-Area

    Stats so far

  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Slow day today.
    I thought up a new way to use alternate firing modes, which works and will be allowed for the Gatling Guns.
    On other guns and turrets i'll keep the radial menu since with these new controls you can fire both main and alternative firing systems at the same time.
    A serious bug is that if you try to reload with RMB it eats through entire magazines worth of ammo in a second instead of reloading properly. Which is... not optimal. If I can't fix it, it'll probably have to be removed from the fixed gatling guns too until it's fixed or I think up a different workaround.

    For most of the day I moved onto Status Effects. Which are horribly written and full of bugs.
    Restored the old AdrenalineRush and AdrenalineCrash effects that gave you a temp bonus if you're badly injured in combat to allow you to get out of there at max speed even with broken legs.
    It was removed due to a loop that would cycle repeatedly giving you constant adrenaline rushes. I fixed it... hopefully.
    Brought back the WellFed bonus for being full that was likewise disabled due to a bug that could've been easily fixed by removing player health from the equation since you being shot doesn't make you more or less hungry.

    Added two new status effects: Dehydration that slows you down and slowly drains your stamina before eventually turning into Organ Failure after 15 mins of going untreated. Obviously, it's treated by drinking water or any juice item. It's caused by extreme body temperature, radiation sickness and failing to treat a hangover.
    The second is Dismemberment. A permanent, incurable loss of limb that halves your movement speed. Fixed only by death, you can only get this by intentionally failing to treat necrosis from extreme frostbite and mutilation before they get worse.
    I might make it a PvP-obtained affliction of the chainsaw too... for teh lulz.

    I will not be adding Explosive Diarrhea in Reforged Galaxy. Maybe that micromanagment mod for bodily functions in future.

    I only have 3 more configs to do: Traders, FactionWarfare and Recipes. Then it's testing and bugfixing.
    AlbaN, Wellingtoon, ravien_ff and 5 others like this.
  14. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I wonder if you can add a suicide function to the medical station? ;)

    BTW - what is your planned mech drill limit for SVs? 8 would be good to fit my common round miner designs and I guess people would find 8 decent for excavation :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Just throw an explosive on the ground and sit on it.

    Drill limit is 8.
  16. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I am at the moment mostly building ships for future with practical and if possible multiple use cases. Which means building, testing them in survival and sorting all the little mistakes out everybody makes. For example factoring in possible warp drive, shield + generator, cpu upgrades or actually adding an enclosed cockpit so my miner can be used on dangerous planets with acid atmosphere or lava rain (my dude told me it hurts quite a lot).

    Todays afternoon was spent making a semi-cheap and fully upgradable combat cv, consisting of hardenend steel. Needs some testing tomorrow. I´m getting better at making some variations other than bricks

    NewGame_2020-05-17_21-34-07.png NewGame_2020-05-17_21-34-12.png NewGame_2020-05-17_21-34-23.png NewGame_2020-05-17_21-34-39.png
  17. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    After a good time, for work reasons, I go back to tour this galaxy.

    A12 runs very well on my pc !!! Thanks for the updates and fixes for AMD !!

    Now I think I missed something along the way ...
    New start on the Arid Planet. Following the Robinson Protocol and continuing the other tutorials. So far only small fixable errors.
    Now the bad: I go out into space to do the first mission to find the ship and continue the story. When I return to my rustic base I have the attack warning (it is the first warning in this new game). I load the mini gun turret and take more ammunition for myself. The attack takes a little longer than expected ... and there they come from the east ... not one, not two, ... five drones !!! Two of them with missiles !!! My defense does not shoot !!! I check if I put the ammunition in the correct box and see that it is there! I check if it is on and it is !!
    I arm myself with courage and go out ... my shots don't hurt? I discharge 3 rounds of rifle on a drone and don't see it move like before when shot! The life bar on drones is no longer observed ... Someone update me on this.
    Before the walls were destroyed I had already lost 40% of my equipment inside. The drone shots go through the walls but they don't hurt me.
    The idea of salvation: going from private to public ... there are still some shots and I think it's because I'm still here.
    To save what remains of the base I have to abandon it:( ... and I leave ... and I die at 200m.
    And this does not end here...
    Reboot in the place ... 20 meters where I died o_O... without weapons with 5 drones over my head ... run Forrest, run !!! :eek::eek:
    Restart from scratch ... Falling just on the same base !!!:eek::eek:o_Oo_O. I take it to drop about 300 beyond my base ... The drones arrive to give me a warm welcome.:p
    Reboot from a nearby medical station ... Polaris Station south of my base. I have to get my base back! How can I make a motorcycle, shotgun and return to my base. Guess who is flying over the base ??? o_O
    Since I was fast in everything, I still find my backpacks (two previous deaths) and I get enough food and little else.
    I keep my distance ... 4 drones retreat where they arrived:).
    I approach up to about 180 meters approximately and the remaining drone detects me and comes towards me. I do what every self-respecting man would do ... run away !! (Every man who has rebooted like 5 times in the same place:p).
    Planning ... I have a lake and the base penetrates the lake. I approach underwater, reach the base, make another rifle and ammunition. In the best Rambo style I get out of the water shooting !!! I don't get the expected reaction, the drone just looks at me and shoots me, my shots don't seem to impact ... I keep shooting, one round, another round, another round, start another and finally it falls !!:D:D:D

    Well ... This is all just to ask what has changed in drones? I have been busy for almost a month without attending to updates.

    Después de un buen tiempo por cuestione laborales vuelvo a recorrer esta galaxia.

    A12 corre muy bien en mi pc!!! Gracias por las actualizaciones y las correcciones para AMD!!

    Ahora, creo que me he perdido algo en el camino...
    Nuevo inicio en el Planeta Árido. Siguiendo el Protocolo Robinson y continuando los demás tutoriales. Hasta ahí solo pequeños errores subsanables.
    Ahora lo malo: Salgo al espacio para hacer la primera misión de encontrar la nave y continuar la historia. Al volver a mi rustica base tengo el aviso de ataque (es el primer aviso en todo el juego). Cargo la torreta mini gun y tomo mas municiones para mí. El ataque se tarda un poco mas de lo esperado... y ahí llegan desde el este... no uno, no dos,...cinco drones!!! Dos de ellos con misiles!!! Mi defensa no dispara!!! Reviso si coloque la munición en la caja correcta y veo que si está allí! Reviso si está encendida y lo está!!
    Me armo de valor y salgo... mis disparos no hacen daño? Descargo 3 rondas de rifle sobre un dron y no veo que se mueva como antes cuando recibe un disparo! Ya no se observa la barra de vida sobre los drones... Que alguien me actualice sobre esto.
    Antes de destruirse las paredes ya había perdido 40% de mi equipo en el interior. Los disparos de los drones atraviesan las paredes pero no me hacen daño.
    La idea de la salvación: pasar de privado a público... todavía hay algunos disparos y creo que es porque sigo aquí.
    Para salvar lo que queda de la base tengo que abandonarla :(... y salgo... y muero a los 200m.
    Y esto no acaba aquí...
    Reinicio en el lugar... a 20 metros donde he muertoo_O... sin armas con 5 drones sobre la cabeza... corre Forrest, corre!!! :eek::eek:
    Reinicio desde cero... Cayendo justo sobre la misma base!!! :eek::eek:o_Oo_O. La llevo a caer unos 300 mas allá de mi base... Los drones llegas para darme una cálida bienvenida:p.
    Reinicio desde una estación medica mas próxima... Estación Polaris hacia el sur de mi base. Tengo que recuperar mi base!. Como puedo fabrico una moto, escopeta y vuelvo a mi base. Adivinan quienes están sobrevolando la base??? o_O
    Como fui rápido en todo, todavía encuentro mis mochilas (dos muertes anteriores) y recupero bastante alimento y pocas cosas más.
    Me mantengo a distancia...4 drones se retiran por donde llegaron:).
    Me acerco hasta unos 180 metros aproximadamente y el dron restante me detecta y viene hacia mi. Hago lo que todo hombre que se respete haría... huyo!! (Todo hombre que ha reiniciado como 5 veces en el mismo lugar:p).
    Planeamiento... tengo un lago y la base penetra sobre el lago. Me acerco bajo el agua, llego a la base fabrico otro rifle y munición. Al mejor estilo Rambo salgo del agua disparando!!! No obtengo la reacción esperada, el dron solo me mira y me dispara, mis disparos no parecen impactar... Sigo disparando, una ronda, otra ronda, otra ronda, inicio otra y por fin cae!!:D:D:D

    Bueno...Todo esto es solo para preguntar que ha cambiado en los drones? Llevo casi un mes muy ocuado sin atender las actualizaciones.
  18. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    This is why I don't rely upon base mounted defences - outranged by rocket drones which I often see in the earliest attacks and so they are a bit useless except for dealing with troops from a troop transport. Later on when you have shields and rocket turrets, then fine.

    So I make cheap separate standalone defence towers far enough from the base to engage the drones before they get into rocket range of the main base. This also has the advantage of not taking up loads of CPU from your base, leaving more for constructors etc before you have to upgrade the CPU tier.

    Heh, talk of the devil - while typing this heard shooting at one of my mining outposts (now one dead troop transport):
    And at my main base:

    Kind of overkill really, but best to shoot everything at distance long before they can land anything near your walls.
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  19. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Since I have not received additional feedback, I am guessing folks are ok with the Treefrog's current design.

    I have taken it down to the LVL 10, CPU tier 2.
    I am going to rest, then look at it again to make sure I did not miss anything.
    If all goes well, the nerfed version will be posted soon.

  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Actually it is not a nerfing but a re-configuration. You make it earlier available, as a Starter CV, that has the Space prepared to be upgraded to carry Drill Lasers and a Tool/Drill-Turret as well. That is real nice!;)

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