Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    Holy shazbot! I just thought I missed something as surely these beauties (deceptively so, they can take a pounding!) were already available somewhere. I had no intentions of making more work for you, at all!. I can only offer my apologies and most sincere thanks for this. And good lord all the rest of your tireless dedication to this game. Salute!
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    List of Reforged Eden and Galaxy Vessels
    Will be linked in the OP.

    Capital Vessels
    UCH-018 Crusader-Class Frigate (Warship)
    FA-060A Impostor (Starter CV)
    FA-059A Crusader (Warship)
    FA-058B Altostratus (Aerial Bomber)
    Hayabusa MKIII (CV Gunship)
    Kujira MKV (CV Carrier)
    Suzume MKIII (CV Explorer)
    MCRN-Draper (Heavy Carrier)
    Skaar-Raider RG (Mobile Base)
    Hyozen-Class Frigate (Missile Frigate)
    Skenya-Class Destroyer (Heavy Destroyer)

    WarHawk T4 Reforged (General)
    Kydex - REFORGED ALK (General)
    Reforged Barge Mk1 (CV Carrier)
    Firefly Reforged - 1.0 "Serenity" (Starter CV)
    CV T2 Reforged (Starter CV)
    IW Tiger RG (Explorer)
    Rachmaninoff Reforged (Mobile Base)
    Reforged Caprica One (Upgradeable Starter CV)

    Small Vessels
    FA-066A Falchion (Light Bomber)
    FA-066B Falchion (Heavy Bomber)
    FA-062 Nighthawk-RGL (Fighter)
    Merc-MX5E (Explorer)
    Atarashi MKIII (Light Assault SV)
    FA-039G Rapier (Light Fighter)
    FA-039H Rapier (Light Fighter)
    UCH-039E Rapier (Light Fighter)
    UCH-038C Gladius (Heavy Fighter)
    FA-038C Gladius (Heavy Fighter)
    Skaar-Sky Runner RG (Medium Carrier)

    Snuse Reforged S+ (Light Bomber)
    IWR Puma (Starter SV)
    Battlestar Galactica Raptor (General)
    NANO CON-ARM (Scout)
    Merc-MX5R (Explorer)
    Rune's Flying Mole (Mining SV)
    Hades ALK 2G-4HRCON (Explorer)
    Digger T2 (Mining SV)
    Striker SV Reforged Mk1 (Assault SV)
    Dirt Devil MSV (Mining SV)
    Reforged Bulldog (Mining SV)
    MCRN Noctis-A (Multi-Role Mining SV)
    MCRN Noctis-B (Multi-Role Mining SV)
    MCRN Panther (Combat SV)
    RNS Viper (Combat+Exploration)

    Hover Vessels
    Maelstrom MKIII (Medium Assault Tank)
    Typhoon MKV (Heavy Assault Tank)
    Roba MKIV (Explorer HV)
    MCRN-Ballista (Heavy Assault Tank)
    FA-020B Bulldog (Mining HV - Game prefab)

    Shrew GCE-RG Mk.3 (Mining HV)
    CHAF Miner (Mining HV)

    No dedicated bases. Most standard bases work that don't have an excessive number of turrets.

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
    Sup, Space Ghost and ravien_ff like this.
  3. Mikiy

    Mikiy Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Nice to see more gorgeous looking ships being converted but how viable are they really anymore.. i noticed that a bunch of the converted cv's ain't even be able to lift of empty anymore from 4g planets even tho they used to do 4g just fine in vanilla.. was that part of the intention when reblancing thrusters?

    I mean don't missunderstand me, i get it that this scenario is about being more challenging and all, but considering you put all the effort into converting those ships to make it also more accessible the changes to thrusters sort of counter your efforts with converting those ships a bit there, unless it was specifically the plan to make 4g planets such a hard obstacle to force people to make specifically dedicated ships to work on those.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2020
    BennieDaBlade likes this.
  4. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    Forgive me, but what is "OP" ?
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Ships previously built for 4G planets simply weren't. They were just ordinary ships with no extra attachments. "This works in 4G planets" just a coincidence of having ridiculously overpowered thrusters. 4G was just a number, with no relation to the physical implications.
    4G is 4x mass. A 25kT mobile base is suddenly 100kT. If the planet has an atmosphere, a lift-based CV could make it work but trying to land a combat steel multi-role isn't going to happen. It's up to the player to use their brain and decide whether it's a good idea or not.
    Send down an SV if you want something on the planet and leave your ship in orbit, like the old pre-A7 days.

    Depending on context: Overpowered or Opening Post.
    Normal69 likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    4G is a lot of gravity. It should take a specialized vessel to navigate it. In the default game however basically almost any CV works just fine in that gravity.
    Normal69 and Vermillion like this.
  7. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Well, let me then tell you about my combat experiences, which are involving a lot of shrieking and mindless fleeing.

    At first, when you are naked and squishy, do not engage drones if you can.
    Dig yourself in, use cover, use your drone for distraction, talk your friend into a suicidal run in multiplayer, whatever it takes be cowardly.

    Planetary drones cannot shoot up (and more or less directly below), so a small SV with even one gatling is the solution: fly above, and rain peashooter-death on them.

    If you absolutely must engage POIs, be prepared that your vehicle will be no more - they outrange you, and their tech is better in all things.
    You still need to be cowardly, and clever.

    We continously tried to take out the Drone Base on the starter planet - last time we were buffed up, but it had better shields than out t4 combat-steel ships, so we quickly (after 4 lenghtly engagements) gave up.
    The only possibble solution would be attrition, shoot and fly away to recharge shields, till it deleptes it's pentaxid reserves, which would be boring.

    There were two solutions.

    We made a small SV with 2 drill lasers and 2 railguns, my friend piloted it underground for full 400 meters digging out a tunnel to the underside along the bedrock, while I smoothed the stalactites away ba a laser hand-drill he would be hooked on. When we reached the bottom of the Dronebase, I went up to my combat ship, and did some half-suicidal flyovers to delepte some percentage of it's shields, while my friend railed the bottom.
    With luck the shield was forced to 0% and luckily the corner of the base was holed, and the core was nearby, so with loud hollering he killed it with rails.
    It was satisfying.

    Our other friend in the faction does a different apoproach:
    He built a small SV which has an almost completely combat armored cockpit and 4 gatling turrets around the nose of the craft, and it gets targeted exclusively.
    A little more to the back of the craft he built a periscope, which holds a railgun, which won't get targeted because the other components in the nose I've mentioned.
    He finds a ditch in the terrain, and he fires with the railgun in 3rd person view over the cover at the POIs turrets.
    If the weather is clear, it's daytime, and the POI has no shields he makes a short work of it.
    he usually draws away any drones before doing it.

    Space combat:
    Cowardliness is your friend again, I was destroyed, maimed, murdered, and mugged a lot of times.
    I usually "buzz" the asteroid I wanna mine first, which means I fly over closely to it at maximum speed, so any drones teleporting in had hard time to begin to chase.
    The little eye icon is bad, they can see and follow you. The exclamation mark [!] is that they are aware the threat, and searching for you.
    If you have a ship which is faster (60m/s can be good, but be the fastest just in case) than the drones, do not stay, they will be spawning in near infinitely - you kill one, two will come.
    You need to lose that eye icon on them, and go by a fast, big circle back to the asteroid you wanted in the first place.
    They will follow till they lose sight of you, and go the way they saw you disappear.

    Exiting the ship is good for preserving it - later you might find and collect it again.
    The tracking missile launcher hand weapon only hits the drones when they are going towards you, as the missiles are a bit slow to catch up with the drones. Good luck to fire at them as they will pepper your spacesuit quickly if you don't move.

    Those were my two cents, but at least they weight 2 metric tons. ;)
    Germanicus and Sup like this.
  8. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    It can also sometimes be "Original Post."
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I wish I could make a poll inside a thread.
    Minor survey: Would people prefer it if HV/SV pulse lasers fired faster for less damage with a higher-pitched sound effect or remained the same as they are now?
    Also, smaller laser beams or the ones currently in use?
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
    ravien_ff likes this.
  10. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Vermillion likes this.
  11. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    746 last night I actually had to break down and "cheat"...finally found my precious Zascosium asteroid...sucked as much of it as I could into my hold, and decided to make a run home. I jump into my home system at the sun and...I am out of pentaxid. I didnt realize how much fuel it took...I left with what I thought was plenty to make 2-4 jumps...but no. SO I try to think my way out of the problem. "If I die, I can respawn at home, toss together a quick warp SV, come back..." so I take off my helmet and walk into space...and death is taking forever. So I fly under a thruster...and after a minute or so I finally burn to death. my shock, I realize I never set my base as a spawn point. So...I am stuck. I pop open the command menu, open up the H menu, and give myself a few crystals. Just enough to jump home.

    It bothered me to have to "cheat"...but I have never liked the "warp to sun" limitation. I kinda see a RP reason for it...long distance jumps need a large target or so forth...but this makes most sense for a system never visited. Not one I have spent a ton of time in and mapped out completely. I figure my ships computer should "know" where it has been.

    So...guys...take it as a lesson...warp costs...a lot...I had plenty of o2/fuel...but no darn crystals.
  12. neil.phillips5

    neil.phillips5 Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Hi, loving the changes to the game, even if it made life very difficult lol.

    Can I ask that you take a look at the traders?
    I would like to be able to sell items to them like the new versions of armour, but the only accept the vanilla types.
    I trade with Polaris, so forgive me if one of the other factions has been configured to trade such items.
    I also have some loot from the Burial? POI, some food, spikey mushrooms or such like.
    Other than eating them I cannot get rid of them, seems a waste, especially early game as we need all the credits we can get our hands on if we are not POI expert fighters :}
    Germanicus likes this.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You can sell medical ingredients and rare food items like the spiky mushroom to medical and medical ingredient traders.
    Traders have too many things to buy and sell atm. I wish the devs would stop half-assing everything and add more official traders that have less stuff so that all the trade stations have different trades.
    Right now the game uses the same 10 or so traders for everywhere, which contain the entirety of the game's tradable items. While I can add more traders to the game (and ravien has), they can only be set in the POI itself.
    If eleon don't put the hour or two it takes to improve their trading system soon, i'll have to damn well do it myself.
  14. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    Can we start a petition/vote system somewhere here so we can all work as collective group to get Vermillion hired by Eleon!?! I mean, REALLY.
  15. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Finally the base attacks got fixed? Or something like that... I got a base attack by the ziraxes, they almost destroyed everything I built on my starter planet. It was fun, really.
    The interesting part is: the base attacks were turned off...
  16. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I'd like to change the Respawn timer for most stuff, especially asteroids, the Planet POI and ore deposits.
    How would I do that? (without having to start a new savegame)
    already set RegeneratePOIs: True in gameoptions and it seems to do something.

    Also what is a good CV to use midgame? I think i can finally build pretty much everyone that doesnt use quantum stuff.
    I have the Suzume MKIII Reforged, and lightly upgraded it, but it just cant lift as much as i'd like.
    Also more guns are more better ;P
    It needs to have
    -T2 Shield and Warp
    -Guns ;P
    -Mining and Salvaging Tools
    -enough Lift to get some Loot from a Plante to my Homebase.
    -Hangar for mining SV and a HV-Harvester - more Room to fit a Tank too would be nice.

    The CV I looked at are (in cronological order):
    Rachmaninoff Reforged
    Kujira MKV Reforged
    CV_Ares_L25RF (Reforged)

    PS: my Homebase is a Spacestation made of concrete right next to the trading station at the alpha sun.
    It has so much solar power i can run everything including teleporter all the time ;D
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    in the playfield files, you'll see:
                - Key: RegenAfter
                  Value: 720   
    That is a timer in minutes. You can change that to whatever you want, but you'll have to do it in every playfield file that you want to change (a find and replace all can be used).
    me777 likes this.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    My personal recommendation for a mid-game CV would be the Crusader. It doesn't have mining equipment, but in my current game i've switched out one of the cargo controllers for a harvest controller and added a drill turret to the rear, along with 2 Improved Extenders for the drill turret and more weapons better suited for anti-interceptor combat.
    me777 and ravien_ff like this.
  19. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    The Crusader is nice, it's built for reforged and not adapted, right?
    What kind of Weapons would I add? (almost used the first extender with 2 tool turrets I placed, but there is still room for more extenders)

    I already started to rip it apart to see how it is constructed >;P
    In the back where the mess is looks like a nice spot for a farm ;) (still have to figure out the reason for the few hardened steel floor blocks there between the coomposite)
    And there are way more beds (and showers and toilets) than I need.

    But 1 thing I dont understand is why is the pentaxid tank next to the constructor, and not placed with the warpdrive? It's radioactive, so it should be locked away, no?
    (Also a bit much deco consoles for my taste)
  20. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Vermillion, great work on this. I'm doing some tweaks to suit my group's play style. I'm pretty advanced with the configs, and I get the relationship between item_config and template, - but how/where did you make those slow, tracking, long-range rockets that get fired from POIs?

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