Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Would take me a grand total of 10 seconds to realize the best way to handle that POI would be to blast it until the only hope for salvage is going to be the blocks used to make the floor.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Video of the handheld weapon sound and visual effects

    After reviewing the video, i've change the Anti-Tank Rifle's sound effect for something louder and decidedly unfriendlier.
    Want to do something with the Epic shotgun too, but there's not a wide selection of shotgun effects.
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Which files do I need to add to my current Project Eden scenario to get those weapons?
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Well, you'd need to add the entire Reforged Galaxy to the Project Eden scenario, or just subscribe to the Reforged Eden scenario.
    Since the configs are interconnected, you can't just add one file.
  5. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I noticed that I may be have the weapons but it crippled the jet thrusters and the generators of the SV I want to use.

    I suppose there is no way to have the weapons without the crippled thrusters without further editing the config.ecf myself.

    Thank you for the reply.
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Ah yes, the MCRN Interceptor. That was one of the ones I tried to update to RG and gave up. It's all visuals and nothing else.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    What is the purpose to alter the default values of the thrusters in the first place then? Why the ships have to be rebuild in reforged versions? Or is it the hull blocks the culprit?

    I play without Mass/Volume and without CPU active. I want to use the weapons the containers' loot, trader etc configs, BUT I DO NOT WANT MY SHIPS THRUST CRIPPLED. Your thrusters re-balance nerfed them.

    Any way to achieve this? :)
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The problem is that the flight model's balancing was a mess to begin with.
    Anything above the Jet-Ms was unusable due to insane CPU usage, power and thrust output. No SV in the history of the game requires 7.2MN of thrust from a single thruster, while S and M thrusters could do everything and no one touched the T2's.
    Block mass was a secondary issue in that SV blocks weighed almost nothing compared to the thrust output of even basic thrusters.

    The resulting ships from the terrible balancing was NOT a spaceship flying game, it was a drone-flying game. Ships moved on all axis at lightning speeds and could turn on a dime. Players building X-Wings and Vipers were flying them like helicopters. Combat was/is handled not by flying a ship against an enemy, but by cheating the AI's dumbass targeting.
    That's not even counting the joke that's CV combat.

    Reforged Galaxy doesn't cripple your ships, it fixes them. If flying a ship that handles like an aircraft instead of a drone is crippling: This is the wrong mod for you.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
  9. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Thank you.
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The next update will include an option in the Config.ecf that will let you revert one aspect of the SV shiphandling. It won't "decripple" your ships but they will move faster.
  11. Hippyjrr

    Hippyjrr Ensign

    Sep 26, 2020
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    Is there a way to get this to work with nitrado? i almost get it to work but the itemconfig file produces a error with nitrado
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    No idea.
    All i've heard of Nitrado is bad.
  13. Hippyjrr

    Hippyjrr Ensign

    Sep 26, 2020
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    yea but it was cheap for a month. 5.20 lol. my pc cant handle hosting a server and playing on it at the same time
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy V1.1-57

    • Fixed a bug with space drone drops dropping alien plasma blasters instead of plasma blaster ammo.
    • Increased entity damage of CV/BA Missiles and Flak against drones.
    • Modulated ground troop damage vs shields so they don't kill CV shields at close range so fast.
    • Reduced weapon's range of Rocket and Sniper Zirax to detection limits.
    • Returned shield damage values of Interceptors and other laser-using space drones to their previous, lower values.
    • Reduced block volume of Large Container Extenders by half (How big they are in your inventory, not how much they hold).
    • Increased Flak Turret damage against space drones and their projectile speeds in space.
    • Reduced most Space Drone's HP by 5000. At least until their reactivity to being alerted is fixed/turned down.
    • Reduced HP of Overseers, Coordinators, Infiltrators, Renegades and Abominations slightly.
    • Removed Flares from the tech tree. They're worth less than an SV light, which you don't need to unlock.
    • Increased Warp Distance of the CV Warp Drive to 30 LY.
    • Increased the Warp Distance of the Advanced Warp Drive to 60 LY.
    • Fixed Autominer yield of pentaxid and other ores following the increase of yield from mining.
    • Fixed the ambient radiation emission of Pentaxid Ore from 0.2 to 20
    • Changed the names of the newer weapons with more identifiable and consistent names. (Submachine Gun, Advanced Submachine Gun, Advanced Minigun, Tactical Stealth Rifle, etc...)
    • Added new Zirax T4 ships (Kamirat-Class Battlecarrier) in both Epsilon and Xenu colors.
    • Reduced long-ranged zirax's approach distances and detection to ensure they move to within render range of the player.
    • Reduced movement speed of Zirax Snipers.
    • Reworked visual and sound effects of zirax weapons to remove the mute sound between shots (i'm sure I already fixed this...)
    • Added new options to the Config.ecf for Hardcore FPS Combat.
    • Added new options to the Config.ecf for Lighter SV Handling (Boooo...)
    • Minor adjustment to visual firing effects of Minigun weapons (Handheld and Fixed).
    • Changed Anti-Tank Rifle's sound effects for something... louder.
    • Changed the Plasma Rifle so it's less like the Laser Rifle. Uses a new plasma muzzleflash with a slower rate of fire, but double damage. So it's the same DPM, but higher single shot.
    • Added HP values to the Armor Locker and Medical Devices which were still operating off the vanilla material HP values (50 hp).
    • Zirax Warship Turrets can now be retrieved whole. This does not apply to ones on bases, only on dedicated warships (Sunat, Periat, Imerat, Kamirat and Tovera-class ships).
    • Zirax Turret Ammunition can be bought via station services. Zirax turrets are CV turrets that work in atmo.
    • Reduced charge capacity of laser cells on ships to 50. Reduced reload time to compensate.
    • Replaced the 110mm rockets used in the CV Heavy Rocket Launcher with it's own dedicated ammunition.
    • The Heavy Rocket Launcher for CVs can now fire faster (it was already an automatic weapon) and be used in atmosphere with RMB with reduced performance.
    • Increased shield recharge speed of all shield generators.
    • Reduced shield damage of Zirax EMP Turrets and Laser Turrets.
    • Reduced Radius of Filler Mode of Drill due to complaints that it's too big.
    • Reduced CPU Consumption of CV Heavy Rocket Launcher to 25,000 CPU from 30,000.
    • Added T2 SV Shield Generator.
    • Added T2 HV/SV Generator.
    • Increased impact and blast damage of SV bombs.
    • Boosted detection of Combat Detection (Detector RMB)
    • Increased the amount of Torque provided by Improved Large Jet Thruster MK2s.
    • Reduced mass of SV windows and armored windows slightly.
    • Reduced the speed of zirax homing missiles by 10m/s in space.
    • Added new Zirax and Polaris Fleet Engagements when attacking a high-value space POI. You can obtain quantum extenders by disabling the entire fleet.
    • Fixed a bug with the handheld mechanical drill being in the old drill mode instead of the new one.
    • Added Bomb Launcher to the Bomber Drone's loot list instead of the Rocket Launcher it has by default.
    • Overhauled Base Attack Rocket Drone behaviour, reduced their new hp and marveled at my handiwork. It's awesome... (Please Test)
    • Added a new light bomber drone to base attacks.
    • Added sound effects to human and alien troopers.
    • Increased mining radius and speed of ship-mounted drills.
    • Increased projectile speed of handheld homing rockets.
    • Increased yield of Nitrocellulous from plant fibers from 20 to 32.
    • Halved interceptor damage vs SV armor.
    • A variety of minor buffs to tools and weapons (pulse rifle, shotgun, tool turret, bombs, etc...)
    • Fixed a combat exploit if the player enables CV weapons on planets.

    As always, update your localization from the opening post of this thread.
    Same as last time, the Prefabs added for this scenario are in the Prefabs folder inside the zip for manual installers and some servers.

    New Content:
    SV T2 Shield Generator:
    Upgrades from the regular SV shield generator; Stronger and recharges faster, but consumes more pentaxid to charge.
    HV/SV T3 Generator: 3x1x1 generator for HV/SV that's more CPU efficient than an equivalent number of smaller generators.

    Config Option: Lighter SVs - Reduces the mass of armor blocks on SVs to make them unnaturally maneuverable again. Not recommended.
    Config Option: Hardcore FPS (ARMA mode) - Increases damage of enemies and greatly reduces their hitpoints. You'll be able to drop enemies with a couple of shots instead of an entire clip. Of course, the AI will do the same to you now.

    Fleet Engagements: These will only happen in defense of valuable space POIs that call for help. Normally, only one fleet will appear with no other ships... because you'll be engaging a formation of mid-lower level ships. Fleets contain 6-10 extra ultra rare containers and a Quantum loot container, but getting them is tricky and requires skill and patience. If you get overzealous, you'll lose it all.
    Fleets currently include: Epsilon Battlefleet, Xenu Battlefleet and the Polaris Security Force.
    19 Isocoherence_2020-09-27_16-06-15.png 19 Isocoherence_2020-09-27_16-06-24.png 19 Isocoherence_2020-09-27_16-06-37.png

    Rocket Siege (Base Attack) Drones: These guys have gotten a tactical AI upgrade. They're not as damaging as the regular ones, but their agility and behavior makes them legendary in drawing out a base attack and distracting your turrets from taking down the troop transports or minigun siege drones approaching from the other side.
    Rocket Siege Drones now have considerably less HP, they're not as accurate or do as much damage. But their evasive capabilities will want you upgrading your base turrets to flak and rocket. They maneuver like fighters and launch a pair of rockets at your base on each flyby.
    Handheld homing rockets are the best to deal with these guys if you have them, a single rocket should do the job. Which is also the case for Interceptors and other space drones if you're in space without a ship.

    This particular size of base attack is unlikely to happen normally, so don't expect to be fighting 4 rocket drones, 5 minigun and 3 transports. More like 1:2:1.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
    Wellingtoon, Alhira_K and ravien_ff like this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That's quite an update! Awesome.
    Vermillion likes this.
  16. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I'll be coming back to this when my current play through has bored me. I am in vanilla because sometimes I just need a breather...and to be honest, I suck at ship building so I am heavily reliant on the workshop. But I was thrilled to see you doing so much work in bringing some of the more popular ships in the workshop to be Reforged compliant.

    While I fully understand that Eleon has to be pretty controlled in some of their changes and updates and so forth, I am baffled that they havent adopted some of the more basic changes you have deployed. You sound upgrades are stellar, the weapons diversity is awesome, and the mining/resource gathering changes are much more engaging. And as you mentioned the flight space it doesnt bother me as much when a fighter moves more like a helicopter as there is no drag and so forth...but in atmosphere I prefer the flight model where ships need to actually "fly"...not just bounce around.

    You and Ravien do strong work, and I absolutely appreciate all of the time and work you put into this game. But on top of that, making it available for others to enjoy as well.
    ravien_ff, Wellingtoon and Vermillion like this.
  17. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Nice update. Why do T1 and T2 cv warp drive have the same warp range now?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2020
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Oops, that's a Typo.
    Warp Drive is 30 LY, Advanced Warp Drive is 60 LY.
    Wellingtoon and ravien_ff like this.
  19. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    What do you mean by that?
    Those fleet look pretty deadly, do you mean that the player better be patient and take those ships one at the time (SP) instead of trying to fight them all?
    Like hit and run in space?
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    They're classed as a Space Defense System ship. Which means if you destroy the core, the ship self-destructs after a couple of minutes and you lose the loot.

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