What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Can anyone tell me where the explanation of cargo containers are.
    I can't understand
    container controllers
    and container extensions. They don't seem to have any effect, I just don't get it!

    It's in the release notes for the alpha version somewhere I'm sure but I never got a chance to read them and now I don't remember which version they came out in.
  2. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Is it possible for you and all posters to place a link to each Steam workshop link for the ships?
    I see lots of great builds here in this thread but often, the information overload is too much and I can't find them in the workshop :confused:

    Robot Shark likes this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    A 'link' to his Workshop is in his signature;)
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    That is Waaaaaaaayyyyy back...A9.4:

    Containers have a given/fixed Volume
    Container Controllers AND Extensions have 8000 Volume each. One Container Controller(CC) PLUS up to 39 Extenders (CE) allow you to increase the Volume to 320k Volume for Bases and Capital Vessel
    for HV/SV the CC/CE has 125 Volume. Max Size of those is 32.000 Volume or 1 CE and 255 CC.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2020
    dpburke2, Kassonnade and DuLux like this.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Many of these "container" items are maked as "obsolete - do not delete" in the configs. Not sure if they will get new models/ textures or simply be removed, but it seems to me that since the container extenders only have 1 flavor it doesn't make them cool for transport vessels. Their only advantage is that they are 1x1 block, but that's it. All that for the sake of satisfying a bunch of players that wanted "logistics" and "automation" because X other game had these... and most of these players were not impressed by the features and they're not even here anymore.

    I would rather skip the CC and CE altogether and just mod the normal containers so they have equivalent volume capacity with the CC and CE.
    DuLux likes this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    That might be the case with the CC/CE but let us not forget that those CC/CE's are able to be shaped into ...up to 30 shapes like building Blocks. Downside is the limited number of Textures available.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Yeah possibly because I'm just going through a brain malfunction recently and can't think very well, I still haven't managed to make the CEs actually extend the container. I'll give it another try.

    You probably know this one: The market place in the Polaris POI on the solo mission first planet... well Im sure those marketplaces are all over the galaxy.
    Do you know if I put something up for sale, does the game set up a purchase if its a good price or something? Or is marketplace for MP only?
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Although it's a nice attention from the developers, I think it's even worse regarding immersion. And it also seems contrary to the idea of "realism" that was used behind the need for "volume control" and "limitations" as all shapes share the same "volume" :


    So even a small corner contains the same as a full cube. That is even less "realistic" than the simple system we had before.


    @DuLux : I can't help you there, as I don't play on MP servers, and I don't use traders in solo. I'm not even working on playfield customisation nowadays, as I reached a "plateau" where there's nothing more I can do until some features get fixed or completed.

    From the top of the TraderConfig.ecf file :

    # Trader configuration file
    # For each Item please specify the data as follows. Instead of a range you may specify a single value only.
    # The buying section is optional, if not given the trader will not buy that item
    # Item name, sell price range, available stock range[, buy price range, max stock range]
    # If the trader also buys an item (and thus, max stock is given) the original prices determined within the given ranges are used
    # if the trader's current stock is exactly half of max stock. If the trader has more items in stock, the prices goes down and vice versa.
    # If the trader only sells an item the price will not depend on the stock.
    # NOTE: - The buy price range is allowed to overlap with the sell price range, the trader will still check that he sells for a higher
    # price than he buys (guaranteed spread is 5%).
    # - You can specify a factor to the market price
    # Item1: "AutoMinerCore, mf=2.5-3.2, 1-5, mf=1.2-2.3, 5-10"

    DuLux likes this.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I have a link to my workshop in my signature.
    If you tell me which one of the 12 ships from my last post interested you I will post a direct link to it.
    DuLux likes this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @Kassonnade Huh?
    Quote: So even a small corner contains the same as a full cube
    You are reading the wrong line with block INSIDE Volume. The first picture shows 125 Volume CAPACITY while the second Picture 23,4 Volume CAPACITY. And so they do indeed.
    The volume in Space/Air around them the still fill all the same. But that is the same as for Steel or Concrete Blocks.
    dpburke2, DuLux and Kassonnade like this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Place down the CC and attach all the extenders. Leave a ONE BLOCK SPACE between the different Containers if you put down several. You can use as much Extenders you want if you use the shapes. I don't know if this already in the Vanilla Game but you have to place the Extenders ONE by ONE (there was an Exploit so the Method to put down rows was removed).
    DuLux likes this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Oh... damn...


    I still hate logistics...

    Love Is Flash, DuLux and Germanicus like this.
  13. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Often stuff posted in this thread is just literally what we are messing with right now and thus not published and indeed may never be published because its an experiment, or seemed like a good idea at the time, but can never be finished for some reason or other :)
    dpburke2 and DuLux like this.
  14. muggen

    muggen Ensign

    Oct 24, 2020
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    Lol... and the rest of the readers are looking with mouths gaped at how good it looks.
    "Uh.. im using an, almost, flying cube.. your "unfinished" project is like sight for a blind man"
    Sup, dpburke2 and DuLux like this.
  15. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    These two are specifically the ones although I'm checking out your workshop now
    Sup, dpburke2 and Robot Shark like this.
  16. DuLux

    DuLux Captain

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I've been out of the game for a while so I'm hoping to get some updates in a safe place.

    1. Does anyone use Discords for their empyrion technical questions.
    2. Does anyone use Slack for empyrion stuff
    3. How many of you love/feel some way about the solo missing story so far? I just did the moon mission (first time in this iteration v12+). I'm very glad its expanding and getting more intricate. It's getting more intricate right?
    4. Who here knows of a tutorial on managing blueprints. I'm always overwhelmed and find myself getting more confused these days in general so I can't remember much about how to trim it down.
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    dpburke2 likes this.
  18. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    The starter planet on my PE mulitplayer game proved to be pretty darn hard, but after a bit of struggle I was able to finally build a decent starter CV, get out of the starter system, and into neutral space. Only to find that "neutral space" in Project Eden aint really all that Neutral after all. I still dodge Zirax dreadnoughts and patrols with shocking constancy. I also seemed to struggle with a lot of lag issues, so assaulting POIs wasnt much of an option early on. But finally, recently, the lag has improved and I have been able to clear some small zirax POIs.

    Needing more wood, I searched for and found an alien planet. As I scouted, I found that this planet has (so far) at least 4 Abandoned POIs. So yesterday I decided to take on the Abandoned Assembly Yard. Which, is not an easy one to tackle. Gear wise, I went in with just enhanced light armor, a T2 shotgun, and what I thought was enough meds. After a few frustrating hours of retrieving my backpack I finally popped the core.

    I now am sporting T2 weapons, and heavy armor, but still nothing "epic" which I believe has been made more rare in the Project eden/Reforged worlds. I should have placed me own core to maximize salvage, but after so many hours of death and frustration, I just want some goodies and to retreat and lick my wounds. I am nearly completely out of meds and food. I literally finished the POI with 1 health kit left and 2 bandages. Pretty much any "status effect" I received meant a slow death.

    When I logged off last night I had retreated to a quieter part of the planet (and by quiet I mean my ship only had to expend 200-300 rounds clearing ground critters before silenced). I need to now concentrate on getting my food situation in order, finding the balance of stuff to grow to make ration packs, and then looking to find a "home" or building a more combat oriented CV.
    dpburke2 and DuLux like this.
  19. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I haven't played much in the last week or so but, played a bit of survival again. I went over to the Polaris trade station in orbit to trade some stuff, came up short on cash so I quickly teleported back to base to grab some more pentaxid to sell. And when I wanted to teleport back, I found that my rep with Polaris was not enough to teleport to their station.

    So there I was, stuck on the planet with my ship at the station. I suppose I'll have to use another SV to go pick it up. Thank the Lord for SV-SV docking! There would have been no other way to retrieve it.

    I messed around in creative as well, doing some work on blueprints. I guess I can start uploading stuff for a change since DuLux also pointed out the lack of stuff shown here actually being on the workshop. I also built a new battleship/carrier and almost finished with it. I don't really know how to class it, it was built as a carrier but, since you cannot actually use carriers in Empyrion, it is also decently armoured with the full range of weaponry. "Assault carrier" maybe?
    dpburke2 likes this.
  20. muggen

    muggen Ensign

    Oct 24, 2020
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    This thread is so addicting to read. There are many posters that write the "story of their life" in empyrion, and they write it very eloquently as well.

    Big kudos to all the posters.

    Since I enjoy reading of others exploits, others big and small, I figured why not write a mini ... I'd say update, but I've never started.

    So, for me, as of late, I currently have I guess 4 games on the go. I play with a friend on our local multi player RE server, I have a RE game started on my laptop, and I have 2 games on my computer- 1 RE and 1 Vanilla without weights/CPU.

    I really enjoy the ease of the vanilla game, and feel like I'm at the "pre end game" stage.
    I have a couple cvs, a couple bases, a space base, and a teleportation network, through the space base and the few small bases that house my auto miners.
    In this iteration, I almost have my "pre endgame assault cv" to blast me through the zrx empire. It should be aptly capable of taking a dreadnought out, if the thing doesn't dance out of my shots too terribly, and should obviously then be capable of attacking my way onto the zrx homeworld. This is one of my goals, take the homeworld as my own, and clear its local system of zrx.

    Afterwards, I will upgrade that assault cv to its pre-altered state, or even further upgrade it, depending on if I get much xeno.
    With the upgrade, I will have an end game CV! And I can then fight into Legacy space, and conquer their homeworld!!

    And.. somewhere in there i should actually do the missions.. I've got quite a few days in this game, and I'm still supposed to be meeting with the "bar owner"(?) In my starter system.

    Since I'm at a wall of text anyway, why not leave with some questions.

    Is it me, or do the other non-artists, also play the game a bit, then spend hours in creative messing with other people's creations?

    Eg. While playing, looking for more materials for that assault cv I'm building, I was terrorizing some smaller zrx ships and came across "The Albatross".
    Like it, love it, have use or no use for it.. that is one beautiful ship!! I wish I knew who built it.
    Seriously.. I wish.
    I disabled it rather quickly by taking out the generators, then haphazardly ran around looking for the core for a bit...
    Then, Murphy's law, I hear my ship firing.. some attack frigate comes in.

    No problem, my attempt at an end game assault ship(box) ,that i named "the fist", is up to the task for sure. So I jump in and disable the frigate... during which, a dreadnought appears!
    NO! No no no!


    I pull the dreadnought away, and fly back to... the now flying frigate?.. that then becomes disabled when I get to within 3km of it??
    -later question, I guess.
    So, dreadnought is away, I can get the core now and fly this beautiful, fully intact ship.
    -fyi, when I first played, you used to be able to just core and fly a ship.
    --further fyi, this was just a regular ship, that ended up having illegal plants.

    Damn, I finally find the core, and am about to place my own, when that damn dreadnought flies back...
    Drag him away again..
    This time, i have a plan first. I threw the core down, and quickly saved the ship blueprint.

    So, back to the question at hand, about spending hours in creative to "play the game" lol
    I spawned the Albatross, took out the plants, and fixed the hole to the generators that I made. Now I have it, and all of the ship is legal.

    Do you all do the same? Find some reason to not play the game, but "set things up" in creative ALL THE TIME?

    ;) cheers.
    dpburke2, Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.

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