DEV BLOG Empyrion Galactic Survival: Leaving Alpha & Early Access

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The "galaxy" is brand new, and I just skimmed through some files so I can't say I understand how everything works with this new master component. When making a scenario, we refer to playfields and specific locations, objects, events, etc. The galaxy contains sectors, one of which can be the "scenario's" sector, mixed in the remaining randomly generated Galaxy, if I'm not mistaken. Sectors contain playfields, which contain POIs and stuff, that can all be referenced and used in the scenario editor.

    There is also a playfield editor, and the author @jmcburn wrote recently that he is working to bring it up to date with the game's latest version.

    Main tools page :

    We're supposed to be able to have some NPC dialogues now without requiring a "scenario" per se, which allows for small missions. That can be done via the Dialogues.ecf file, in Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Content\Configuration\Dialogues.ecf. The "instructions" are at the top of the file.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2020
    TK85, Bollen, Germanicus and 2 others like this.
  2. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Fantastic tools. Thanks for the tip.
  3. Beasthammer

    Beasthammer Commander

    May 4, 2018
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    I know you and the loyal fans have huge expectations about this game, but as you mentioned before you have 5000+ hours in this game. Your advantage is your weakness too because you may became so familiar with the game and with it's flaws that you won't even realise them after some time.

    I'm sorry if i mention something what has been mentioned before but i didn't have the strength to read all the previous comments.

    Eleon please! Do not go out of early access unless you forced too. We are just players from the community so you do not need to listen to us, but before you release the Version 1.0 of the game consult with some professionals. I do not know if you have financial-, health-, mental-, technical-, technology issues what is forcing you to do this, but please act carefully.

    After the release of Space Engineers, it was promised to be worked on... We've got paywalls, stupid skins and more and more bugs and more and more useless crap to play with. Keen is milking the "game" that bug ocean to fund their other projects.

    EGS is different it is for me somewhere between NMS - SE, I really like this game but it is not a ready product. You are worked so much with it and look what you have created! Do not rush it, the moment where you split your resources and start new projects will doom the development of the game.

    EGS is still clunky, it needs more polishing which considering the pace of the team is like 2-3 more years unless you get more help or more employees.
    The animations are bad, the optimization is bad, the sounds are bad, AI is bad, Lag is bad, many-many unfinished features, the graphics should be improved. The graphical scaling should be improved (So you can play it on weaker machines) The stuttering is bad, there are no water physics there are no collision physics.
    In my opinion if i look it from the side of the technology this game is a strong Alpha. Content needed!! Where is character development? (or you will just use your good old numerical "upgrade" system? "Tier 1" is 1, Tier n++ x+=stat? )
    The biggest issue here is variety. Effects/weapons/play styles… In the long run almost everyone will run with the same weapon type and the same setup… You may fix the PVP, but what will happen? The player wins who starts to shoot first with the lowest ping?

    I agree with others, if there won't be BETA phase, the refunds will tear you apart. (Germanicus on the first page on the picture noone mentions "BETA V1.0" this is why everyone thinks this will be a full release)

    Either way i wish you guys good luck and i hope you will reach the recognition for this game everyone is dreaming of!
    sulferon, TK85, Israel and 1 other person like this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I am not only "a big Fan" but also in the CLOSED ALPHA-Team...
  5. Beasthammer

    Beasthammer Commander

    May 4, 2018
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    Please ask the mighty CLOSED ALPHA-TEAM to make suggestions about that big pile of technological issues which are thrown in the corner… Sometimes i get a nausea and a head ache of those micro lags and stuttering which are in the game like the whole time.
    But the random crash scenarios are my favourite… When i load back the game and i realise that i was thrown out of the cockpit, my vessel got destroyed etc... Tons of graphical gliches/texture gliches/ effect gliches… Maybe before asking for a shiny new blocks, lets start with something more important.
    (This is my general opinion please Germanicus, don't take it personal)

    I'm not asking to rewrite the whole game in ASSEMBLY but please optimize!
  6. Beasthammer

    Beasthammer Commander

    May 4, 2018
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    By the way to expand further my comments:
    There is a promise that the game development won't stop but don't forget that the game has only 2 hours to introduce itself… How well this introduction goes will determine the new player base.
    Can we change the HUD colour, can we customise or change the scale? Change the wall paper or the loading screen? Change the font type?

    In this game many things are functional (does it work? YES / NO). As an engineer i see the brilliance here, but customers usually want leather covered seats and soft interior instead of plastic chairs and PVC...

    Can we change the text refresh rate in dialog boxes? Can we change the colour? (I'm sick of this everything is blue! Hummel is it your favourite colour?)
    And i could continue on and on… Leaving Alpha phase is a bitter joke atm.

    ps: Please mind that Linux operation system is really good for programmers and everyone who knows how to use it or knows how to manage it's problems… This is why most users use Windows because they don't care and want comfort… "I wanna push the button, and expect it to work"
    Most of the new players won't have the temper to look up all the possible fixes which may work or not, for them hitting the refund button will be easier.
    Brimstone and AliG like this.
  7. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Ok...I'll probably get attacked for this but I have enough of this, Space engineers is not in any way behind paywalls, there are silly skins if you want them for all of what 3.99, any other charges are for graphical additions if you want them but none of the game play is locked out, and if you play with others they can use your graphic additions without buying them their selves. The game play has been added to regularly and the only charges are if you want some graphical enhancements, for oh my god 3.99. Sheese.

    And for those thinking SE is hard to get into, they have point by point tutorial that you can pick from in the beginning of the game.

    I have thousands of hours in EGS and more in SE and I have seen less bugs and problems in SE then I see in Ark or Subnautica.

    EGS is not done by a long way, and I really hope they do get it finished.

    OK, waiting for this post to get culled.
    Thor'sHammer and byo13 like this.
  8. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    OMG this thread is getting interesting, what a mad house!!!:eek:

    giphy (1).gif
    elmo, Bollen, TK85 and 4 others like this.
  9. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    It seems the conversation is mostly revolving around semantics and personal definitions for terms with a dash of one's fears for the games future. Ok, the game isn't in a finished state, we can all agree, but it seems de-ingenious to keep calling a game that has developed this far with as many years under its belt now as "Alpha". As to calling it "release" v1.0 also creates some expectation that its still a work in progress, too, even without the "beta" tag. While there might be some examples of this, I don't see so called "finished" or polished games that go by version numbers either (I repeat, games, not utility apps like GIMP or the like). If I do see another game that calls itself "XYZ" with a version number following it I can't imagine thinking of it as being "finished" either or else why give it a version number in the first place (additional game patches might have ids but the game doesn't).
    Honestly, I don't care what labels they give it (or start naming it after candies like Android OS builds or after Terry Pratchett characters like the VLC media player does) as long as they are able to continue to add content, fix flaws, and generally make improvements to the game that has already given me hundreds of hours of fun. Remember, EGS understands perfectly well that this game is their bread and butter. As such I trust they've already given this some thought and debated for a while what seems the best plan moving forward with labeling and other things to insure the income stream does not dry up and continues to provide the funds to pay salaries, rental fees, and the utility bills.
  10. AliG

    AliG Ensign

    Jun 12, 2018
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    [QUOTE = "runlykhel, post: 408974, člen: 20311"] Ok ... Pravděpodobně za to zaútočím, ale mám toho dost, kosmičtí inženýři nejsou nijak za záplatami, jsou tu hloupé skiny, pokud chci je za vše, co 3,99, jakékoli další poplatky jsou za grafické doplňky, pokud je chcete, ale žádná hra není zamčena a pokud budete hrát s ostatními, mohou používat vaše grafické doplňky, aniž by si je kupovali sami. Hra byla přidávána pravidelně a jediné poplatky jsou, pokud chcete nějaké grafické vylepšení, pro můj bože 3.99. Sheese.

    A pro ty, kteří myslí SE, je těžké se do nich dostat, mají výuku bod po bodu, ze které si můžete vybrat na začátku hry.

    Mám tisíce hodin v EGS a více v SE a viděl jsem méně chyb a problémů v SE, než jsem viděl v Ark nebo Subnautica.

    EGS se nedělá dlouhou cestou a já opravdu doufám, že to zvládnou.

    Dobře, čekám, až se tento příspěvek utratí. [/ QUOTE]

    Musím na to znovu reagovat. Ano, SE vypadá, že má méně chyb než ARK nebo Subnautica, které jste zmínili, protože na rozdíl od nich je svět prázdný. Mají dobré mechanismy, ale jinak je to jen 3D Lego s lepší fyzikou. Přestože SE měly obrovský potenciál.
  11. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    No offense but why not real paywalls, their updates? Are a joke at best. Do they take mods and repurpose them into their game calling it work? The new weather system? When asked last year they said the weather wasn't possible. Did someone make a mod with the weather? Guess what was added in both new patch updates? Weather? I sure hope Eleon doesn't go that route because that isn't great.

    As for this game only needing polish?
    What about physics in space? your backpack rocket goes off you fall... in space? Come on?? it is a space game that should be a bit of a requirement?

    The game avatar model is like a 2002 3d model? Don't let a 2020 game leave early access with that poop stain on your game?

    Walking why the ship is moving was the most requested feature?

    Water is still very useless?



    Little Polish?

    This game needs Kickstarter to get a bigger team and bring it to the best-finished product it can be, rather than the best-rushed product it can be.
    The devs for the past 2 years said no rush, they could at least explain why they are going against their own policy?
    Israel and AliG like this.
  12. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    the wiki is not done by Eleon, they did not want to loose the tag "official", nor is it being kept up to date by it's makers.

    "Welcome to the official Empyrion Galactic Survival wiki
    the comprehensive reference written and maintained by the players"
    Supay likes this.
  13. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I don't know if I should already report to the anonymous empyrics, because I have also spent more than 2000 hours in EGS. I never felt like someone who’s testing bad software, no, I really enjoyed it.

    Anyway, a team that can get me 2000 hours of fun for 10 bucks can write any number they want on it.
    mark117h, elmo, Bollen and 6 others like this.
  14. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    The game is a masterpiece! Well done you six + heroes and heroines!

    This does not mean it is perfect, but it is one of the best and it fulfills all it intended(s) to fulfill and then some. You should be proud and hopefully you are also now all independently wealthy. Where you take it from here is all up to you. Honestly, you could just drop development completely and I don't think anyone who has paid or considers paying for a license would have a single bone to pick with you. It is far more "done" than 90% of projects much less those of such innovative and grand scale.

    Now, with that said: I DO HOPE you continue evolving it, as it is quite possible the most promising game in existence at this point. When I say that, I say that from the perspective of someone who has been playing computer games since the 1970s and with games like "Jagged Alliance 2" in mind. Jagged Alliance 2 is a reference point for me because it is an example of the incredible perpetuity and cultural spring which a good piece of game software can represent. It is sadly, a tragic example of "failed" software business, but the game itself has more than stood the test of time. Look up the "Bear's Pit," a fan site that has been running continuously for 20+ years, hosting mods for the game. The core of that community is small, but expert and devoted and that was for a game with coarse eye-grinding 1990s 2d isometric graphics (and a file architecture from the Paleolithic, which those modders have TOTALLY re-configured into XML externals). Now, in this case, the source code was legally put into the public domain (and I'm NOT suggesting you guys should necessarily ever do that), so the fact that that project has lived on for 20+ years is probably partly a result of the public having access to that source code. Even so, there are other games which similar tales, and most of them are not nearly as deep, expansive or thorough as EGS.

    I'm not trying to divest you folks of your creativity here or suggest that you are about to be pushing up daisies and you need to put your code out to pasture, not at all! You have worked slow and steady and listened INTENTLY to your community, deflty winnowing the chaff from the grain. As you have noted, you could not possible have got here without having done so, BUT! YOU DID SO! you should be proud that you had the good common horse sense to LISTEN and filter and make good executive decisions in interaction with your community. I know that dealing with users is the most onerous of tasks but you guys did it and did it well.

    All I'm getting at here is: What you have created, and what you clearly show the promise of continuing to build on to new heights is truly extraordinary in the entire history of game development and if you allow it, this game can still be alive in 50 or maybe even 100 years. The fact it is written in C# is of course a major deficiency (if it were in a C++ engine it'd likely be promising to stand the test of time for the next 1000 + years, but I guess 50 to 100 is enough!).

    My one last request: WRITE A BOOK (or two, or three) ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIS GAME!!! Or at least (or ideally, in addition to books) give some GDC presentations!

  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I want some...
    dichebach likes this.
  16. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    About having real physics in space, I don't need that. I don't need realism, I need fun.
    There is a reason me and a lot of people don't like to pilot airplanes in Battlefield series or other too realistic games. It is because the realism on how some vehicles are operated takes away all the fun.
  17. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Not asking for realism but don't you think we should at least float somehow instead of falling in space?
  18. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Indeed. But imagine you're leaving your vessel in space with no jetpack.
    I'm far from being an expert, but your movement will continue in the vacuum and it'll make you feel like you're falling but it's only inertia.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think what annoys most players is the fact that without the jetpack we fall "down" into infinity. Even if a player accidentaly turns off his jetpack for a few seconds, he can still travel down quite far and fast before he realizes his mistake / avoiding death from hitting the playfield's limit, but then dying from lack of O2 trying to jetpack back across the distance...
  20. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Yes, I agree it's silly unless your body is being pulled by a big star or entering orbit. But I don't see that issue as something top priority to fix. Unless I'm mistaken and there's more issues like this, of course.
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