Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I don't think you read my post carefully.

    Nowhere did I write that these values could be changed.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Okay, but it still doesn't work.
    Adding a new constructor doesn't create a new constructor class to designate. The constructor designations are: SuitC, SurvC, SmallC, HoverC, BaseC, LargeC, AdvC, Furnace and FoodProcessor.
    They are tied to the device classes set by the devs and more cannot be added.
    Sure, I can make a new food processor device, but it will always be a food processor unless I give it the Advanced Constructor's device class in which case it stops being a food processor and is now an Advanced Constructor with a different model, with every one of the AdvC's recipes. There's no in-between.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I saw that. One way to make this working would be to lower all food templates build time and allow them all in the SV/HV constructor, and have these be for BA/CV too. Given the "cooking bench" has a better factor than these (1.0 vs 1.4 for SV/HV) it could then act as the "T2 cooker" but it's purely academic. I would not want to make such a change unless really useful.
  4. TheGaijin

    TheGaijin Ensign

    Aug 11, 2020
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    I just started yesterday and downloaded reforged eden today and was building my first cv when i noticed, that stuff like large thrusters, warp drives and the other "high end" stuff is used for base only and not for CV... e.g. i cant build a warp drive for my cv... this surely must be a bug but i dont find where i could change this so its base and CV... any tips?

    here is a link to a screenshot showing it:

    i checked the steam workshop folder for the scenario and found the blocksconfig.ecf but there it says "AllowPlacingAt: "Base, MS" for the ones that have base only as well as those that have cv as well... no idea what to do now...

    edit: ok seems it is just a visual bug in the techtree interface... i build the advanced constructor and there it shows the warp drive correctly...
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I don't see any problem in your screenshot.
  6. neil.phillips5

    neil.phillips5 Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Correction. Making a food. Egg remains missing from the templates visible within the food processor.

    Has the large mechanical drill for HV been adjusted? Specifically the area of effect width? I ask as the depth of drill appears not changed but rock is not being removed and causing obstruction. Maybe I am using this item in an unanticipated manner, a 2 by 2 drill rig for making tunnels. By contrast a 3 by 2 rig with the normal drill appears to work much better.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I see the problem with the eggs. Their item type is Ingredient, which don't have a category within the food processor. But there's not really a need to craft an egg by itself since it's used as a component of other foods and items, which if you set it to craft will automatically make an egg in the process of crafting that item.

    HV mechanical drill has a radius of 2.3m, which means it removes a 5m-wide sphere of terrain in front of the drill. About 9 small blocks across.
  8. neil.phillips5

    neil.phillips5 Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    <quote>But there's not really a need to craft an egg by itself since it's used as a component of other foods and items, which if you set it to craft will automatically make an egg in the process of crafting that item.</quote>
    Ah not so sorry, e.g. will not craft item if egg not in input box. - erm looks like I must have been short on what ever is needed to make eggs, my apologies.

    Right. I made a 3 by 2 mining hv in creative mode - not reforged or eden project. Tested it, smooth boring. Great stuff.
    Jumped into reforged eden project, rep, and issue with blue print. Too many big drills, down from 6 to 4.
    Ok popped back into vanilla creative, changed the hv. Back into survial rep, miner stuck, rock not being taken away.
    Finally dawned on me to dl the rep creative. Popped in, fiddled with miner and yeah you have to have the big drills so close together its silly.
    The 6 normal drills create a tunnel much much wider and taller that it makes using the big drills totally pointless.
    So I won't bother.

    edit. I am guessing the big drills have been changed as part of some re-balancing. I have no issue with that but, I do have an issue with the area of rock excavated, as it required the drills to be set closer together. Since I have a perfectly good miner that uses 6 normal drills I will not pursue making a 4 big drill miner. I am pointing out an issue, so that it can be examined and possibly altered, in order to stop others from experiencing the issue I ran into.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
    Normal69 likes this.
  9. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    My SV's current state even though it's a CPU Tier 3 and I thought I was invincible:
    Message of the day. Don't be cocky.

    (Old photo but I wanted to post this anyways)
    Normal69 likes this.
  10. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Same intention here. :)

    Wanna regrow your forests? (vanilla game feature)
    Just teleport back-and-forth a lot (did it to resupply our forward base)!

  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    But hey, the fuel tanks are still there.
    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.
  12. Xenfall

    Xenfall Ensign

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Hey all, we use this mod on our server and we are relatively new to Empyrion so we had a question about CV and space combat. If the topic is discussed elsewhere, a link to the source would be helpful!

    We just built our first CV, decided to take it for a ride in space. I think we put a shield generator, an artillery turret, and 5 auto canon turrets. Power works great. Seemed awesome.

    it was modified from the New Horizon MK II,

    Long story short we tried to engage a ship in space. Upon engagement a few smaller interceptors spawned. They immediately proceeded to destroy the core and the ship was toast.

    My question is related to best practices with CV on this mod. How should we handle fighting, what is a good “rule” to follow with builds. And, what kind of weapon load outs should we have?

    We want to learn but are having some difficulties figuring out the best approach with CV and Space combat.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Depends on what you're fighting.
    Always make sure your shield is turned on and fully charged before going into combat.
    If you're up against a shielded ship, you're not going to get far without energy weapons like Pulse Laser or Plasma. Cannon and Minigun Turrets deal almost zero damage to a shielded ship and artillery deal reduced damage with normal shells (Use EMP shells to take down a ship's shield).
    Heavier armor is recommended around vital components that are going to be facing the enemy. Missile Turrets, plasma and artillery are best for ship to ship combat (not flak).
    Cannon turrets are good for taking out ground POIs and picking off fast-moving ships at long distance, but not as effective at long range against another CV packing real weapons.

    If you were up against a Polaris or Zirax warship with that ship, you'd probably lose. Especially against a Frigate or Destroyer since they're both significantly larger, have heavier weapons, shields and stronger armor.
    Normal69 likes this.
  14. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    What CV veapon is good against space drones?
    They avoided most cannon and laser shots, and are faster than missiles.
    I've heard flak and minigun turrets are good, because their shell-speeds are faster than others.

    Just a few of them nasty asteroid-guards (which are just teleporting there in groups from nothing) quickly reduced my shields (basic 5000HP one) to 37%, so I had to resort to jump out of my CV presenting them a target, dodging while my ship kept shooting them. (the orange vogon brick above)
    Not fun, only in retrospect. :D

    Thank you!
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Minigun Turrets and Cannon Turrets. Especially the miniguns. Flak, Pulse Laser and Rocket are also effective but may miss.
    The minigun and cannon turrets however, will never miss. Miniguns also deal more damage than the cannon vs drones.
    Normal69 likes this.
  16. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Just popping in to say...I started a RE campaign and man, its a totally different game experience for me. And I am really appreciating all of the work you guys put into this. I didnt realize how "good" i had it in vanilla with mining and resource gathering. The planet I started on taunts me with decent ores, and decent ores in space...but using the hand drill is painful (realistically albeit).

    I love the new enemy stuff...I used to see people complain about drone attacks and didnt see what the issue RE, these suckers come packing with 5 drones at a time! No more "just toss a minigun turret on top and carry on"...Ive actually had to freaking work to defend my stuff. As an odd aside...they seem to really hate my little starter SV. I dont know if there is a "kill the last thing that killed us code" or something, but those suckers will attack my base, ignore me, and hammer away at my little SV.

    I adore the promethium change. While the total amount yeilded may be similar between those nodes and actual voxel based deposits, its much more "realistic" that it (and gold) appear just as all the other ores.

    All in all, I am playing on pretty much medium difficulty, but this play through gives me a far more "urgent" feeling at all times. My base looks like a lego set because I certainly dont have time to sit there and mess with colors at this point because the clock is ticking...those drones are coming back.
    daddychillin, Normal69 and Vermillion like this.
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    A single minigun turret does a decent job if you take manual control of it. One manned minigun turret is equal to 2.5 unmanned ones (both in vanilla and in reforged).
    If you want a really different experience, take an HV or go into zirax territory on foot and hunt the zirax there with a sniper rifle.
  18. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Ground combat in ocean worlds are still my favorite for non-POI busting. Reforge makes them accurate but due to the tree cover if feels like an action movie with all the bullets flying and hitting trees. Intense and fun. Especially if you use the multi-boosts with medium armor to give you some armor and near 1.0 speed.
    Normal69 likes this.
  19. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Thanks for the advice! Ill certainly check it out. I usually let the AI handle the shooting because they tend to see them before I of now. More trees to clear out.

    I think my issue is also that I have never really needed a dedicated mining SV/HV, so I have looked around the workshop for one I think will work. Should speed things up.

    A question though, and again, excuse me because I am not extremely technically minded: I am not a great builder, and have historically relied on the workshop for a few "favorites" I have relied on. If I spawn a CV built for vanilla will the main issues be handling and needing CPU? I can handle perhaps tossing on a few more extenders, but am concerned that Ill waste a bunch of materials on a ship that just plain doesnt work. My real only work around is to make a save right before starting the factory, spawning the ship and testing it.
  20. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    The two biggest CPU hogs in Reforged are turrets and thrusters, which is as it should be. That's the main reason besides RCS that so many workshop builds have Reforged issues. Too many turrets and too many badly placed thrusters.
    Normal69 likes this.

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