PLZ Retest and Re-Report Player Avatar Cloned

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by dazkaz, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. dazkaz

    dazkaz Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2019
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    Mode: (Survival)
    Mode: (Dedicated Server)

    SEED-ID: Don't know

    If applicable:
    Reproducibility: (Sometimes)
    Severity: (Major, Game Breaking)

    Type: Cloning

    Summary: Entity Cloning

    Description: Twice in one day my avatar has been cloned on entering a playfield.
    This used to happen with blocks, I.e landing gear, CV shields onto SVs mostly, but it has now morphed into players as well.
    This is a much more serious issue as the old avatar stays in the pilot seat and the real player gets kicked out mid-air! This also renders the vessel inoperable.
    Re-logging did not help, it required deleting the player cache and all progression made into the game was lost, to fix.

    Steps to Reproduce: Enter a playfield from orbit in a CV.
    The first indication something is wrong is the P menu becomes inoperable.
    After a relog to fix the P menu, the player clone is made and the ship gets catapulted into the air where you are kicked from the pilot seat by the new cloned avatar.
    The clone now takes control of the ship and won't leave his seat no matter how much you try to persuade him!

    I have attached a pic looking at the clone with the debug info enabled:

    Attached Files:

    Pach and ravien_ff like this.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Can the server owner send the log folder for B2940 & also a copy of the save game ?

    I cannot reproduce this.
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  3. dazkaz

    dazkaz Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2019
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    I have passed on the request to the server admin.

    Some more info for you that may or may not be relevant.
    When I start the game and click on the WOG server to join it, the first time I get a loading message, but then the game comes back to the main menu and I have to join again. The second attempt to join always works.

    Yesterday another clone was made of my character. This time while I was looting a container in a POI, so had nothing to do with entering the playfield.
    The first sign that something was wrong was when I was looting the other containers there that appeared to be all empty. I realised something was not quite right so relogged.
    When I spawned back into the game my clone was standing at the last container I looted that had items in it. The container on the CV that I was connected to before the relog was no longer accessible as the clone was connected to it via wifi.
    My faction mate killed the clone with a shotgun that freed up the wifi connection again.
    I will attach a pic of the clone again with DI active.

    Attached Files:

  4. [WoG] Hermelin

    [WoG] Hermelin Ensign

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Wir verwenden bei WOG nicht das neue Universum.

    Weiter ist uns aufgefallen das die Ausrichtung mit O im Weltall widersprüchliche Ergebnisse liefert. Im Raumschiff ist oben da wo frei im All schweben im Anzug unten ist. Auf anderen Spielfelder im All ist es überkreuzt. Wir kämpfen zu Zeit extrem mit diesem Fehler. Der Fehler tritt besonders häufig auf, wen das Spielfeld gewechselt wird. Egal ob mit Raumschiff oder mit einem Teleporter oder über ein Stargate. Im Ghost-Modus können die Spieler auch Objekte erzeugen. Diese sind aber nur für den Spieler sichtbar. Im Adminhelfer erscheinen sie nicht.


    At WOG we do not use the new universe.

    Further we noticed that the alignment with O in space gives contradictory results. In the spaceship is up where free floating in space is down in the suit. On other playing fields in space it is crossed. We are struggling extremely with this mistake at the moment. The error occurs particularly frequently when the playing field is changed. Whether it's by spaceship or teleport or Stargate. In ghost mode, players can also create objects. But these are only visible to the player. They do not appear in the admin helper.
  5. [WoG] Hermelin

    [WoG] Hermelin Ensign

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Pentera how can I send you the savegame (700MB) and the logs?
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    use google drive or something similar
    Pach likes this.
  7. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    I was sure I replied to your email right ? I asked if you could upload them to a sharing site & send me the link google drive, dropbox ownCloud etc are some options.
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  8. [WoG] Hermelin

    [WoG] Hermelin Ensign

    Jul 16, 2017
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  9. dazkaz

    dazkaz Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2019
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    I would like to thank Pantera, RexXxus, the WOG admins, and especially my faction buddy Ski, one of the best interpreters of English to German you will ever meet for their tireless work on getting to the bottom of this bug.

    They have worked all weekend, and although the remedy is going to be painful for a lot of us that have already put a lot of game hours into this version, I very much appreciate the dedication you have shown to this amazing game.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
    Ski and Pach like this.
  10. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    The issue has been found to be coming from the PDA.yaml the creator of this file often used "On...: null" which is not allowed! (leads to exceptions and subsequent errors) f.ex search for these parameters in PDA.yaml from the servers scenario folder:

            OnActivateSignal: null
            OnDeactivateSignal: null
            OnCompleteSignal: null

    these parameters should either be removed or at least commented out like this everywhere they appear in the PDA.yaml of the scenario folder:

            #OnActivateSignal: null
            #OnDeactivateSignal: null
            #OnCompleteSignal: null
    I will PM a edited copy of the PDA.yaml to @Ski
    Pach, dazkaz and Germanicus like this.

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