Why thank you. If you don't mind my asking, what do you use to make these? I'm adept with 3d Studio Max, I just haven't had time to play "make blocks" or "Export as .GIF" in a long while.
Cinema 4D for modeling and rendering. Photoshop to combine the rendered frames into an animated .gif
I posted that block shape and its mirror as an animated 3D render and wireframe in this post dated Dec 26, 2019: https://empyriononline.com/threads/...d-structural-devices.76917/page-5#post-381812
I'd like a version of Corner A with the split on the other diagonal. It would allow us to do longer 45 degree half-block ridges, which look wrong with Corner A (see ridgeline in structure at back of image)
My post relating to that shape and a few more in the other thread: empyriononline.com/threads/wishlist-building-blocks-and-structural-devices.76917/page-6#post-383730
I figured it had been requested before. There were too many request threads and pages to dig through!
Guten Morgen. ist es möglich animierte Texturen erstellen, welche dann auf die verschiedenen Blöcke gemalt werden könne wie die normalen Texturen? Ich denke da an Cockpits oder Computerbildschirme/Displays. translated with Google Good Morning. is it possible to create animated textures, which can then be painted on the different blocks like the normal textures? I am thinking of cockpits or computer screens / displays.
YES!! Animated would be great, but even static, emissive textures of instrument panels and computer screens would be lovely.
Let's not limit it to CVs. Larger SV/HV builds and even bases can be enhanced by the suggested textures/blocks.
more seriously how about -- -- a medical crewman you could add which when talked to accesses the medical part of the help page -- an astroation officer you could add which when talked to accessed the planetary and galaxy maps.. -- a gunner that could give access to the ammunition data -- a logistics officer that could help you refill your ammunition -- a communications officer that you could access station services through - if you talked to -- and of course aceess to Alternate point of view devices (cameras) i can fit outside the ship - for parking and outside view -- ie not new content but more lore friendly alternate extra ways to access information on your bridge... and customise a crew. -- more complexly .. allow acess to numbers like height, planetray distance - shield etc so we can make our own lcd displays possibly wityh a few if/then statement -- or alarm on/off light that can be ligted if they fall outside certain ranges. - and obviously a programable danger klaxon --- though admitedly for SVs - i prefer to run less interface so i can atually see what's going on.
ok ... i meant astrogation ... uuhm think it used to be used in ye olde sci-fi books (probably short for astro-navigation methinks ---- verily so) (and was in wookipedia as well ) Define astrogation. astrogation synonyms, astrogation pronunciation, astrogation translation, English dictionary definition of astrogation. intr.v. as·tro·gat·ed , as·tro·gat·ing , as·tro·gates To navigate a spacecraft. as′tro·ga′tion n.
"Forbidden Planet", 1954. One of my favorite movies. In fact, I just watched it again two days ago. Never let it pass without a watch besides owning the DVD.
and starring leslie neilson in his 20s!! so wierd when your used to seeing him decades older. [beware monsters from the id]