obviously they should disappear, hence the reason for the post... When they don't "disappear" how do I get rid of them.
Console commands di … Show/hide additional debug information Look at the drone to get its ID number. destroy ###### … Destroys an entity or a structure [Moderator]
For the debug information command (di) you do not need Admin Rights. But for the destroy command, Yes you do, but the first post specifically stated the following:
To be clear it is the RED MARKER on the MAP not the actual drone, the drone marker that is left on the maps that I want to get rid of
I have no idea what you mean by DRONE MARKER, and BTW putting it in red caps does not make us understand it better.
I think what you are experiencing is a Bug. Double check the ents -full list to be sure the drones are actually gone on the playfield and not just invisible. The red dots have always disappeared whenever I destroy drones with the console command. I think he means the red dots on the Minimap.
By the title and his post #9 you should be able to understand what he means. I'll make it easy for you though: When he shoots drones down the drones despawn but the red marker on the map stay. I've never had this problem and agree with @jesterjunk that it is a bug.
So does he mean like the waypoint thing? if so I totally understand what he means then. Thank you Spoon.
Drones show up as 'red dots' on the map. It looks like these are not being removed when the drone despawns.
Sometimes they are just stuck underground. I had this happen once when we started our server on a12. Went into god mode, and went underground, and low and behold there it was sitting at the base of the heightmap. removed the entity, and the dot went away.
I have seen this also, where they are stuck in the ground, but the OP is implying in the title that they have destroyed the drone, but the marker stays.
The red marker is up in the air, 3 of them, 100's of feet up in the air. Where (which) can I edit the file that keeps this info?