DEV BLOG Empyrion Galactic Survival: Leaving Alpha & Early Access

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. runlykhel

    runlykhel Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Some of the reactions here are effected by this on the steam store advertisement;
    "Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?"
    “We are planning to be in Early Access until the game is complete.”
  2. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    Yes true, i don't think its a good idea to release such an unfinished game to the public as a finished game when this sends the message that only a few miner changes are needed. When in reality it needs more then just some miner changes. It looks rushed and if i remember correctly there is a saying that says "rushing things doesn't led anywhere good".
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
    stanley bourdon and Supay like this.
  3. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Crosshairs are relatively easy to make yourself......:

    iliapugach likes this.
  4. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I'm presuming that this is a LCD Display.... Correct me if I'm wrong.
    If that the case then they need to make it so I can walk around with a LCD Display stuck to my head.
    sulferon, Inappropriate, TK85 and 2 others like this.
  5. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    What a nice idea, because you know, if I didn't get headaches from it all the time, I would be walking around with an LCD display on my head already in this century.
    But seriously, VR would also be a nice idea for EGS..........

    And yes, this is a LCD-Display..... no mod or something else....

    If you are interested, you can find it here:

    But admittedly, LCD technology is quite tricky. Apparently, it's not just a matter of where you position the projectors, but also what screen resolution you use. My son, for example, who uses a smaller screen, it doesn't work perfectly.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2020
    Thor'sHammer and iliapugach like this.
  6. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I have made my own and it works, more or less. The problem is that it doesn't transfer between vessels very well. Occasionally, it will be dead center of the provided cross-hairs, but mostly I have to settle for close. A little to the left or a bit low is the usual out come. And as @Spoon points out, it's no help when you're on foot or even when operating your ship in 3rd person view.

    The point is we shouldn't have to make one. The point is the existing cross-hair cursor is CRAP for anything other than opening a box or picking tomatoes.

    I took a look at the "extended HUD" you referred. It's very well done and looks great. However, it still uses the existing cross-hair which is the largest part of the problem.
    As to "relatively easy", that's a matter of opinion which, at the moment, I don't share. I'm going to try to copy it to one of my HUDs and see if it works.
    Having looked at the content of the "ext. HUD", I applaud the level of work that went into it.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2020
  7. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Doesn't that only happen in a gravity environment?

    For example, if you are in space and you turn your CV grav-generators and jetpack off you can't move around. If you turn the grav-generators on you will fall. If you are being pulled in the direction of gravity and this takes you past the boundaries of the ship then you will fall 'off' the ship in what would be perceived as 'down'.

    Once outside the grav-generators influence (fairly short range) it is momentum that keeps you moving, not a continuous gravity effect. Falling is not infinite, only while you are in the gravity feild.

    You can observe this by players 'falling' along different axis. It is also the principle of the gravity-cannon style fast transport systems some players have developed.

    Sorry if I have misinterpreted what you were saying.
    Kassonnade and Lyceq like this.
  8. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Another great LCD example you will find here and it shows the real stats of your ship and tools.
  9. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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  10. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    It works and the community is very helpful. And all scripting begins with a simple "Hello world"
  11. Dragen3

    Dragen3 Lieutenant

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Not all scripting begins with "Hello World" my first trip into JavaScript scripting involved making coloured boxs eventually turning into a 3 x 3 Grid of coloured box representative for flags.

    Although you are correct in that some basic line or two of code with a visual indicator showing if you get it right is the typical start point for learning to code.

    Its been a while but i think my College C++ started with "Hello World" then moving an icon(Window) on a screen around.

    In my experience the most significant portion of scripting is thoroughly defining what you want to happen, however the figuring out the correct syntax to tell a computer what you want is usually the most time consuming and tedious part.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    That is all correct. Also the fact that we stop falling the moment we turn on the jetpack but without even pressing a direction key is also off-putting.

    The point is more that the gravity effect should be restricted to the ship's hull and not affect the outside. Ships are not affected by artificial gravity, so a parked CV close to a station will stay there, but a player simply walking off to try to "jump" to the station will go down instead of mainly forward...

    I understand there may not be an easy way to fix this because it's a simple "radius" but to simply be coherent with the fact that SVs and dropped inventory don't fall when left in such a field.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
    nexus_absolute likes this.
  13. Mikiy

    Mikiy Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Never thought i'd see this game go out of alpha before they add basic functionality like walking on moving ships, crouch/prone some more immersive blueprint factory or even something as simple as more then one person accessing the same container simultaneously. I'll just add a +1 here and say i think its feels a bit to early to leave early access. Im glad to read in the clarifications tho that this game isn't planning to follow the space engineers approach of only releasing low hanging fruit updates alongside paid dlc's, so i have still some hope that empyrion will get the expected features eventually.
    dichebach likes this.
  14. nexus_absolute

    nexus_absolute Captain

    Aug 18, 2016
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    Sure, I get you. Never though of it like that - ships not affected by gravity but we are. I can imagine some shenanigans if ships were affected by the gravity of other vessels/stations.

    Restricting it to the hull of a ship/station, as you say, would make much more sense. Perhaps treat it like polarized hull shielding in that case?

    Personally, I have been hoping for a better model and functionality for the grav-gens - something we can specify direction of pull, strength and a visible radius of effect (similar to how we set up the signal detector area). That way, if I wanted gravity to be in effect whilst inside the ship but not when traveling the hull on the outside then I could do this. I'd also be able to specify the gravity direction for each room desperately. A much smaller model with a short range would be fine with me. I'd happily have several throughout the ship. Imagine loosing gravity in one section of your ship only :D

    Alas, it feels unlikely to get such a change now :(
    Inappropriate and Kassonnade like this.
  15. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    To build off of this . . . One thing that would be VERY intriguing (as a mod I suppose) is a "realistic" approach to space habitat design in which pseudo-gravity (centrifugal acceleration) were created on the insides of rotating cylinders/spheres.
    nexus_absolute and Kassonnade like this.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I thought the same, then I remembered that the shield effect is just a buff to blocks hp, it does not define a "volume". What could be closer to a solution may be something like the "airtightness" check that scans the whole volume, but it could leave a whole exterior platform out of the count, for example, so even this would require and adjustment. The idea here is that if we ask for a totally new kind of ray-trace function, we may not get it. Better ask for some check already existing to be used as reference for the extent of the grav gen's effect "bounding box".

    I think the devs would not like the performance degradation of multiple user-defined fields calculations while they are trying to make the game more fluid on the other hand. What we have now is obviously the easiest solution, but maybe the simplest tweak could be to change the spherical or cylindrical field to a "bounding box" we can adjust, like you propose - not perfect, but much better!

    Edit : it could already be a "cube shaped " field, but there is no info on this in any config file...
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
    Sofianinho likes this.
  17. dispereo

    dispereo Ensign

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Congratulations and looking forward to future versions! :)
    Sofianinho likes this.
  18. lendarker

    lendarker Lieutenant

    May 6, 2020
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    Empyrion leaving early access...sounds great, in theory. But I feel the story campaign is anything close to fleshed out, really, and in 12.3 I went from 25-30 fps down to 10-15, so from barely playable to pretty much not playable.

    This doesn't feel like a game that is close to being finished, at all.
  19. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    I think the most helpful thing is to use this thread for error reports:

    Well, now in 12.3, dedicated ~ 1GB, each playfield is ~ 1GB, client ~ 10gb?!?
    Tried to half the textures in video settings, which helped a bit ~ 8GB
  20. Cherry Burrito

    Cherry Burrito Ensign

    Jul 23, 2020
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    I am fairly new to this game, but after playing through what is available in the storyline missions, building a CV, and exploring a few different systems only to find the same settlements with the same traders with the same inventory, the same ship wrecks, the same (but fewer) POIs and so on, I find myself wondering why this huge galaxy exists without much reason to explore it. I realize there might be more out there that I don't know about, but I got bored after several hours of jumping around only to see the same stuff. A big galaxy filled with shallow content is just not interesting. I share many of the opinions expressed in this thread - especially that I love the game so far and am excited at what it hints at becoming.

    This could all change in this upcoming update, but as it stands, it reminds me of NMS at launch, except that seemed to have more reason to travel and explore and was a bit more polished than Empyrion - and remember how upset many people were when that released!
    sulferon, Israel and Lizard_of_Fire like this.
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