What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. lendarker

    lendarker Lieutenant

    May 6, 2020
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    There are rare dried up trees. There are no critters on Dread. It's a dead world.
    dpburke2 and Wellingtoon like this.
  2. lendarker

    lendarker Lieutenant

    May 6, 2020
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    Did you use a different seed number, or leave/restart the game? Otherwise, the seed might still be the same...meaning you spawn the exact same system over and over again.
    cmguardia likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Starting solar system has only some asteroid fields and maybe a gas giant. This is intended.

    Try a custom scenario if you want a larger starting system.
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    It is always SP solo. I started a game in the latest version of A12. It had 3 planets and 3 groups of asteroids. Then the game updated a V1.0 and I decided to start a new game, the system had only 2 planets and 3 or 4 groups of asteroids. I don't remember why I discarded that game and rebooted another one, with the same results.
    I started a tutorial and it also has only 2 planets and 3 or 4 groups of asteroids.
    What I will do is clean the cache and see if something changes. For now I am preparing the trip to other systems.

    Siempre es SP en solitario. Inicié un juego en la última versión de A12. Tenía 3 planetas y 3 grupos de asteroides. Luego el juego actualizó a V1.0 y decidí iniciar un juego nuevo, el sistema tenia solo 2 planetas y 3 o 4 grupos de asteroides. No recuerdo por que descarte ese juego y volví a reiniciar otro, con mismos resultados.
    Inicié un tutorial y también tiene solo 2 planetas y 3 o 4 grupos de asteroides.
    Lo que haré será limpiar el cache y ver si algo cambia. Por ahora estoy preparando el viaje a otros sistemas.

    I never published my CV. It's not a big deal, but it's functional to my way of playing and with its minimalist aesthetic.
    Nunca publique mi CV. No es la gran cosa, pero es funcional a mi forma de juego y con su estética minimalista.

    EL OVNI.
    In blueprint only helmet, lights, sensors with logic to turn off motors are presented when you leave the bridge, to save energy. From what was rescued during the game I am equipping what is necessary.
    Here I present it finished for the trip with the crew. but without weapons of any kind.
    En planos se presenta solo casco, luces, sensores con lógica para apagar motores cuando dejas el puente, para ahorro de energía. De lo rescatado durante el juego voy equipando lo necesario.
    Aquí la presento terminada para el viaje con tripulación. pero sin armas de ningún tipo.
    JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-58-30.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-54-34.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-57-38.png
    It has three hangars. One equipped with repair bay.
    Cuenta con tres hangares. Uno equipado con bahía de reparación.

    JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-52-11.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-51-01.png
    Large farm to satisfy the necessary.
    Granja amplia para satisfacer lo necesario.
    JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-52-48.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-52-52.png
    Constructor room and medical room. What you need 24 hours !!
    Sala de Constructor y sala médica. Lo que necesites 24Hs!!
    JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-51-18.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-51-40.png
    Warp unit assisted and maintained by the engineers on board.
    Unidad Warp asistida y mantenida por las ingenieras de abordo.
    mark117h, Sephrajin, dpburke2 and 6 others like this.
  5. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    The bridge and command room. It has sensors and logic to turn the engines on and off when you enter and exit the bridge (with lights indicating the status).
    El puente y sala de mando. Tiene sensores y lógica para encender y apagar los motores cuando entras y sales del puente (con luces indicando el estado).
    JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-53-47.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-53-25.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-53-17.png
    Captain's cabin. For relaxation and rest.
    Camarote del Capitán. Para relax y descanso.
    JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-50-14.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-50-25.png JuegoNuevo_31-200807-1522_2020-08-07_16-50-42.png
    And extra place for what you need (Shield, CPU, teleport)
    Y lugar extra para lo que necesario (Escudo, CPU, teletransporte)
  6. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  7. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    My bad entirely... my caffeine levels weren't up yet and I totally read that as a Rogue start

    Best source of fiber on Dread is salvaging grow plots

    Hardly used my water gen, there is plenty of O2 tanks to empty
    dpburke2 likes this.
  8. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Today I...
    You know, lately, there is little time for the EGS ... and they did nothing fundamentally new
    So tonight, as always, I’m sitting in the creative field and continue working on the aircraft carrier for me and my friends and you.
    Instead of a bunch of screenshots ... today I decided to record a video and uploaded it to YouTube. So simple is the look and test of the doors.
    Yes, yes ... lore will be later =)
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
  9. Lord Ganjanoof

    Lord Ganjanoof Commander

    Jun 12, 2020
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    What did you do in Empyrion today

    This, and it's not even close to finished.




    Sorry for using the MCRN color palette, I think there is no copyright. I mean, gods are always inspiring simple mortals ;)
    It docks on the MCRN Pioneer. Could even be longer. I'll think of it but I'm already Tier-2 on low setup (without the warp).
    Looks very square but at the beginning it was a smaller beginner's lifter. Then I learned about selection, copy and paste. So at least the rear needs some fancy designing. The front too ofc but it can't be too deep : has to offer easy docking shelter for the HV miner.
    It's a beast that lifts 32k cargo + a heavy HV with full cargo. Haven't tested it on a 4G but it should survive.

    Yeah I'm doing like the wise guys you know : designing the thing you think of but bearing in mind the resources constraints and alos thinking of a retro-evolutive setup that can be upgraded. Just because it's cool and it allowed me to get cool ships fast.

    Compared to my previous builds, I'm quite proud. No, I'm super proud. It's not 5 stars but it went from 'junk' to 'there is a hope'.

    Cheers !
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
  10. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    They were just bad seeds.
    The trip to the systems from the last game shows me that the systems are normal. Apparently what was seen above were only bad seeds!
    I have the initial system with only two planets with moons and 4 groups of asteroids. Nearby systems may have 2 or more planets, with their moons, and a good variety between them!
    Empyrion makes me fall in love !!

    Solo eran malas semillas.
    El viaje a los sistemas del último juego, me demuestra que los sistemas son normales. Aparentemente lo visto anteriormente solo fueron malas semillas!!
    Tengo el sistema inicial con solo dos planetas con lunas y 4 grupos de asteroides. Los sistemas cercanos pueden tener 2 o mas planeta, con sus lunas, y buena variedad entre ellos!

    Empyrion me enamora!!
  11. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Made a few changes to my scenario to teleport in a Jungle Oasis. OMG @ravien_ff You are so evil!
    I was ganked by 1 wood troll, 6+ spiders and at least 6 or more raptors all within 5 minutes into the game. I had just gotten my shot gun out of the container. I didn't live long that's for sure. Was the best start I have had so far. Thank you for making such a hostile Jungle!:D
    Couldn't see a thing, they were all coming at me from under the foliage.

    Edit: OMG had to change raptures to raptors! Didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea :eek:
    I didn't do anything kinky with them spiders!!:eek::eek:
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    So... you enjoy dying ?
    EternalHeathen likes this.
  13. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Naw it's not that! My use by date is getting closer so thought I would get some practice in while I wait. :p
  14. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I have ruined the last game ... Playing with the console comamdos .
    After quickly putting together the CV that I showed before I had to save the game and leave to do a job. It seems that I forgot to turn off the creative mode, when saving it was left as creative. When I return home and open it there is no character of any kind. There is no Polaris, there is no Talon, there is no Zirax ... there are no animals on any planet.
    I have snapped my fingers with the infinity console and they were all erased in their entirety! There is no POI from anyone! Nothing in space, no ships or stations of any kind.
    Only ship wrecks and on a single planet some civil POIs without npc.
    The console only marks red and yellow lines. So I tried some console commands and ruined the game for good. So much so that when I close the console I have CoQ in rainbow colors .o_O
    I closed Empyrion, but Steam still tells me it is running. Although it is not seen in the task manager.
    Got damn!! The big F..k! :D:D
    Lesson learned: I must not play with forces that I do not know. The console is a power that can erase all existence !! :D:p

    He arruinado el último juego... Jugando con los comamdos de consola :oops:
    Despues de armar rapidamente el CV que mostre antes tuve que guardar el juego y salir para cumplir un trabajo.
    Parece que olvidé apagar el modo creativo, al guardarse quedó como creativo. Al volver a casa y abrirlo no hay ningún personaje de ninguna clase. No hay Polaris, no hay Talon, no hay Zirax...no hay animales en ningún planeta.
    He chasqueado los dedos con la consola del infinito y fueron borrados todos en su totalidad! No hay POI de nadie! Nada en el espacio, ni naves ni estaciones de ningún tipo:p
    Solo restos de naves y en un solo planeta unos POI civiles sin npc.
    La consola solo marca lineas rojas y amarillas. Así que intenté algunos comandos de consola y arruine la partida definitivamente. Tanto que al cerrar la consola tengo CoQ en colores arcoiris o_O
    Cerre Empyrion, pero Steam todavía me dice que está corriendo. Aunque no se vea en el administrador de tareas
    Demonios!! La lie grande! :D:D
    Lección aprendida: No debo jugar con fuerzas que no conozco. La consola es un poder que puede borrar toda la existencia!!:D:p
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Don't change game modes, it's bad voodoo...

    Use god mode, item menu, sbp, turn AI off. If you really need to use the creative mass-editing tools, then go build in creative!
    cmguardia likes this.
  16. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Yes. It is what I intended but it was a beginner's mistake. I never use the console and therefore it was a very stupid mistake.:oops:
    It didn't actually screw up the game either as I worked on a copy of the saved game;)

    Si. Es lo que pretendía pero fue error de principiante. Nunca uso la consola y por ello fue un error muy estupido. :oops:
    En realidad tampoco arruine el juego ya que trabajé sobre una copia del juego guardado ;)
    Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Tonight my brother and I found time to continue our survival game.

    Logging in to our CV on a pretty ice planet:

    We got lucky and found an Arid Mesa planet and I could show him the mission there!

    Afterwards I took him to a cleansing shrine to cleanse the corrupted relic:

    Excited to play more of our survival and add more planets and missions to the scenario. :D
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Ran experiments on custom drones and troops today.
    Found out it's impossible to give ranged weapons to Overseers and Alien Assassins. I can give them a ranged melee attack, but it's useless because visual effects cannot be applied to a melee attack.

    The drones were a bit more interesting.
    New Game_2020-08-08_13-14-05.png
    Legacy laser drones for planets.
    New Game_2020-08-09_01-31-32.png
    High-speed dogfighting drone ships.
    New Game_2020-08-09_01-31-46.png
    Unfortunately, they have terrible targeting. They appear to be fighting each other at high speed. In reality, they're trying to kill me on the ground and failing spectacularly... they're also using homing missiles to do so.
  19. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    You know, Lord, I look at your developments sometimes and it seems to me that you just want to break the balance of the game even more by leveling the players with complete ****, these drones will not be penetrated by any defense, most likely ... it seems to me that you are dramatically going overboard in your delights of creating new enemies
  20. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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